we understand that costs are still a function of "Free Market economy". Thats not health care, thats just a different way to support insurance companies. Ive become a real zealot of single payer like its done in countries far more civilized than us.
health Care does not equate with just insurance.I agree that Obamacare needed major fixing to adjust the emans of defining the risk pool. IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE THROWN UNDER THE BUS, Thats just stoopid , petulant, nyah nyahism that both sides ngage in to stick it in the eyes of the other side of the aisle.
AND WE, like the dumbass cattle we are, are quick to join a side and buy into their beliefs like a fuckin religion.
Im a Dem at heart but I became a GOP about 10 years go, just so I could have my vote count in the primaries, thats all. Im part of an interstate environmental "class" to jam it up Trumps ass to forbid him from trashing the Clean Water ACt by allowing new mine wastes ND TOXINS from entering our streams that eve spent almost 60 years finally cleaning up .(I remember, as a kid, when many of our streams and rivers caught fire). Now , president Tweets wants to turn th clock back 100 years.
Im a gun totin, economically conservative, environmentally active, socially liberal, socialized medicine GOPer.
Im, thank god, just over the board enoughto NOT be a compleat ideologue like many of the right and left on A2K.
PS, if you reaaalllly believe Trump has a 156 IQ, I have some Louisiana bayou land you may be interested in.