Yikes...that is a sad, sad state of affairs.

It's nice that this thread was brought back to life....Yee haa!!!
salut kicky, mon chéri.
je ne parle pas ca langue, mais ce n'est pas important. toi, tu est important. et notre amour, d'accord. eh, qui as le temps pour l'amour, il suffice que tu va venir ici tout de suite!
Hey, I'm the one who "perked" this thread back up. Why salute Kicky?
dagmaraka wrote:salut kicky, mon chéri.
je ne parle pas ca langue, mais ce n'est pas important. toi, tu est important. et notre amour, d'accord. eh, qui as le temps pour l'amour, il suffice que tu va venir ici tout de suite!
If that means "Come and get it", I'm on my way!
cjhsa wrote:Hey, I'm the one who "perked" this thread back up. Why salute Kicky?
I was hoping someone would salute me....if ya know what I mean.
Bella, why don't you come over and hang out on my huge deck?
!!!! Hang out on your huge d... oh, wait, you said DECK.... Oops....
I contacted the organiser of this survey, and asked why there was no measurement of British males.
Apparently, their ruler only went up to twelve inches.
cjhsa wrote:Bella, why don't you come over and hang out on my huge deck?
Everybody comes when you have a big deck..
Haha, this thread is priceless.
One time, there was a nail gun incident, and I pierced my deck.
Oh! Could you fix it to the point that's workable again?
I had mine refinished and waterproofed last season.
I had a really cool deck extender installed. All I have to do is push a button and it gets even bigger.
Just the other day I had my daughters friends over to plan a surprise party and we all ended up having a great timne on my deck.
Sounds like y'all are the right passengers for our luuuurve bus! Hop aboard!
We do need more decks for our campaign.. Apply within!
I need an extra seat just to hold my deck. I don't go anywhere without it.