monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 2 May, 2017 10:48 am
Some of you will have been following the flare up that has arisen as a result of the NYT adding Bret Stephens as an opinion writer. It's not a simple question (James Fallows, for example, defends the hire). Probably the best commentary on this I've seen yet comes from Brian Beutler
Bret Stephens’s Opinions Aren’t the Problem
Ideological diversity doesn't justify lowering argumentative standards for conservatives, or anyone else.

...But this creates a dilemma, because a standard that would exclude Stephens, and everyone to his right on the issue of climate change, would come perilously close to excluding all conservatives from the Times’ editorial pages. It is paradoxical to support the concept of ideological diversity while insisting on a standard that excludes everyone on the right. The way to resolve the paradox is to eschew ideological litmus tests and insist on rhetorical ones instead. What matters isn’t that Stephens is a conservative, but how he argues for conservatism.
Tue 2 May, 2017 11:11 am
I love Republicans. It's the whole compassion thing, that sense of brother and sisterhood of citizens, all children of god.

So, you or loved ones have a pre-existing medical condition and your state wants to shift you into a high risk pool (very expensive, too expensive for many) then there's a simple Jeffersonian solution...
People can go to the state that they want to live in,” Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) told reporters Tuesday morning when asked if people with pre-existing conditions could be charged much more under the American Health Care Act.

“States have all kinds of different policies and there are disparities among states for many things: driving restrictions, alcohol, whatever,” he continued. “We’re putting choices back in the hands of the states. That’s what Jeffersonian democracy provides for.”

0 Replies
Tue 2 May, 2017 11:19 am
"People get in their lives what they deserve" is a short-hand for this set of notions.

People get in life what they put into it. If someone stuffs their face with fatty foods their whole life and has a heart condition, did they not bring it on themselves? Having a glad problems and being overweight is one thing, but based on American diets, you can't say everyone has glad issues. The same thing should go for those who race cars in their spare time or those who skydive or anyone who lives an "extreme lifestyle".

Of course, if Brooks' child is hit by a drunk driver and made a cripple, he's not likely to apply this formula to that child. Or if his portfolio is knocked sideways by some economic catastrophe, he's not likely to conclude fault lies with him. There is a deep "us/them" conceptual framing in all of this.

This is a BS arguement. Kid hit by a drunk driver is an accident and not the same as someone choosing to stuff their face with burgers and fatty/sugary foods. You can't account for accidents just like you can't account for freak heart attacks, but once again Dr's could tell you the difference between a kid getting hit by a car and an adult who weighs 400 lbs having a heart attack.
The rest of this doesn't even resemble a rational argument for creating real risk pools instead of artificial risk pools for health insurance.

One element in this package is theological - God, being Good, will (must) reward the righteous and punish the sinner. Thus those who are healthy and wealthy are clearly on the right path and those who are beset by "misfortunes" have brought it on themselves. In a Godly universe, no other outcomes are possible.

More liberal emotional clap trap. Logic says that someone who eats with a horrible diet is going to have worse health issues than someone who doesn't eat that way. Why would the 50 year old who eats salads with his dinner be charged the same for health care as someone who eats fries with his dinner? How about an example a little closer to home. I'm a 43 year old male who smokes cigarettes, my brother is 41 years old and doesn't smoke cigs and litterally rides his bicycle everywhere, he doesn't own a car. Should he have to pay the same for medical insurance that I do? After all, I live a higher risk lifestyle compared to him, I'm much more likely to get diabetes and have heart issues than he is. I think he should pay less for insurance and when I quite smoking, currently I'm doing so, I should then pay less for my insurance. They already do this with Life Insurance coverage, why not health insurance?

What you want to do is remove any and all sense of personal responsibility for people's health. I mean if I'm not paying more, why change my habits? For my health? Sure, but sometimes making better choices should be rewarded and incentivized instead of punished or shunned for "thinking of themselves".

Another element is class. As one wag put it when Bush Jr was running for the Presidency, "He was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple".

Do you want to know a great thing about "Class"? Here in America the classes are not fixed, people move up and down in "Class" all the time, new wealth is created in the US everyday, to think it is fixed is a joke. If you want to be serious, why don't you look at the "Political Families" here in the US. You will find that the DNC and liberals have a majority of the power broker and old political wealth in this country. Daley's in Chicago, Kennedys, Rockefeller and others are all part of what you would call the upper class.

Another element is race or, more properly, racist ideas. We white folks run the show out of natural processes unfolding. If the coloreds were superior, they'd be running the show.

Aren't you happy that a majority of Americans don't think this way? Those that do are a shrinking minority and that is a good thing.
The majority of the racism in America is in the heads of leftist radicals. It doesn't take much to make them think everything is racist. Did you hear recently that elevators that were color coded after the US flag had to be changed because of "white elevators"...

Each of these, individually or wrapped together, provide a convenient conceptual framing which justifies and validates the maintenance of power and privilege where it already sits. And that is the function of this ideology.

