monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 6 May, 2017 12:19 pm
Yeah, right, eh, Dizzy?

Hannity Doesn’t Agree With #FireColbert:

I don’t think it would come as a shock for you to learn that Sean Hannity is not a fan of Stephen Colbert‘s. But the Fox News host tweeted his opposition to the #FireColbert Twitter trend.

#FireColbert trended last night after some outrage over the Late Show host’s massive anti-Trump rant on Monday night, in which he said, “The only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster.”

Now, it wasn’t just people on the right bothered by what Colbert said. Vox’s headline on the rant was “Stephen Colbert tried to insult Donald Trump. He made a homophobic comment instead.”

Hannity: "I will NOT support #FireColbert. I am vs ALL BOYCOTTS. He is a horrible human being, but if u don't like him change the channel. Boycotts, demands to fire people who make political comments you disagree with, this is what the left is doing to conservatives."


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Sat 6 May, 2017 12:21 pm
hightor wrote:

Who gives a ****? Just because I wouldn't speak that way myself doesn't mean that no one else can.

I don't give a ****. Cheese-eaters are the ones who play the MORAL OUTRAGE card 24/7, eh?

Well, except when they're the ones being outrageous, of course. In that case, they "cheer uproariously."
Sat 6 May, 2017 12:37 pm
Almost no conservatives I have ever spoken/debated with know the history of the phrase "politically correct". Pretty much one for one, they don't even think about this but merely parrot usage they hear or read. Thus they have zero (or close to that) awareness of how the thing exists in the right wing group mind. Enormous blind spot. It's another example of how they have been trained to NOT think.
Sat 6 May, 2017 12:41 pm
Cheese-eaters specialize in "taking offense." There is, and never had been, a strict requirement that offense be "given." You can, if you are a professional cheese-eating victim, easily "take" offense where none was intended and none was given. The drama-queenery of it all is simply breath-taking, eh?

Cheese-eater = VICTIM.
Sat 6 May, 2017 12:45 pm
Two things going on in this. First, the typical fragility of the bully, the authoritarian and the pathological narcissist when satirized and then their response to attempt to crush any such voice (obviously, "fake news" and "lying media" are related responses). This is absolutely common as a feature of the response of such people (and supporters). It is only free and democratic societies which permit (or even celebrate) such speech.

The second thing here is the choice of Colbert to hit. And that has to do with his popularity, ratings and his effectiveness as a comic, a satirizer and a political critic.
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Sat 6 May, 2017 12:47 pm
giujohn wrote:

jcboy wrote:

217 Heartless Republicans in the House just screwed millions and millions of Americans! And, they didn't use a condom! I hope you remember these jackasses in 2018!

I will bet you that the Republicans will still maintain control of the house after the midterm elections...care to take the bet??

Yeah...I didn't think so.
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Sat 6 May, 2017 01:04 pm
izzythepush wrote:

I think this tweet says it all.


Loads of faux outrage from a bunch of bigots who couldn't give a monkey's about LGBT rights.

What a load if bull semen...Seems to me it's the Republicans that seek to eradicate the organization that throws homosexuals off roof tops or mows them down in night clubs with gunfire while the democrats seek to appease them and give the sanctuary in this country.
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Sat 6 May, 2017 01:09 pm
layman wrote:

Cheese-eaters specialize in "taking offense." There is, and never had been, a strict requirement that offense be "given." You can, if you are a professional cheese-eating victim, easily "take" offense where none was intended and none was given. The drama-queenery of it all is simply breath-taking, eh?

Cheese-eater = VICTIM.

I beg to differ. Cheese eater = pretentious politically correct bleeding heart... Snowflake = victim.

Of course they are not mutually exclusive.
Sat 6 May, 2017 01:12 pm
The disgusting thing about the left is that they pander to weaklings who consider themselves to be helpless "victims."

Whether it's (certain) women, homosexuals, muslims, mexicans, transgender pervs, blacks, american indians, the poor, or whoever.

They tell them that they ARE in fact victims, and strongly encourage them to adopt their victimhood as a world-view. Then, of course, they say they will help these poor, impotent victims, who desperately need "protection."

They whole game is extremely sick, and glorifies the worst aspects of human nature, while condemning the most admirable.

They try to turn the most trivial grievances into the most important issue of the year, all while ignoring important problems and diverting attention from their own self-aggrandizement.

I am your savior, you pathetic, helpless victim! You need my help, you weak bastard, can't you see? Vote for me!

And it's all a cynical scam. They don't actually give a damn about these victims, apart from getting their votes so they can abuse the power that follows from it.

Their main ploy is to promise these "victims" free **** from the government if they are elected.

