monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 18 Apr, 2017 01:33 pm
Aircraft Carrier Wasn’t Sailing to Deter North Korea, as U.S. Suggested

Like I said, these dicks are doing performance art. The goals are:
1) distract media and citizen attention from the Russia story and from all the failures/dissention/chaos etc of the prior 90 days
2) attempt to make PR gains and turn polling results around by casting him as a war dude, decisive, competent, etc (the recent anti-Russia rhetoric has a similar goal - the pretense Trump isn't buddies with that crowd).
3) to escape from the complexities and difficulties of domestic policy dilemmas which he and his PR crowd have been unable to paper over

And, of course, the silly people who support these con artists are delighted to swallow it all.
0 Replies
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 01:40 pm
MS-13 Murderers – Unvetted Gang Members Part Of 60,000 “Refugee Children” Obama Import

Gang Members Brought Into US Under Obama UAC Scheme Now Held For Murder

Three individuals participated in the execution-style shooting of the Everett, MA youth. One remains anonymous, the other two are in custody awaiting trial. All three are believed to have been brought to the United States as part of the criminal, terrorist and social parasite recruitment program, the unaccompanied minor importation scheme of Obama. Most of the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) originate in El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras.

We're told they come to America to flee the gangs, but for many the opposite is true. They come to America as the land of gang opportunity. Judicial Watch detailed the MS-13 and other gangs problem, the role the supposed children played in this incident and the general violent gang explosion in America. They reported in part:

"Shortly after the first batch of UAC's arrived in mid-2014, Judicial Watch reported that many had ties to gang members in the U.S., specifically MS-13. Homeland Security sources directly involved with the UAC crisis told JW that street gangs, including MS-13, went on a recruiting frenzy at U.S. shelters housing the illegal alien minors and they used Red Cross phones to communicate.

The MS-13 is a feared street gang of mostly Central American illegal immigrants that has spread throughout the U.S. and is renowned for drug distribution, murder, rape, robbery, home invasions, kidnappings, vandalism and other violent crimes. The Justice Department's National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) says criminal street gangs like the MS-13 are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the U.S. and are the primary distributors of most illicit drugs.

The affiliation between gangs and the hordes of illegal immigrant youths that the Obama administration keeps taking in is a story Judicial Watch has been reporting for more than a year. Last fall the Texas Department of Public Safety confirmed that the MS-13 is a top tier gang thanks to the influx of illegal alien gang members that have crossed into the state recently. The number of MS-13 members encountered by U.S. Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Valley sector has increased each year, accelerating in 2014 and coinciding with increased illegal immigration from Central America during the same period, the agency disclosed in a report linked to JW's story. This clearly refers to the UAC crisis that saw over 60,000 illegal immigrants, many with criminal histories, storm into the U.S. in a matter of months."

Finn dAbuzz
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 01:49 pm
revelette1 wrote:

WASHINGTON — For more than a week, media reports in the U.S. and around Asia routinely have mentioned the approach of the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson's carrier strike group, seemingly implying an attack on North Korea could be imminent.

Those same officials did not push back on reports that the Vinson would return to Korean waters, where the strike group operated for much of March as part of the annual U.S.-Korean Foal Eagle exercises. While declining to confirm a specific date, they did not dispute speculative media reports from South Korea that the strike group could be in the region by April 25 or so.

“She's stationed there in the western Pacific for a reason,” Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon. “She operates freely up and down the Pacific, and she's just on her way up there because that's where we thought it was most prudent to have her at this time. There's not a specific demand signal or specific reason why we're sending her up there.”

This is good stuff. A lot more interesting and informative that most of the "must-read" links that continue to amass. Thanks.

It really shouldn't surprise any of us that the situations in both Syria and North Korea have not been quite as tense and scary as many in the Media would have us believe with their reporting. If the news is dire and scary, more people watch it. If more people watch the news, news people benefit financially and emotionally.

It's hard to imagine a television news person (reporter as well as anchor) who doesn't enjoy being on the air and wouldn't far prefer a nameless, faceless audience of 10 million over 10 thousand irrespective of the fact that he or she isn't receiving any applause or can even tell if a single soul is watching. Viewership means ratings and ratings means promotions or at least job security, but I'm fairly certain it also means some form of personal gratification.

No matter what the level of stage fright someone experiences before actually getting up there in front of an audience, if the fright gives way to escalating levels of thrills, that person is a ham and hams love and embrace the audiences that often have them puking in fear before they hit the stage. You don't go into television of any sort (and especially live TV), if you don't get a thrill out of performing. TV reporting whether behind a desk or in the streets is performance.

