Sometimes these cheese-eaters remind me of the time when some bombastic, braying bully was wildly gesturing in front of me, shouting that he was gunna "kick my ass."
I grabbed him by the shirt, and bashed his sorry face about 20-30 times. He finally managed to break free, ripping his shirt apart as he did.
Then he whined, in the most effeminate voice, " You....you
held me!"
The import of his complaint was that it was just "no fair" to restrict his ability to harm me and/or to harm him. You can't "fight back." That just aint right. You can publicize Trump pussy-grabbing videos 24/7 and that's "only fair." But you're cheating if you tell the truth about us.
PS: For some damn reason, God only knows what, he wasn't so determined to kick my ass anymore. Instead he just slinked away, bleeding profusely. Go figure, eh?