On their own or together, it is still a bunch of BS designed to divide people from logic and push them to only think or vote with their emotions? When it comes to talking about health insurance, there is very little logic coming from the left, it is pure emotion and divest of any real idea's on how to fix the issue.

Tue 2 May, 2017 12:44 pm
Baldimo wrote:

Aren't you happy that a majority of Americans don't think this way?

No thanks to conservatives. I grew up under Jim Crow, which was defended by William Buckley Jr. and nearly all other leading conservatives. Jim Crow was set up by white Southern conservatives. Most conservatives activists and politicians opposed civil rights legislation and federal court rulings against racial discrimination. It's a matter of record. Can you name a single conservative who was one of the Freedom Riders or who participated in any of the civil rights marches in the Deep South during the early 1960s? Name one. Growing up in the staunchly Republican congressional district that was once represented by George H. W. Bush, I witnessed a lot of racial bigotry on the part of classmates and adults. So, I repeat, no thanks to conservatives. The fact remains that if conservatives had had their way during the period from the mid 1940s through the 1970s, we would still have Jim Crow today.

Baldimo wrote:
Those that do are a shrinking minority and that is a good thing.

Oh, you think so? Well, that's really sweet. I can remember all the white conservatives who condemned the civil rights movement. So, why did the Ku Klux Klan and David Duke and all other leading white supremacists endorse Trump? Why has there been an upsurge of antisemitic activity in this country since Trump was elected? Of course, there's also Charles Murray, a leading conservative writer who frequently says that blacks are genetically inferior to whites. I don't know whom he voted for, but I can guess. (Incidentally, he also says that women are intellectually inferior to men -- another wonderful human being who happens to be on your side.)

Baldimo, your smugness is too great to bear. You seem to be completely incapable of realizing that conservatives -- like all other ideologues, left and right -- are sometimes wrong. Indeed, that's the tone of many of your posts. Do you honestly believe that conservatives are always right? They're never wrong? Really? I never knew there was a group of human beings who were infallible. Here's a fact of life that you'll probably never be able to accept: Neither side has a monopoly on morality and truth. Conservatism probably takes the place of God for you.
Finn dAbuzz
Tue 2 May, 2017 01:54 pm
Don't spend any calories trying to figure it out. They are too valuable in light of your mission to inform the world.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Tue 2 May, 2017 01:56 pm
Finn dAbuzz
Tue 2 May, 2017 01:57 pm
Thus sprach Ollie!
Tue 2 May, 2017 02:14 pm
No thanks to conservatives. I grew up under Jim Crow, which was defended by William Buckley Jr. and nearly all other leading conservatives. Jim Crow was set up by white Southern conservatives. Most conservatives activists and politicians opposed civil rights legislation and federal court rulings against racial discrimination. It's a matter of record. Can you name a single conservative who was one of the Freedom Riders or who participated in any of the civil rights marches in the Deep South during the early 1960s? Name one. Growing up in the staunchly Republican congressional district that was once represented by George H. W. Bush, I witnessed a lot of racial bigotry on the part of classmates and adults. So, I repeat, no thanks to conservatives. The fact remains that if conservatives had had their way during the period from the mid 1940s through the 1970s, we would still have Jim Crow today.

I could careless about the events of 60+ years ago and you have to stop living in the past. Do you even remember who Robert "KKK" Byrd is? He agreed with the very groups you express hate for during the Civil Rights Movement.
Nothing any political party could do would return us to those days and your cheap hatred against Conservatives of yester year have no bearing on todays Conservatives, that's just ******* bigotry and cheap politics. You use this "history" lesson as club against anyone who has a right of center belief and it's pointless. You would link anyone with a right of center belief as no better than those from 60 years ago, it's one of the reasons it's mostly the young and old bitter people like you who spout this Conservatives in general are either bigots, racists or some other ism that suits your needs.

Oh, you think so? Well, that's really sweet. I can remember all the white conservatives who condemned the civil rights movement. So, why did the Ku Klux Klan and David Duke and all other leading white supremacists endorse Trump?

Who cares who those people/groups endorse. If you think those things matter to the majority of the voting public then you have another thing coming. You want to use it as a weapon against anyone you don't favor, it's the only reason why the media report on every single "endorsement". I've never ever paid attention to such things, I think deciding my vote on someone else's endorsement is weak minded.

Why has there been an upsurge of antisemitic activity in this country since Trump was elected?

I've seen an uptick in reporting of false hate crimes. Don't twist this into there are no hate crimes because I'm not saying that. I'm saying the actual increase won't be known until they go to court and people end up in jail. There have already been a troubling # of false hate crimes reported as well, those people have been arrested after lying to police. I've seen an increase in violent protests by the extreme left wing. Have you seen these Antifi thugs? You can point out all the Trump supporters who punched people, and I'll just show you footage of riots in US cities during the last election cycle, all that violence was done by those on the left. Tit for tat I guess.

