Montana, Joe,
Okay you guys, take a pill each. Both of your predispositions are shining so brightly it is difficult for me to see your reactions to
this debate.
That's not to say I don't have predispositions of my own; they just don't seem as overshadowing (to me). Perhaps because I'm not as interested in electing or dispelling either candidate as you are.
Montana, dear, I'll start with you. :wink:
Montana wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:They both sounded real good tonight, but I think Bush landed the harder more effective blows. Kerry got a little winded there in the middle and forgot to check his cadence
which is very bad for him. Bush still doesn't look nearly as smart, but he seems to be more honest. I think that will sway more people. Gotta give this one to Bush.
Sorry Bill, but this made me laugh out loud. I don't see what you're seeing and when you say "Bush seems to be more honest", that just cracks me up. I've never seen a president lie as much as Bush has and I simply can't see honesty and him having anything in common.
See, this is where you lost track of the context of what you quoted. My "Bush seems to be more honest" comment is a guess at how someone who doesn't follow politics would view them, from last night's performance alone. I believe a significant portion of "undecided" are people who don't know much about the men. The opinions of many well-informed folks like you and Joe, as you've clearly proven in your responses, were not swayable. Look around the board and you will see the majority of people, from both sides of the fence saw
their candidate as the winner. I didn't say Bush was honest... I said he appeared that way. Stubborn, resolute to a fault, avoiding questions that he doesn't want to answer, and yes, even stupidity can be interpreted as more honest... Especially when he's up against the answer-man, who can be all things to all people, has a decent-to-excellent answer ready for most questions and can state that he never changed his position on Iraq with the same conviction that he says he loves his children. Effortlessly spitting out facts and figures, while impressive to the choir, may further alienate the terminally ill-informed and the retention-challenged. Think about 2 car salesman:
One a down-home type who says things like it aint perfect but it sure runs good, don't it?
The other effortlessly spits out facts and figures while doing a splendid job of describing why it is the perfect automobile.
Which one would strike the average bloke as more honest... and which one might he find a bit intimidating?
Now, it's only my opinion... but I think the hardest punch landed in this fight was Bush's reminder that the Senator voted against Gulf War 1. His timing on that one was impeccable.
When I said "Kerry got a little winded there in the middle and forgot to check his cadence"; I was referring to his snobby Senatorial tone that he's done such a masterful job of masking better and better with each performance. When he takes a hard shot, it seems to slip out... and while it has nothing to do with his leadership skills, it's still like scratching the chalkboard to a lot of us Midwesterners.
One more thing about honesty. When a stupid person makes a mental mistake, it will usually be described as an honest mistake. When a smart person makes a mental mistake, aren't you quicker to think he's lying?
Politics is perception.
The second hardest blow of the night, just IMO, was when the men were asked what they learned from their wives. Bush answered first, solid, got a couple of laughs in before Kerry could respond. Then, when he did answer; his answer, inevitably brought up images of his wife. Tactless wealthy hag Vs. well spoken lady...
It's little wonder why the usually slower of the two men got off first and with better seemingly more spontaneous answers.
This was in the late rounds of the fight... perhaps Bush's moderating friend placed it there on purpose?
Joe, we could argue about Clinton till the cows come home and never reach common ground. He is without question, IMO, the best politician we seen speak this campaign season
but that don't make him the best man. I still believe Whitewater was side-tracked by the more sensational Monica ordeal
and frankly I suspect the Clinton's leaked Monica so it would be. I'm not interested in debating that debacle at this time.
My point was; had my assessment been correct, and 2/3rds (or so) of Ross Perot's votes went to Bush, Clinton would never have become President. Whitewater and the bimbo parade, regardless of merit, would have prevented his name from being on a second ticket. With all his charisma, the Democrats were not going to field a man with all his baggage twice (baggage= perception that he: draft dodger, didn't inhale, womanizer, possible crook, couldn't even get re-elected governor in his home state etc. etc. etc.) He simply wasn't the kind of man who gets more than one shot.
As for your assessment of Bush's performance during the debate, I didn't think Bush was as bad as you, but certainly not as shiny as Kerry. If you look just above you'll see
my newest perception; Nut Vs. Yes-man. Nothing illustrated this more clearly than that faith question. Bush looked like a nut, and Kerry looked like he was lying. I believe the people will pick the nut over the liar.