monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 14 May, 2017 04:44 am
MontereyJack wrote:

read the IPCC reports and answer the actual science in them.

"Climatetism!" Does just that.
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Sun 14 May, 2017 04:50 am
layman wrote:


Oh...I just got to get this on my Spotify list!
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Sun 14 May, 2017 04:58 am
Well I'm done with this cheeseehead and his shrill warnings of the sky is falling..he reminds me of the 9/11 conspiracy idiot.
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Sun 14 May, 2017 05:37 am
A four year old story which has nothing to do with the scientific argument is the best you can do?
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Sun 14 May, 2017 05:53 am
The only thing he's eliminating is evidence/fact based decision making.
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Sun 14 May, 2017 07:14 am
Mothers' Day
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Sun 14 May, 2017 08:22 am
Sun 14 May, 2017 08:58 am
"Dilbert" pretty much clinches the argument, McG — score one for your side.

I got a kick out of this Republican guide to presidential behavior

Trigger Warning: Might hurt Trump supporters' feelings. Risky.
Sun 14 May, 2017 08:59 am
I admire your patience but you are presenting information to people who don't trust anyone, especially well educated and knowledgeable scientists, doctors, historians or other experts.
Good post, GB.

Once again, let me recommend American historian Richard Hofstadter's "Anti-Intellectualism in American Life". cost of a few dollars here This is THE book that details the history of this phenomenon in US culture. It really ought to be on everyone's bookshelf.

Over the centuries and decades, these tendencies wax and wane. The present period is undoubtedly the worst in my lifetime in regards to the proportion of Americans who mistrust and reject science and expertise and more generally, the life of the mind. Those old enough to have lived through the Kennedy era and the beginnings of the space program will understand how bad things have become (and of course now NASA is an explicit target of anti-intellectuals on the right because of NASA's findings on climate).
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Sun 14 May, 2017 09:04 am
McGentrix wrote:


Nailed it...in a nutshell...nuff said.
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Finn dAbuzz
Sun 14 May, 2017 09:10 am
How much difference is there between denigration of elitist eggheads, and the current crop of American morons?
Sun 14 May, 2017 09:13 am
Your problem is you want him to act like every other politician who ever occupied that office. When will you crybabies realize that's not why he was elected. He's there to stir it up...kick it up a notch...change the paradigm...no more business as usual...he's the new sheriff in town and he plays by his rules and soon, so will everyone else have to play by his rules or get the **** outta Dodge.
Sun 14 May, 2017 09:17 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Whatever: the Trump administrationis trying to bury the science showing the dangerous impacts of climate change:
Trump is deleting climate change, one site at a time
It is critically important to understand that this is not coming from Trump as he has never demonstrated the slightest interest in studying this subject (along with so many others). Thus he comes out with things like this:
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account
The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.
If Trump, today, was sucked into a wormhole, those remaining in the WH and the power centers in the GOP would proceed exactly as we are seeing now as regards GW. The relevance of Trump here is that his concerns in the post of the presidency are totally tied to the shallowest notions of self, of image, and of celebrityhood thus he provides no check or barrier to the desires of the very powerful and influential petroleum industries organized around the Koch operations which have now gained unprecedent dominance in the modern party and movement.

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Sun 14 May, 2017 09:24 am
A new paper in a prestigious journal proves a 15-year hiatus in global warming. Why is it being ignored?

In the latest issue of the journal Nature Climate Science eleven distinguished scientists published new findings on surface temperature measurements and ocean heat content analysis. It is titled “making sense of the early-2000s warming slowdown.” The carefully constructed very first sentence summarizes the diversity of opinion.

“It has been claimed that the early-2000s global warming slowdown or hiatus, characterized by a reduced rate of global surface warming, has been overstated, lacks sound scientific basis, or is unsupported by observations. The evidence presented here contradicts these claims.”


"Eleven distinguished scientists," eh?

Since when, exactly, are war criminals who should be serving life sentences called "distinguished scientists?"