As Ambrose Bierce once observed:

“An election is nothing more than an advance auction of stolen goods."
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Sat 6 May, 2017 01:35 pm
You go! I wouldn't have been that nice!

Sat 6 May, 2017 01:50 pm
Well here's the thing — for the sake of discussion, let's fully concede your point. Yeah, you were right all along. Libtards are nothing but hypocrites. But then what? You still haven't laid out convincing evidence that Trump's administration is functioning competently or that Trump himself isn't the strangest character to ever hold the office. As human beings, we can deal with moral inconsistency; we see it all the time. What we can't deal with is economic uncertainty and wondering when and how Trump is going to pull this increasingly chaotic show together.

You all do a great job skewering the libtards. We all know how much you guys detest cheese-eaters, SJW's, and snowflakes. But I wouldn't say the quality of your arguments are superior to the best that are used against you — if anything the two sides have achieved rhetorical parity when it comes to insults.

You should do a better job selling Trump's program though and helping to make him look rational and effective. Give us reasons to like him instead of reasons to dislike you. Otherwise, foundering in the polls and having once received accolades he's going to be more and more tempted to get some new military action going.

Well, except when they're the ones being outrageous, of course. In that case, they "cheer uproariously."

Yeah, like a convention full of conservatives uproariously cheering Milo Yiannopoulos. "Oh, he shouldn't've said that!"
Sat 6 May, 2017 01:57 pm
Yeah, like a convention full of conservatives uproariously cheering Milo Yiannopoulos. "Oh, he shouldn't've said that!"

Of course. I would cheer uproariously too. I wouldn't try to hide it, or apologize for it. It wouldn't be a "guilty pleasure," just a pleasure, plain and simple.

The difference is that I wouldn't pompously try to get on a high moral horse and get lefties fired/punished for saying what they want to say. I wouldn't claim that I'm somehow morally superior to them if they cheer, although I would suggest that there is a certain moral deficiency and lack of integrity that accompanies fraudulent pretense and hypocrisy.
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Sat 6 May, 2017 02:07 pm
hightor wrote:

You should do a better job selling Trump's program though and helping to make him look rational and effective...foundering in the polls...

I aint here to pimp Trump. If I agree with him, I'll say so. If I don't then I won't. But whatever my thoughts on the matters, I can tell you that they are in no way influenced by the "polls" that you cheese-eaters cite 24/7 as being somehow meaningful.

“Popular opinion is held in reverence. It settles everything. Some think it is the voice of God.” (Mark Twain)
Sat 6 May, 2017 02:09 pm
Give us reasons to like [Trump] instead of reasons to dislike you.

That's like a mobius strip of improbabilitiness.
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Sat 6 May, 2017 02:20 pm
You suggest that I should do more to get the posters here to "like" me. I don't think so! Homey don't play dat.

Who likes you, who approves of you, who praises what you say, who accepts you as part of their clique--all that is totally irrelevant. What's true is true, regardless of who does or doesn't believe it. Sometimes the facts don't jibe well with the creed of political correctness.

So much the worse for the facts, then, a cheese-eater would say, while expecting, and receiving, high-fives from all his cheese-eating homeys. They might even give him a medal, eh?

“I do not listen to every criticism, let alone act on them. I have learned to do my best, and if the end result is good then I do not care for any criticism, but if the end result is not good, then even the praise of ten angels would not make the difference.”

“I desire to so conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end, when I come to lay down the reins of power, I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside of me.” (Abe Lincoln)

By the way, Lincoln had even lower approval ratings than Trump.

Go figure, eh?
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 6 May, 2017 02:45 pm
I wouldn't have gone to a Ted Nugent concert to begin with, but if I found myself at a Lyle Lovett concert and he was ranting about Obama in such a manner, and the crowd didn't react with displeasure, I would leave.

Hey if you're OK with Colbert's comments that's fine. Like I wrote, they didn't get a rise out of me. He's a nitwit.

As long as you don't go on a tirade about comments made by the modern right wing universe you won't be hypocritical.
Sat 6 May, 2017 02:46 pm
I can tell you that they are in no way influenced by the "polls" that you cheese-eaters cite 24/7 as being somehow meaningful.

See, you didn't get my point. It's not the cheese-eaters' concern with opinion polls that I'm referring to — it's Trump's. If his popularity doesn't climb a bit he'll be more tempted to make big grand gestures on an international scale.

Bertrand Russell wrote:
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.
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Finn dAbuzz
Sat 6 May, 2017 02:49 pm
Who gives a fig for the history of the phrase? Everyone now knows what it means.
Sat 6 May, 2017 02:53 pm
Cheese-eaters need to put out a fatwa on this apostate, eh?

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