Of course, there's also Charles Murray, a leading conservative writer who frequently says that blacks are genetically inferior to whites. I don't know whom he voted for, but I can guess. (Incidentally, he also says that women are intellectually inferior to men -- another wonderful human being who happens to be on your side.)

If these are things he has said, then he isn't on my side of anything. Why the cheap ploy? I find it interesting that you are pretty much accusing me of being a racist and a sexist. Cheap, very cheap.

Baldimo, your smugness is too great to bear. You seem to be completely incapable of realizing that conservatives -- like all other ideologues, left and right -- are sometimes wrong.

I'm not smug at all. I have pointed out several times over the course of the last year that both parties are wrong, I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary. I voted for Johnson.

I never knew there was a group of human beings who were infallible. Here's a fact of life that you'll probably never be able to accept: Neither side has a monopoly on morality and truth. Conservatism probably takes the place of God for you.

I'm going to guess that it's been awhile since you have actually read anything I've written and are just lumping me together with your evil "Conservatives". Since you have been here for a while you have willfully ignored many things I've written for some cheap partisan politics. I don't consider myself a "conservative" at all. I'm much closer to the center then you give me credit for. Just as a hint, I'll give a run down of some of the family and close friends who are attending my upcoming wedding, people generally don't invite people they hate to weddings. My fiance's cousin is going to be the Man of Honor, my once Uncle B. now Aunt W. will be in attendance with her wife. We are also making sure to have a personal translator for my deaf son and I can't forget to mention that our Street Taco's will also have a Vegetarian option because of a couple of friends from work are Indian and practicing Hindu's. The point? You can stow the racism/bigotry BS for someone else, but I'm pretty sure my line up of family and friends is more diverse than yours or most of of the people on this site. You leftist and your pointlessly used "ism's" as weapons is really starting to wear thin.

I'm not sure where I stand at this point on the whole God issue. No one or thing has a "God" like place with me. I'm not a Christian or any other flavor of religion for that matter.
0 Replies
Tue 2 May, 2017 02:43 pm


My despair words are getting shorter..
Tue 2 May, 2017 03:57 pm
Repression of women's sexuality obviously isn't Trump's thing. This is a straight pander to the extremist in the christian right. I'm not sure who in the administration would be the main agent here. Pence perhaps or Preibus or maybe someone else. Someone who thinks the Enlightenment was a nasty piece of history.
Tue 2 May, 2017 04:04 pm
I'll bet Pence..
but what do I know.
0 Replies
Tue 2 May, 2017 04:45 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Well argued.
Tue 2 May, 2017 05:27 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Brandon9000 wrote:
The Chinese, although they often behave badly, are sane and pursue risk averse policies. I certainly don't believe that they will launch a nuclear attack against anyone out of paranoia.

They are, Trump is not. They may well consider a preemptive strike the most sensible option. You already believe a load of paranoid nonsense, so I don't think your opinion on China is based on anything substantive.

What utter bullshit...a pre-emptive strike???? To what end? World domination or their complete annihilation? LOL
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Tue 2 May, 2017 05:38 pm
Unless they are running start of the art subs they aren't going to get close,

Do you have an empirical understanding of truth or reality? Could you be wrong about your understand like you are about the spelling of "STATE"
Tue 2 May, 2017 07:18 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

Unless they are running start of the art subs they aren't going to get close,

Do you have an empirical understanding of truth or reality? Could you be wrong about your understand like you are about the spelling of "STATE"

Rolling Eyes

If you are going to correct someone else on their spelling, you should be sure that your correction doesn't have mistakes in it.
Tue 2 May, 2017 07:53 pm
Back one page in the comments, I discussed Mo Brooks' comment that (essentially) low cost insurance is really only for those who deserve it. They deserve it because they have led healthy lives. I tried to unpack this movement conservative ideology and listed the following as an underlying element or feature:
Another element is race or, more properly, racist ideas. We white folks run the show out of natural processes unfolding. If the coloreds were superior, they'd be running the show.

North Carolina Republican Robert Pittenger has a notion rooted in the same stuff as Brooks. He has said that if people are in an expensive high risk pool, then they can just move to another state. I've just bumped into something else Pittenger had said to BBC Newsnight last year about protests after a black man was shot by police in Charlotte:
“The grievance in their minds — the animus, the anger — they hate white people, because white people are successful and they’re not,”
Tue 2 May, 2017 09:33 pm
Aw, come on, blatham. Don't be so hard on Pittenger. He's not a bad guy. I'm sure he's a great guy, a first-class human being. I bet he keeps his white hood -- a present Jesse Helms gave to him during the good ol' days of Jim Crow -- nice and clean.
reasoning logic
Tue 2 May, 2017 11:04 pm
I was not trying to correct someone's spelling but rather to help him/her acknowledge that we make mistakes and our understandings could be wrong as well.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 2 May, 2017 11:12 pm
Today is Press Freedom Day.
No fake news, even our local papers joins the initiative ...

Wed 3 May, 2017 12:21 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Response moderated: Personal attack. See more info.

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