monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 16 Apr, 2017 11:00 am
@cicerone imposter,
"baby MOAB" is a nice mix of words. But he's really just saying that diplomacy isn't girly and weak-kneed - it's sane.
0 Replies
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 11:04 am
The Pussy-Grabber in Chief seeks heaven
President Donald Trump has increasingly infused references to God into his prepared remarks — calling on God to bless all the world after launching strikes in Syria, asking God to bless the newest Supreme Court justice, invoking the Lord to argue in favor of a war on opioids.

He's also taken other steps to further cultivate a Christian right that helped elect him, granting new levels of access to Christian media and pushing socially conservative positions that don't appear to come naturally to him.
You have to hand it to the guy - he does not over-estimate the intelligence of his base.
0 Replies
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 11:27 am
blatham wrote:

baseless and stupid.

As spitballs go, I think that one's pretty close.

One must admire the way Bernie oversees and strokes his slavish claques
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 11:34 am
Who are you talking to, george?

As regards the stroking of my claques, I let a nurse do that once. It helped.
0 Replies
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 11:36 am
blatham wrote:

I see that Kim Jon Un really got that message. There ought to be a Marvel super-hero whose power is Message-Sending. He just says some Tough Words or he grabs a twig and draws a Line In The Sand or he tosses a Firecracker into a jar with a worm or some such and evil is battered down into a whimpering puddle.

A convoluted collection of overdone metaphors. We now know beyond doubt that fat Kim was utterly undeterred by Obama's empty rhetoric and hapless inaction. As a direct result the threat to peace and stability posed by this contemptible tyrant has grown steadily. You were silent then. Your mockery now is both stupid and ridiculous.
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 11:59 am
Oh yeah. And by way of contrast, Korea was all subservient and well-mannered during the Bush administration and didn't work on their nuke program at all. Probably because of messages sent.
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 12:12 pm
blatham wrote:

Oh yeah. And by way of contrast, Korea was all subservient and well-mannered during the Bush administration and didn't work on their nuke program at all. Probably because of messages sent.

Kim Jong Un rose to power in 2011, during the Admi9nistration of the inept Obama. Previously Clinton and the mighty Madeline Albright tried bribery of his equally tyrannical, but more cautious, father - a move that got them only the contempt of the Korean Tyrants and which was likely an illustrative, formative lesson for his successor.

It is remarkable that you are so attuned to contemporary political gossip and, at the same moment, so ignorant of history.
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 12:12 pm
Dang it Blatham. I completely missed the initiation ceremony to your claque.
Just as well, though. I actually signed up for the Mutually Respectful Claque, not the slavish one. You should probably disband that one, by the by. Some folks might think "slavish" carries some pretty nasty connotations, you know?
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 12:18 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Perhaps an entire brain transplant for Kim..
There are others I could list, but I'm too lazy today.
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Finn dAbuzz
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 12:26 pm
When you're wrong, you're wrong, and I was wrong.

Apparently the crazy North Koreans went impressed by Chinese threats and went ahead with the missile test.

Fortunately it almost immediately blew up so the US didn't have to shoot it down.

I think the Chinese warnings were real and not simply a smoke screen, but it appears Kim isn't quite as afraid of them as I thought he might be. I hope the Chinese are willing to act tough as well as talking tough, or we probably will have a serious incident. Still have hope though, and I reject any notion that the Trump Administration is being reckless here. Their response to the launch has been very reserved which is appropriate. The time for tough talk from us is over. If NK doesn't believe our warnings are serious no amount of blustery tweets from Trump will convince them. Fortunately he seems to have a huge man crush on "Mad Dog" and is likely to listen closely to his advise, including no more bombastic tweets. However with Trump, anything is possible when it comes to his addiction to bombast and insults.

