He's been doing that. I think he saw Clinton do it effectively at the convention.
Kerry BETTER call him on the 98 times thing this time... he's let it slide so often.
Also on how much new spending it will really be... BUSH's green eye shades say that, more objective ones don't.
Aw, new question, dammit...
What is with the freaky closeups? In out in out in out...
Wha? It wasn't a touchdown, it was more lies. Grr. ("raising taxes 98 times" + whatever trillion in spending...)
Hmm Cheney did the same thing - asked what he would say to a man who lost his job, he too immediately shifted the discussion to education instead.
I liked how he called Bush on it and I liked Tony Soprano.
Look him in the eye... that was good.
Hey Nimh, I scored the same as you on Gus's newest funny thread... btw, did you read the last few pages of it?
I liked how he went all afer Bush about the deficit - and the Soprano joke was cute. But OTOH its a pity that he didnt talk straight to that unemployed worker like the moderator asked him to - cause Bush hadnt done that with much feeling either, so he could have scored there.
Ted Kennedy is the conservative Senator from Massachusetts!
yeh that went past again huh ...
i liked the "i voted 600 times to cut taxes" tho
Please knock this out of the park please please please...
nonono dont defend it as a gay rights issue - i mean, thats nice, but not smart - defend it as a STATES rights issue!
I like how he's getting god in there (not personally, but as strategy)
nope not strong enough. damn.