monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 16 Mar, 2017 08:51 am
Maggie Haberman‏Verified account
Trump visibly frustrated last night over travel ban rejection in Hawaii, staff had assured him this one would hold up.

"You're all making me look like a clown. Me!", he might have said. I wasn't there so I don't know.
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 08:52 am
revelette1 wrote:

Border wall: Texans receiving letters about their land

Even before Donald Trump was inaugurated, U.S. citizens who own land along the border reportedly began receiving letters from the Justice Department informing them that the federal government wants their land to build a fence (i.e. the president’s border wall), that it intends to acquire their land, and the amount of compensation the government is offering.

Yvette Salinas, a Texan whose ailing mother owns a small parcel of land with her siblings near the Rio Grande was informed by the “Declaration of Taking” letter sent by DOJ that her 1.2 acres was worth $2,900, according to a story in the Texas Observer. She told the Observer that the family’s 16 acres has been in her family for five generations. The government’s letter asks recipients to sign in order to receive compensation, acknowledge that they “do not have an interest” in the case or do not intend to make a claim. It doesn’t really say what landowners should do if, like Salinas, they don’t want to sell their land.

Salinas called the letter “scary” and said “you feel you have to sign.” Her family is consulting a lawyer about its next steps. If other border landowners have the same reluctance to sell as Salinas, the government may have a long battle ahead to secure all the land necessary for the wall, given that the federal government doesn’t own most of it. The nearly 2,000-mile southern border is composed of federal, state, tribal and private lands.

There are 632 miles of federal or tribal land -- 33 percent -- and the other 67 percent, most of which is in Texas, is private or state-owned, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO). The Washington Post points out that the president would need Congress to pass a bill to acquire the tribal lands for his wall.


Yeah I've seen alot of this property near the boarder in Texas...It's mostly scrub. The fence would probably increase the value of the rest of her 15 acres. If she's stupid enough to waste the $2900 on lawyers...So be it.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 08:55 am
blatham wrote:

Big money to the Pentagon and slashes to State. I don't have a grasp of why this is happening.

Well you're half right...You don't have a grasp of anything.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 08:57 am
layman wrote:

From Howard Kurtz (and others he quotes):

Hype Watch: Rachel Maddow's titanic Trump tax touting ends badly

What was touted as a very big night for Rachel Maddow ended up with a massive misfire....Maddow is smart and a talented broadcaster. But she and the people around her botched this one.

It’s not that her disclosure of Donald Trump’s 2005 tax return—the first two pages, at least—was a non-story. It’s that it wasn’t treated as a serious news story. Instead, the MSNBC anchor turned it into a long, arduous, embarrassingly partisan spectacle that was widely mocked, even by some on the left.

Maddow first tweeted that she had the Trump returns on 7:26 p.m. on Tuesday. She began her 9 p.m. show with a rambling, 20-minute monologue about all the questions raised by Trump’s taxes, then teased the big reveal after the next commercial break.

From Slate:
“The longer Maddow went on, ever deeper into a conspiratorial thicket,” said Slate, “the clearer it became that whatever tax returns Maddow had, they weren’t as juicy as the ones she was talking about. If she had anything that damning, she would have shared them from the start…

“Maddow even went so far as to hold the tax returns back until after the first commercial break, as if we were watching an episode of The Bachelor and not a matter of national importance ... In positioning it as a grand revelation, a vital step in comprehending Trump’s corruption, MSNBC created an exceedingly cynical spectacle.

[Her "report"] actually helped the president by showing that he paid substantial taxes, the 25 percent rate being far higher than Mitt Romney’s.

video here: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/03/16/hype-watch-rachel-maddows-titanic-trump-tax-touting-ends-badly.html

What else is new, eh? These fake news outlets specialize in serving up breathlessly delivered speculation and hateful commentary, not in presenting the news in straight-forward fashion.

Nice try, cheese-eaters

The word desperate is paramount in this little debacle. The powers that be at NBC probably told her to do anything to increase her ratings otherwise she was gone.
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 09:04 am
layman wrote:

Colbert fans will like this.


Laughed my ass off...Just one thing... Maddcow looks more masculine than Colbert!
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 09:06 am
Time for Congress to slit up the nutty ninth.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 09:08 am
The powers that be at NBC probably told her to do anything to increase her ratings otherwise she was gone.

Hold the phone here, folks, we have a high ranking insider here;

Reporter: Did you see what happened, sir?

guijohn: Yeahhh, I did. I's standin' overe there by the tomaters, and here he
Come, running through the pole beans, through the fruits and vegetables
Nekkid as a jay bird. And I hollered over t' Ethel, I said, "Don't
Look, Ethel!" But it's too late, she'd already been incensed

0 Replies
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 09:09 am
No cheese-eater has made a single comment about what Trump said in the interview I posted here for their convenience.

