Quote georgeob1:
Quote:The current furor appears to be a result of Democrat embarrassment over the hacking of the DNC web site and the confirmation of its complicity in distorting both the Democrat Primary and the final election.
You had a nice post until you hit this part, george. Russia hacking into the Democratic National Committee in an effort to swing the election to someone who seems set to remove Eastern Europe's protection against Russian invasion is bad enough, but then Russia has always been our enemy. So it shouldn't surprise us when they act like one.
However, complicity on the part of the Trump campaign and allies is another story altogether. Trump's campaign and even Administration is full of people who are plainly Putin supporters mixed in with people who are fresh off the Kremlin payroll, directly or indirectly. Breibart editor Bannon had articles about prominent conservatives opposing Trump's nomination with titles like "Jew opposes Trump", right in line with the Kremlin's tactic of claiming a "New World Order" is taking over, with "NWO" being synonymous with Jews. Manafort has been working for Russian fronts for many years, and might still be doing it, or all we know. Trump's Commerce Secretary was part of the top management of a Cyprus bank which acted as a conduit for Russian money laundering. Rex Tillerson went around the sanctions the US put on dealing with Russia after they took over the Crimea. Tillerson even went in front of the Russian legislative body and performed for them, saying how little he thinks of the US sanctions and how he has no intention to comply, to the obvious smiles of the Russian elite present. And so on.
Give it time, george. Sooner or later it's going to sink in that Trump is essentially working for Putin, has put Putin's toadies in position of power and that you hate Trump's guts for it. You're not there yet, but I sense just that little bit of light dawning with you.