I got an 18, which makes me a soft libertarian, according to the test. It seems to indicate the desire of the test constructor to recruit new converts, no matter how remote the affinity. 18 out of 160, and I still have libertarian tendencies? I don't think so.
Many of you have probably seen this test:
I come out a liberal there, close to a centrist and a statist.
I am a libertarian pretty much only on the issues of personal freedom (like legalized prostitution, decriminalized drug use, and a free press).
As for the other issues, I trust big government not very much, but way more than big business. Give me Congress over Halliburton, please. I've worked in both government (mostly) and private industry (some) and in my experience the alleged superior efficiency of business is mythical, one of those statements everybody believes because everybody says its so. And government, as opposed to business, could be improved (at least theoretically) by a more concerned, involved populace, one less distracted by the dog and pony show of the two big parties, which reduces every issue to a simple us against them.
More political parties -including Libertarians- would be an improvement over the present system, but not as great an improvement as the absence of political parties altogether.
More government and less politics, that's my platform.