edgarblythe wrote:I painted a picture of how humans invented these notions in the archaic past out of fear and ignorance. The notions of life after death and God came into play very recently in the overall scheme, so obviously invented and based in only speculation. It is a story with no god and no necessity for one. Only the self blinded among us could leave open the possibility of any sorts of gods.
I'm going to jump in here

Splash! Gee, it's fun here where Moses parted the water.
Edgar, if you are right that humans invented the notion of God, are you sure it was out of fear and ignorance? Personally, for me, there is a God...because there just has to be dammit! I wouldn't want to live in a place where the people I love just cease to exist. Where truly good souls like my stepfather just vaporized the moment he died. Is this belief ignorance? I don't think so. It helps me get through the day - yeah, it's my crutch...but if I had a broken leg would using a crutch be ignorant?
Maybe my belief in God is based on fear? I certainly do "fear" the possibility of never seeing my loved ones again and not having a higher being help me through this life. Who wouldn't?
Do I have evidence that there is a God? I have personal evidence (prayers answered that I couldn't explain any other way than to believe God was listening, personal peace, being able to get up in the morning). That's where faith comes in. Faith doesn't have much scientific backup..that's true. It doesn't need to.
Dictionary.com first two definitions of faith are:
1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
I don't know if there is a God or not. Nobody really
knows. But some of us have faith that there is. It's kind of a personal decision based not on ignorance or fear. It's based on survival.