Well I didn't specifically bring up the NYT story but it is pertinent.
I don't recall referring to it as "fake news," but if you say I did I guess I must have. Apparently, you're thinking about it more than I am.
My point about McCain was not focused on that one story but his pre-presidential election relationship with the MSM. I don't think it's subject to much dispute that he has always cultivated the image of Maverick, and that he curried favor with the MSM. Both ends were often served by being more than willing to criticize fellow Republicans. As a result he was afforded special treatment; more, relatively, favorable treatment. Once he got in the ring with Obama, the true favorite of the MSM, he found that whatever currying he had done in the past was no longer of any value. They went after him as they would have their least favorite Republican (at the time - Trump wasn't really a political figure yet so Trump Derangement Syndrome hadn't afflicted them).
My overall point, which you have made clear you don't buy, is that there is a demonstrable liberal bias in the MSM which applies a double standard when "reporting" on Democrat and Republican politicians. Republican politicians to a man or woman who attempt to curry favor with the MSM are ultimately disappointed when the anticipated payback is not forthcoming. Now I don't have a problem with the MSM not delivering to Republicans who attempt to win them over. They shouldn't and if they would only apply that standard to Democrat politicians, I wouldn't have such a problem with them. I do though have a problem with the Republicans who make this futile effort, not only because it reveals them to be fools, but as with McCain, their side of the anticipated bargain is providing the MSM with a voice critical of a fellow Republican or a Republican policy so that they always have at least one GOP voice to add to the criticism as some sort of validation of illusory fairness.
If you don't believe it, I'm not going to convince you and I'm not trying to.