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Sun 14 May, 2017 09:29 am
Updated for the Trump era
The Republican’s Guide to Presidential Behavior
...So, herewith, the Congressional Republican’s Guide to Presidential Behavior. [note: all the following have links for verification]
If you are the president, you may freely:

• attack private citizens on Twitter

• delegitimize federal judges who rule against you

• refuse to take responsibility for military actions gone awry

• fire the F.B.I. chief in the middle of his expanding investigation into your campaign and your associates

• accuse a former president, without evidence, of an impeachable offense

• employ top aides with financial and other connections to a hostile foreign power

• blame the judiciary, in advance, for any terror attacks

• call the media “the enemy of the American people”

• demand personal loyalty from the F.B.I. director

• threaten the former F.B.I. director

• accept foreign payments to your businesses, in possible violation of the Constitution

• occupy the White House with the help of a hostile foreign power

• intimidate congressional witnesses

• allow White House staff members to use their personal email for government business

• neglect to fill thousands of crucial federal government positions for months

• claim, without evidence, that millions of people voted illegally

• fail to fire high-ranking members of your national security team for weeks, even after knowing they lied to your vice president and exposed themselves to blackmail

• refuse to release tax returns

• hide the White House visitors’ list from the public

• vacation at one of your private residences nearly every weekend

• use an unsecured personal cellphone

• criticize specific businesses for dropping your family members’ products

• review and discuss highly sensitive intelligence in a restaurant, and allow the Army officer carrying the “nuclear football” to be photographed and identified by name

• obstruct justice

• hire relatives for key White House posts, and let them meet with foreign officials and engage in business at the same time

• promote family businesses on federal government websites

• tweet, tweet, tweet

• collude with members of Congress to try to shut down investigations of you and your associates

• threaten military conflict with other nations in the middle of news interviews

• compare the U.S. intelligence community to Nazis

• display complete ignorance about international relations, your own administration’s policies, American history and the basic structure of our system of government

• skip daily intelligence briefings

• repeat untruths

• lie

If you’re a Republican legislator, stick this list on the fridge and give it a quick read the next time you get upset at a president.
Sun 14 May, 2017 09:34 am
It's not "my problem".

When the occupant of the highest office in the land is more concerned with his self image, his press coverage, personal loyalty of underlings, and political revenge at the expense of doing the country's business it's a problem we all share. This is why I posted the link to the comments of the Republican columnist for The Weekly Standard yesterday:
SIMON: But - well, let me ask you, what do you make of that, you know, the Russian ambassador and the Russian foreign minister invited into the oval office the next day and the three of them grinning like frat boys over a beer?

GRAHAM: And showing that whatever is going on in President Trump's mind - it's not about managing his way forward to a political objective or political outcome. Where are you trying to take the country is the question people have to ask at this point. Is that even a priority for the president?

There's stuff that Republicans want to do - fix health care by rescuing it from the mistakes of Obamacare and bringing in the free market, which makes things cheaper and work better. You know, fix the tax code. Even President Obama said that our corporate taxes are too high, making us uncompetitive. Things you can do. Does this president have any interest in helping do those things? Or is he more interested in this kind of, you know, his personal fight?

He treats the world the way he treated the New York Press when he was Donald Trump of Spy magazine back in the '80s. And it's entertaining to watch, full of plenty of punchlines available, but as far as governance, that's what seems to be missing.

At some point he's going to have to provide us with more than entertaining headlines. Stirring things up is okay for a while but eventually you have to serve the meal. We're getting hungry.
Sun 14 May, 2017 09:38 am
The Republican’s Guide to Presidential Behavior

I submitted the link for this above and recommend people look at it because all the bullet points are illustrated with further links to examples.
Sun 14 May, 2017 09:44 am
The thing is, Hightor, is that people read that drivel and then start to believe it. Graham complains about stuff Congress is responsible and asks why the President isn't doing more. I think when elections come around, there will be a list of Republicans that were obstructionist to Trump's agenda and those people may have tough primary campaigns ahead of them.

But, for him to say "There's stuff that Republicans want to do...Does this president have any interest in helping do those things?" is just retarded. Anyone that reads and believes that drivel should really reflect on what is actually being done.
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Sun 14 May, 2017 09:46 am
hightor wrote:

The Republican’s Guide to Presidential Behavior

I submitted the link for this above and recommend people look at it because all the bullet points are illustrated with further links to examples.

Some of the stuff on that list has some credence, other stuff is complete bullshit.
Sun 14 May, 2017 09:48 am
at the expense of doing the country's business

How disengenuous. He's done more in 3 months then Obammy did in 8 years. And I could care less for anyone, Democrat or Republican, who is for keeping the status quo in Washington.

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