As an aside: I recently read an article written by a golfpro/writer about Trump the Presidential Golfer. Apparently he's a very good golfer by US Presidential standards, but he's also a taunter who waits until an opponent is just about to start his swing before letting lose with a "Careful now, this is the hole you choked on yesterday." Not surprised are you? The writer did say he was, otherwise, a fun guy to play with though. I can't stand sports taunters in general (unless they play in the defensive secondary of a football team), but if Trump can take what he dishes out...not sure it's the worse trait on earth. (My father-in-law didn't taunt on the links but he was known for his blatant disregard for golf etiquette, and whenever he was reminded it was bad form to ask somebody if they had watched the Yankees the night before; just as the guy at the tee was breaking into his back swing, he would say something like "Aww c'mon 18 year old college basketball players shoot free throws in front of jeering crowds of thousands!") This of course presumes that the people playing with him are inclined to give Mr Big a taste of his own medicine.

If Fat Boy is bound and determined to develop the means to deliver one of his nukes to the US homeland, and he is not deterred, he will achieve his goal and then we will be in an even bigger mess. Not even China wants to deal with that mess. Their economy can't afford to lose millions of Walmart shoppers.

I'm still holding out hope that the Chinese will yank hard enough on Kim's leash (event to the point of taking him out), but it does appear sooner than later there is going to be a serious confrontation between Fat Boy and Uncle Sam.

I've never held much stock in the argument concerning any erratic dictator that suggests "He may be a murderous thug, but he's not crazy."

The presumption in this argument is that these thugs won't do something that ensures either their complete loss of power or death, and maybe this is most often the case. The problem comes when they don't agree that the consequences of their "crazy" action will be so dire. Clearly they don't care if thousands of their people are killed to satisfy their desires and even whims, but if they think there's a chance they will remain essentially intact, or, better yet, that the other side will back down, they are capable of acting "crazy."

Saddam's invasion of Kuwait was crazy , and it didn't work, but he got to live on and continue his oppressive reign.

The presence of US troops in South Korea should be a signal to him that any large scale invasion that results in US casualties will almost assuredly mean war with the US, but he could be crazy enough to think he can pull it off without drawing us in.

Fat Boy may be the craziest adversary we've faced in a long time, and he just pulled a defiant stunt that he can easily interpret as calling the bluff of the US and China. If the ramifications of him succeeding with his goal of being able to hit the US with a nuke weren't so deadly serious, it might be acceptable to let him have his fun, but a serious confrontation is inevitable. As I suggested previously, he doesn't want the capability just so he can crow, and continue to oppress his people without fear of interference from the rest of the world, he wants it so he can do something crazy, the least of which would be a full scale invasion of South Korea.

Maybe he'll save the world a lot of trouble and die of natural causes, or one of his generals may consider him too crazy and put a bullet in his head at the start of a coup (I can imagine such a thing taking place with the help of the Chinese. They probably own at least one or two of the highly placed North Koreans, and if Fat Boy was 100% certain of their loyalty he probably won't have had his half-brother killed, but of course this is all speculation and not the stuff upon which US strategy should be built. We've spent decades counting on the crazy Kim Dynasty to come to an end without help from the outside, I don't see any reason to continue with such hope and expectation.

Finn dAbuzz
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 12:28 pm
Good one Smile
0 Replies
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 12:45 pm
The North Korean leadership refused to bow down to Chinese demands in the 90s when the country was going through a famine, while its people were dying of starvation and resorting to cannibalism. China's influence is overstated.
0 Replies
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 12:55 pm
I've been pretty sick the last 4 or 5 days (antibiotics caused an erosion in the stomach lining) and have been a little too tired to properly keep up. Does anyone know if Trump really asked to be carted around in the gold carriage with Queen Elizabeth or is that just fake news that's believable because of his bottomless need for glorification? I hope it's not true, it's incredibly stressful thinking about how many insulting gaffes he could make.
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 12:59 pm
Heartwarming to see that Blabbly has recruited a new fawning sycophant who is especially devoted to kissing his ass 24/7, eh?

The affectionate interaction between Blabby and his new bitch sets a high standard for unconditional mutual reinforcement that may be hard to ever beat.
0 Replies
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 01:03 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

One must admire the way Bernie oversees and strokes his slavish claques

Exactly, George. Blabby seems to understand that if you seek limitless flattery, then ya got give some, now and again.
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 01:12 pm
Several American presidents of both parties have allowed the NK threat to grow to this seriously dangerous moment.

