A trickle down economy, actually, helps the rich get richer; nothing much trickles down in it. The common man is revolting against the viciously unjust distribution of wealth. He wants to recapture his lost financial comfort and aspirations. He is acutely aware of his pain, but is confused about remedy. Trump's talk about making America great again captured his fancy. Our expensive education favors the rich. The poorly educated downtrodden did not even understand the consequence of his vote. It takes a great person to lead a nation to greatness. It is amazing, how many subscribers of Affordable Care did not know that it is the same as Obama Care.
For Trump, this is an opportunity to express his gigantic ego. Like an arrogant king he offended almost everyone around him within a month. Ego manifests itself as self-centeredness. His presidency is digging its own grave.
The bottom line is that this is a shame for the U.S. The pain generated by the financial injustice has degraded our culture so much, that such ulterior-motive-candidates can get elected. We, as a nation, will lose much due to this folly; international prestige, deep faith in our democratic system, and some of our prosperity. The resulting discontentment will be substantial.
As the presidency keeps loosing face, it will resort to more drastic means to regain the prestige. This can plunge us into wrong international conflicts. Before we come to this, let us hope that the presidency would have lost enough prestige, eroding enough support of the power-greedy, unscrupulous yes-members, making it easy for the congress to thwart such reckless adventures.