I've been interviewed on television twice, both times as an invited interviewee and both time in connection with a local TV station and not a national network operation. Once was on Long Island and the other was in Charlotte so while the audience was very limited in comparison to say a spot on 60 Minutes, the potential existed for a very large audience by my standards; much, much bigger than any I have spoken before live. I don't know how common my experience actually was, but it was cliche in that when I looked into the camera for the first time after going live, I had the sense that I was being watched by millions and it was very intimidating, and, frankly, mouth drying. Fortunately on both occasions the interviewers were pros and were able to pull me away from the eyes of the monster and my emerging fear. It may be more that I expected such a reaction since it's been told of so many times, than any sort of power of the TV camera, but when the thing is live, I don't think too many professionals aren't well aware that they are being watched by a lot of people. I also don't think there are too many professionals who don't like the feeling it gives them.

We've all seen the local TV weatherman who appears absolutely giddy with excitement and delight whenever a tornado threatens the viewing area, and his station turns away from regularly scheduled programming and to him to capture and hold the rapt attention of thousands or even millions who can get a better idea of the weather that's right on top of them by looking out their windows. With dayglo doppler radar displays, reports of softball size hail and flying cows from intrepid storm-chasers and the artfully interspersed advise on how best to ride out the storm from a real weather expert, these men and women are performing their hearts out!

The same thing happens with the news crews whenever there is disaster and mayhem and there's nothing like war to provide buckets of those two ratings boosters. Of course when they are participating in a symposium in DC and sitting on a panel with politicians, Think Tank geeks, and fellow journalists, it's all about the horrors of war, and the stupidity and greed of the (Republican) men who start them, delivered with the grim but steely tones of someone who has seen the worst; someone who risked life for The Story; someone who was embedded! Again performance, although in a different role.

I suppose I can understand why someone might have thought that the Carl Vinson and Co were on their way to the waters surrounding the Korean Peninsula with the full intention of giving to Kim what was given to Assad, but aren't big time reporters supposed to me more savvy about these things than the average member of their audience? They are forever referring to their sources who share with them classified information and so unless the sources were feeding them disinformation, there really was no reason to believe that an attack on North Korea was imminent.

A bias was at work: Donald Trump, a glory hound under any circumstances, was thrilled to death playing Army with cruise missiles and an evil enemy and was sure to see North Korea as another opportunity to swing his manhood in front of the world. Combine that with their barely hidden and personally rewarded enthusiasm for armed conflicts between nations, and you can imagine how they led themselves to their certainty.

Now, I'm not saying these reporters are bloody-thirsty ghouls, anymore than I would say that TV meteorologists take delight in destroyed neighborhoods, but I have heard at least one weatherman admit the very guilty pleasure he felt whenever severe weather came to his viewing area. I just don't think I'll ever hear the same honesty from a network news reporter when it comes to the start of a conflict or war.

It is gratifying as well though to read and understand that the US military is capable of using the MSM to their advantage at time.

Tue 18 Apr, 2017 01:53 pm

The constant flows of unaccompanied minors from Central America illegally crossing the border from Mexico to the United States have been met with rather welcoming measures by this administration. After trying to fit them under the trafficking umbrella, the U.S. government opted to treat these children as potential refugees. Given the limited scope of the Central American Minors (CAM) Refugee/Parole Program, new mechanisms are being developed with the help of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to process these children in the region and then fly them directly to the United States. The question remains: Why bring these "child refugees" here since UNHCR, among others, stresses family reunion or placement in a family from the child's own culture? Unless, of course, family members are already in the United States and this entire process is nothing but a disguised vehicle for family reunification.

The initial response of the Obama administration to the surge in 2014 was to present these minors as victims of human trafficking, covered by the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) of 2008.... the Obama administration dropped the trafficking lead for the simple reason that it could not be upheld. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson concluded about UACs: "It's our observation and our experience that almost all of them are smuggled."7 With the exception of specific cases of trafficking, another umbrella has yet to be found for Central American children who want to come to the United States.

Special rules apply for UACs from contiguous countries (i.e., Mexico and Canada). They can be turned back if they are apprehended at the border as long as they have no credible fear of persecution and no trafficking indicators. Children from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras are to be processed by the Border Patrol and turned over within 72 hours to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), which is part of the Health and Human Services Department (HHS).

