You say there are a lot of other great things, but what are they? While sex may or may not be a dealbreaker for you (or for him), he's not being too terribly attentive to your needs in this equation. I'm not even talking about sex, per se, it's more that it's him getting his jollies and then not caring about you.
Either accept you are going to be responsible for every single one of your own orgasms, or cut your ties before you turn into one of the people we see on here who says they can't leave because they've invested a decade. You've invested half a year. It is not that much time at all.
Personally, I would have a talk with him and go over how you feel. And he may not be too thrilled with you snooping into his search history, BTW. But see what happens and give it a hard (heh, no pun intended) deadline. As in a month.
And if things aren't any better, or if it looks like he's just quite literally going through the motions, I would, personally, cut my losses.