Okay so it's all very confusing even for Americans... Whatever the constitutional finesses involved, I'm ready to accept that
the president has some constitutional levers to either slow down or fast-track the implementation of laws.
Lay has posted
this, which seems to be lifted from
this testimony of a Heritage Foundation fellow to the congress.
The latter is a very detailed analysis of the potential problem, written from a republican perspective but still reasonably fact-based. The bottom line seems to be that about 3-5% of legal aliens in the US have registered to vote, either by mistake or to get additional benefits using their voter card. The percentage would depend on the location, presumably, and very little hard data is available, but from whatever is available (often data from jury duty calls) the magnitude of the problem remains small. Nothing that would lead to the alledged "3 million aliens voting in California".
The problem has been going on for several decades and has nothing to do with Obama specifically.
Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote, legitimately. Her majority of votes cannot be explained away by fraudulent voters, as alledged by the Trumpettes.
The American people have spoken, and they chose Clinton.