Migration and Refugee Services, an office within the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB/MRS), is responsible for, among other things, ensuring "safe and appropriate family reunifications for unaccompanied, undocumented children who are in immigration proceedings." It noted in a 2014 presentation that 90 percent of the children are released to families in the United States while they undergo immigration proceedings.


Under Obama, MS-13 members, with gang tats all over their faces, would stroll up to a border guard, claim they were minors fleeing persection from MS-13, and the guards were obligated to invite them in and arrange a plane flight to a "home" were they would be given support to the tune of $18,000/ year.

Their "hearings" were deferred for about 4 years, and 95% never showed up anyway.
0 Replies
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 01:53 pm
Greg Sargent has a short piece on the dilemma for the US on the Paris Accord. This bit is right on.
most conventional Republicans disdain climate change regulations, and many are climate change skeptics or outright deniers. Remember, pretty much all the other GOP presidential candidates fit this mold. And so, if the administration does remain in the Paris accord, it would represent a partial victory over some of the worst elements of both Trumpism and GOP orthodoxy
As I was reading, I was reminded that the DoD put out a report in July 2015 which begins...
DoD recognizes the reality of climate change and the significant risk it poses to U.S. interests globally. The National Security Strategy, issued in February 2015, is clear that climate change is an urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources such as food and water.1 These impacts are already occurring, and the scope, scale, and intensity of these impacts are projected to increase over time.
D o D report
Which just underlines in italics the question that sits begging...

What the **** is wrong with the conservatives here that deny the science of GW and the certain dire consequences of it (which are not merely about US security but also about human suffering that could be on an historical scale)?

It it your contention that the Department of Defense, the Pentagon, the US military is so flaky and so without integrity in their role as defenders of the US such that they will speak and plan based on the snowflake whims of the Sierra Club?

What the **** is wrong with you people?
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 01:58 pm
No one is denying GW...It happens like clock work every 100000 years and has been for the last 900000. Just some of us don't get all ******* hysterical over it.
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 02:03 pm
blatham wrote:

It it your contention that the Department of Defense, the Pentagon, the US military is so flaky and so without integrity in their role as defenders of the US such that they will speak and plan based on the snowflake whims of the Sierra Club?

It is not clear who you presume to be addressing here. However, it is clear that during the Obama Administration, the civilian leadership of the DoD did just that.
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 02:06 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
That cable outlets are delighted to do war coverage is not news. Every student of media and everyone who attends to it has known this for a long while. And we've known that it is 1) easy and 2) gets ratings. CNN is particularly awful in this sort of behavior as is Fox. But the others do it too.

It is gratifying as well though to read and understand that the US military is capable of using the MSM to their advantage at time.

I'm not sure where you've been over the last half decade. The Pentagon has a propaganda department as well funded and as sophisticated as anyone.
The Pentagon military analyst program was a propaganda campaign of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) that was launched in early 2002 by then-Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Victoria Clarke.[1] The goal of the operation is "to spread the administrations's talking points on Iraq by briefing retired commanders for network and cable television appearances," where they have been presented as independent analysts;[2] A Pentagon spokesman said the Pentagon's intent is to keep the American people informed about the so-called War on Terrorism by providing prominent military analysts with factual information and frequent, direct access to key military officials.[3][4] The Times article suggests that the analysts had undisclosed financial conflicts of interest and were given special access as a reward for promoting the administration's point of view. On 28 April 2008, the Pentagon ended the operation.[5] A DoD Inspector General investigation found no wrongdoing on the part of the DoD.
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Tue 18 Apr, 2017 02:07 pm



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Tue 18 Apr, 2017 02:09 pm
What the **** is wrong with the conservatives here that deny the science of GW and the certain dire consequences of it (which are not merely about US security but also about human suffering that could be on an historical scale)?

Here we go again, is it global warming or climate change? The reason sane people don't take your rhetoric seriously is because none of the predictions have proven to be true or even close to true. Sure the temps have changed but nothing on the level that was predicted 20 years ago when this BS started. None of your hero's have been correct.

It it your contention that the Department of Defense, the Pentagon, the US military is so flaky and so without integrity in their role as defenders of the US such that they will speak and plan based on the snowflake whims of the Sierra Club?

That is pretty much the case for the higher echelons of the military. For 8 years Obama made sure to stack the military ranks with people who thought like he did. It was the only way the military could even come close to saying CC was a bigger threat then any govt on Earth. That was pure lunacy and I'm sure these BS liberal sycophants in military clothing will be replaced with military leaders who actually understand what it takes to protect this country from real threats, not made up threats by the President and his liberal cabal.