Par for the course. I don't think any of them ever listen to what Trump actually says. If he's giving an interview on TV, they turn the channel. They don't want to know what he says, or the manner in which he says it. It would create too much cognitive dissonance for them.

They just want the media to tell them what he "meant," when they present a chopped-up, out-of-context phrase or two, and they just want to hear the demonizing denouncements the media is sure to give them when they say it.

Trump is a 70 year old mult-billionaire, who, along with his children, is "set for life." He says he doesn't need or want more money, which makes perfect sense. There's no way he could spend even half of what he has that would make any significant difference in the life of luxury he is accustomed to.

He says his only concern now is with helping the American people, not constructing more buildings, as he used to enjoy so much, which is one reason he has no qualms about wanting to reform the tax code to eliminate artificial tax deductions, etc.

But the cheese-eaters will just continue to chant their ridiculous "Trump is merely greedy and self-serving crook who only wanted to become president in order to line his own pockets" mantra

It doesn't occur to them that their bullshit makes no sense. They don't even think about it. They just dutifully recite the day's "talking points" as directed by MoveOn, without giving it any thought whatsoever.
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 09:13 am
giujohn wrote:

Maddcow looks more masculine than Colbert!

Good observation, John. You're completely right, of course.

I suppose that being effeminate helped him mimic her mannerisms so accurately.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 09:21 am
There's no way he could spend even half of what he has that would make any significant difference in the life of luxury he is accustomed to.

Perhaps the sleazebag could spend the rest of his existence making things up to all the people he has screwed over.

Trump attracts dishonesty like a magnet attracts steel filings. All these little putzes that accuse others of not looking at the "truth" while they themselves flee from the BIG LIE, knowing the truth about their governments and rejoicing in yet another.
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 09:27 am
Trump don't lie. He just exaggerates like a ************, that's all.

Promotion has always been his true calling.
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 09:29 am
blatham wrote:

I saw that, Walter. This administration certainly runs a disciplined and coherent messaging campaign. I guess that incoherence might be unavoidable given who's at the top.

I think you are merely distracted by the possibly deliberate (or at least knowingly tolerated) cacophony that often accompanies ab outcome oriented leader. Progressives and the Obama folks were very focused on messages, appropriate citations of their sappy group values, and even tedious repetition of stock phrases, etc. Those who didn't hew the line were quickly removed. However Obama & co weren't focused on outcomes at all. The results the obtained repeatedly showed that.

The details of the Obama care legislation were fraught with errors and contradictions, a few remedied by an overgenerous Supreme Court. many others by arbitrary and (in some cases illegal) Executive action. Even after these issues were worked out, it turned out that the insurance cost far more than was expected; the young and healthy didn't sign up; and the competition foreseen in the government-managed market didn't appear. In short the outcome was a disaster. (It turned out that real human beings didn't behave as Professors Ezekiel Emanuel and Jonathan Gruber forecast.)

Same goes for Foreign policy, as we saw a string of disasters starting with the apology tour, the destabilization of the Middle East, the failed Arab Spring and continuing through revolution, ignored "red Lines" and the disintegration of governments from Libya to Iraq and the Horn of Africa. Good intentions and focused messages all the way, but a long string of bad outcomes and disasters nevertheless. The world is much worse off as a result.

I guess they think it's OK as most progressives insist on being judged by the goodness of their intentions as opposed to the results they actually achieve.

Real leaders are focused on results and outcomes as opposed to "messaging" and stock phrases. They often appoint strong deputies and tolerate the different perspective that accompany them precisely to maintain a focus on actually achieving the results they are aiming at in an always disorderly and often unpredictable real world ( as opposed to the imaginary world of groupthink and "predictable" behaviors the Emanuel's , Gruber's , and Obama's inhabit.
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 09:36 am
Well, I dunno, George. Obama did tell the russians to "cut it out," eh? That's an accomplishment, doncha think?
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 09:41 am
Real leaders are focused on results and outcomes as opposed to "messaging" and stock phrases.

The USA is nothing but a litany of stock phrases and "messaging" their incessant propaganda.

How can a body that writes long diatribes suggest for one moment, that Donald Trump has voiced anything but those same old US stock phrases and "messaging"?

We are living a new "Vietnam" started with the same big lies, but at least we get to live thru it, while millions don't.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 09:44 am
Trump don't lie. He just exaggerates like a ************, that's all.

