maxdancona wrote:I didn't use the word genocide. I used the word "ethnic cleansing" and I very carefully defined it.
Israel is not engaging in ethnic cleansing. Nor does Israel plan to engage in ethnic cleansing.
maxdancona wrote:Assuming there is no two state solution possible, Israel has three choices.
A two-state solution is very possible. It just isn't going to be based on 1967 borders. Most likely, Israel is going to annex everything west of the Security Fence, and the Palestinian State is going to be confined to Area A alone.
maxdancona wrote:Oralloy has made it clear that he wants to expel them
I clearly and repeatedly suggested a course of action that did not involve expelling anyone.
I did say the Palestinians deserve to be expelled and I'd love to see them get what they deserve, but it is far from the course of action that I am recommending.
maxdancona wrote:(or "kill" them if they stand in the way... his words not mine).
Yes. When Nazis stand in the way of the good guys, the good guys should have their military kill said Nazis until resistance collapses. For a good example of this in action, see World War II.
maxdancona wrote:The original idea was a two-state solution. The expanded settlements are making this impossible.
Specifically you mean a two-state solution based on 1967 borders.
And no. Settlements are not even remotely what stands in the way of a two-state solution based on 1967 borders.
YOU (along with all the other people who share your support of evil) are what made a two-state solution based on 1967 borders impossible.
And now you are trying to blame Israeli settlers for the situation that YOU caused.
maxdancona wrote:You can go on with your nationalist mythology about 1948, but it isn't worth arguing because even if it were true (and it isn't) it doesn't change the reality.
While I'm mostly interested in defending my own facts, I'd be very surprised if you could find any facts that Foofie is wrong about.
maxdancona wrote:Israel will have to live with the fact that they are an occupying power, ruling over an ethnic group with historic ties to the land that span centuries with no political power... or they will have to commit ethnic cleaning, expelling them by force.
Not at all. Israel can finish building the Security Fence, including around Jerusalem and in other areas where they are currently being pressured not to finish it, declare it as their official international border, and annex all land west of the Fence. Meanwhile east of the Fence Israel can expand their military control over Areas B and C, so that when a Palestinian state is unilaterally declared, it will be composed of Area A alone.
There you go. No ethnic cleansing, and most Palestinians
not under Israeli occupation. Problem solved to the satisfaction of everyone but the Palestinians and their demented supporters.