Tue 18 Apr, 2017 02:12 pm
It is not clear who you presume to be addressing here.
You, for one.
However, it is clear that during the Obama Administration, the civilian leadership of the DoD did just that.

Clear to whom? Once again george you decline to forward any supporting evidence or documentation to support the charges you make. One might have thought you'd had time to reflect on your earlier "ex cathedra" comment.

But aside from your continuing failure to do discussion with integrity, what the hell is your claim here? That the US military just rolled over and lubricated their bums to make it easier and more comfortable for elitists in suits?
Walter Hinteler
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 02:15 pm
Baldimo wrote:
Here we go again, is it global warming or climate change? The reason sane people don't take your rhetoric seriously is because none of the predictions have proven to be true or even close to true. Sure the temps have changed but nothing on the level that was predicted 20 years ago when this BS started.
In 1988 the WMO established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 02:25 pm
Top officials in the West Wing — including President Trump and Steve Bannon — will closely monitor Tuesday's special election in Georgia's 6th congressional district. (The vote is to replace Tom Price, the new Health and Human Services Secretary.)

Why Trump cares: Whether he likes it or not, the media will portray this election as an early verdict on his presidency. The year’s first special election, in Kansas’ usually reliable deep-red 4th district, was way closer than it should’ve been. A loss in Georgia would further weaken Trump and make his legislative agenda — which relies on him holding his popularity like a knife over recalcitrant Republicans — a fair bit tougher.
You bet they'll be watching. The last thing Trump wants is for the "I am a winner" meme to be understood for what it really is - a declaration of alpha male authoritarianism.
0 Replies
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 02:27 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
That only proves you don't now our history.

I know our history very well actually.
0 Replies
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 02:29 pm
revelette1 wrote:
I am hopeful saner heads than Trump and Pence will win out in the end, and bring down the male chest thumping a notch or two. For the world's sake.

Trump is going to have to do something about North Korea, for the world's sake.
0 Replies
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 02:29 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Baldimo wrote:
Here we go again, is it global warming or climate change?

The US Republican party is changing tactics on the environment, avoiding "frightening" phrases such as global warming, after a confidential party memo warned that it is the domestic issue on which George Bush is most vulnerable.

The memo, by the leading Republican consultant Frank Luntz, concedes the party has "lost the environmental communications battle" and urges its politicians to encourage the public in the view that there is no scientific consensus on the dangers of greenhouse gases.

"The scientific debate is closing [against us] but not yet closed. There is still a window of opportunity to challenge the science," Mr Luntz writes in the memo, obtained by the Environmental Working Group, a Washington-based campaigning organisation.

"Voters believe that there is no consensus about global warming within the scientific community. Should the public come to believe that the scientific issues are settled, their views about global warming will change accordingly.

"Therefore, you need to continue to make the lack of scientific certainty a primary issue in the debate."

The phrase "global warming" should be abandoned in favour of "climate change", Mr Luntz says
This has all been understood since 2003, the date of the memo and the reporting on it.
0 Replies
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 02:31 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
I think the US may be the next to feel the raft since the last time we were the first to give the experience to others. It is written in Matthew 26:52 that he who lives by the nuke shall die by the nuke.

We used our nukes responsibly, in lawful self defense. We have no bad Karma over that.
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 02:31 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
In 1988 the WMO established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The start of the attempt to enact world wide socialism, we know this is true because most of the CC speakers talk about it. They mention the only way to truly combat CC is by a global force of control and regulations, it's the whole purpose of "Nationalism vs Globalism". In short, controlling the means of production and distribution. All we have to do is give up our sovereignty and control over our own regulations and the UN will guide us to a better tomorrow...
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 02:32 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
The US state department had earlier noted as well that there were "irregularities on voting day".
But the "cleansing of all state institutions”, what Erdoğan promised and already did, the sacking or detaining tens of thousands, and closing media outlets - that seems to be okay as long as he is seen by Trump as an important ally against Isis.

I remember stating back during the failed coup that Erdogan was the real bad guy in Turkey.
0 Replies
Tue 18 Apr, 2017 02:33 pm
blatham wrote:
Oh yes. I love cream pie assassins. They are among my favorite humans.

I have some possible good news for you then.

I've not been terribly inclined to join any of those a2k get-togethers, but I've given some thought to the best way to respond to name-calling liberals like you if I ever found myself at one of those gatherings, and so far "pies in the face" have sounded like the most satisfying option.

Although as I said, I'm not likely to ever venture to one of those events in the first place.
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