I voted you up for your exaggeration.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 09:46 am
In the flick "White Men Can't Jump," Billy Hoyle told the brother: "You'd rather look good and lose than look bad and win."

I think that was Obama he was talking to, eh?
0 Replies
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 10:01 am
Talking about basketball, Trump, losers, and all reminds me of a time on the blacktop when some chump challenged me to a game of one-on-one, first one to 10 wins.

After I beat him 10 to 0, he wanted to play again, so we did. Next game the score was 10 to 1. He insisted on a third game, which I also won by a score of 10 to 0.

Then he wanted to play again. I refused. It was just too easy and boring--no challenge at all.

Trump needs more money like I needed to score more points against that chump, ya know?
0 Replies
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 10:03 am
Sadly it was as close to a real accomplishment as that self-absorbed jackass ever came.

I think this fundamental difference between Trump and his predecessor is more and more appreciated by the American public. Trump's still sometimes careless Tweets create a lot of unease, but do far less real harm that Obama's carefully rehearsed but dull, groupthink prose. I suspect the gulf between the public and the Democrat inhabitants of the cocoon is growing greater. The Democrat political leaders, whom Blatham imitates so slavishly, sound more and more unreal every day. At some point they will have to provide some substance to the stream of increasingly wild and unfounded speculations they issue (and substitute for meaningful productive political discourse) .

They accomplished nothing good and lasting while they held power, and now appear about to be overtaken by real events.

The "discovery" of Trump's 2005 Tax return (f1040) and particularly the breathless, excited buildup the windbag Maddow gave it was perhaps a bit illustrative of the fixation of Progressives on process as opposed to results. I wonder if she was even aware of the tax rates paid by Trump, Obama and Sanders , respectively.
Thu 16 Mar, 2017 10:06 am
layman wrote:

No cheese-eater has made a single comment about what Trump said in the interview I posted here for their convenience.

Par for the course. I don't think any of them ever listen to what Trump actually says. If he's giving an interview on TV, they turn the channel. They don't want to know what he says, or the manner in which he says it. It would create too much cognitive dissonance for them.

They just want the media to tell them what he "meant," when they present a chopped-up, out-of-context phrase or two, and they just want to hear the demonizing denouncements the media is sure to give them when they say it.

Trump is a 70 year old mult-billionaire, who, along with his children, is "set for life." He says he doesn't need or want more money, which makes perfect sense. There's no way he could spend even half of what he has that would make any significant difference in the life of luxury he is accustomed to.

He says his only concern now is with helping the American people, not constructing more buildings, as he used to enjoy so much, which is one reason he has no qualms about wanting to reform the tax code to eliminate artificial tax deductions, etc.

But the cheese-eaters will just continue to chant their ridiculous "Trump is merely greedy and self-serving crook who only wanted to become president in order to line his own pockets" mantra

It doesn't occur to them that their bullshit makes no sense. They don't even think about it. They just dutifully recite the day's "talking points" as directed by MoveOn, without giving it any thought whatsoever.

Here's the difference between the hysterical left cheese eaters and patriotic people on the right.

Even though I was opposed to Obama as President, if he was doing something to benefit my country and its National Security I would back him 100% as I did when he had Osama Bin Laden eliminated.

The cheese eaters, the hysterical leftist assholes who oppose Trump for any reason whatsoever have no interest in making America great or securing its national interests. They hate America and they revel in its downfall.

If Trump was able to eliminate Isis and bring peace to the Middle East tomorrow they would still oppose his presidency.

I'm certain that they wouldn't even be satisfied with his impeachment... They would only be satisfied with his death.

Even I am able to find common ground and compromise with some positions on the left.

The shock that the left experienced by Trump's win at the poles has manifested into a deep psychological hysteria and demonstrates a serious mental health problem for these individuals. They have lost all common sense and rationality as well as the ability to critically or logically state the reasons for their hatred... But then that is the nature of blind hatred.

I defy each of those here in this forum who have expressed their hatred for Trump and his presidency to find one thing that he is proposing or has done that would benefit the United States of America, it's people, it's standing or security in the world...Just ONE.

Thu 16 Mar, 2017 10:15 am
Yeah, John, if Trump brought 10 million jobs back to America from overseas, the cheese-eaters would denounce him as a hateful xenophobic racist who didn't care about "suffering" in the world, eh?

If he destroys ISIS, that will just prove he's "islamophobic."

If he re-energerizes the economy he will simply be "serving his billionaire buddies," etc.

It's pathetic, really. What a sorry-ass crew.


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