What it proves is not that Republicans were more effective than Democrats when dealing with this issue, or the reverse, but that the shared policy of hoping the threat could be contained or might just go away on its own clearly hasn't worked. Regardless of who is in the WH now, it's folly to continue down a feckless path.

What each administration felt was an unacceptable consequence of confronting the Kim Dynasty has simply gotten worse with each passing year. The threat hasn't been contained in any meaningful sense of the word if the consequences have grown more dire.

First it was simply worrying about a full scale invasion of the South, (they currently have the military capability to defeat South Korea with conventional weapons and the US joining in to beat them back is not "acceptable.") then it was worrying that they would secure nukes (they have nukes) and now it's worrying about them developing the means to deliver their nukes to the US homeland (they got nukes why should anyone sneer at their ability to develop the means to send those nuke our way?). Throughout these decades the feckless policy was buttressed by the hope that eventually the North Korean people would rise up and overthrow the Kim Dynasty however that, obviously, never happened, and it is even less likely to happen now. After generations of horrific treatment the North Korean people have been reduced to a truly hopeless condition that won't allow for even a spark of rebellion. If the regime is ever ended and the country opens up to the rest of the world, the stories and studies coming out will be nightmarish.

Short of hoping for a bad case of avian flu to take down Fat Boy something has to take place to interrupt the steady march toward consequences that are almost unthinkable, and unfortunately that something may involve a previously considered "unacceptable" consequence. Republican and Democrat presidents have been kicking the can down the road for decades. It's going to eventually come to rest and we better hope it's not on Hawaii or Seattle or even Japan.

Distrust and dislike of Trump is par for the partisan course and there has been reason for legitimate criticism and there will, undoubtedly be more, however taking a position of total opposition is irrational, at least for Americans (Canadians are pretty much limited to blogging). To the extent that such a position was held during the Obama Administration, it too was irrational, but despite the throaty cries of vengeful partisans it wasn't unlimited among Republicans.

Fortunately, I haven't seen a lot of this total resistance among Democrats as respects the events of the last two weeks (or maybe I've just missed it). I would, however, like to hear or see more of what the people criticizing Trump over Syria and now NK want as the US alternative?

Some, on both sides of the spectrum, seem to think that if we just mind our own business, keep quiet and leave our heads buried in the sand, that these things will all work out on their own. Let Assad do whatever he wants to his people, we'll just open our doors to all the refugees he's created. (We're not to be the world's police but apparently it's OK to be it's homeless shelter). Let NK pursue it's missile program. What's he going to do? Nuke Portland? If he does, we'll bomb into the stone age, while we face a humanitarian and economic crisis unlike any we've ever seen. He's crazy, but he's not that crazy.

The Bush and Obama policies toward NK were entirely ineffective and the argument can easily be made that they emboldened the regime. It appears that Trump and his administration believe that a different course can be effective, and while there is no guarantee that this will be the case, it would be interesting to see someone explain why continuing to do the same thing that's failed in the past is our best bet for the present and the future.

cicerone imposter
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 01:25 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
You can't negotiate with a crazy leader who kills his own family member.
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 01:27 pm
It has been reported without confirmation that he (or his people) have requested that he join the queen in a ride through London in her gold plated carriage.

Obama could have taken a ride with the queen in her carriage but opted otherwise, reportedly for security reasons.

This is not, however, some unusual, grandiose demand (as as been reported) by Trump. Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Chinese President Xi Jinping — have all taken such carriage rides during state visits.

A number of outlets have been reporting this story in a very biased way; with the intent of playing up to some people inclined to believe he has a bottomless need for glorification.

Hope you feel better soon. It's amazing how stomach problems can really just tear a person down and make life miserable. No illness is a treat, but I would rather have the flu or even pneumonia than a bad stomach. Have you tried ginger. I find it to be something of a miracle cure of all that ails my stomach.
cicerone imposter
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 01:27 pm
Trump is the flattery queen.
0 Replies
Sun 16 Apr, 2017 02:22 pm
farmerman wrote:


Nuke em...Nuke em all... AMERICA FIRST BABY!
you really have no idea about where wed be if we or anyone used nuclear weapons do you?

Pray tell enlighten us rabbi.


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