monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 15 Mar, 2017 11:20 am
Out of all that c***, this is what you picked to talk about something you know nothing about, save for the right wing talking points you have gleaned from Glen Beck, Fox news, ... ?

The US military is a communist organization and all you conservatives constantly mouth what a great thing it is that "our military is being coddled by communism" because they don't have the brains to do anything productive. Except help their country illegally invade sovereign nations, all based on a huge September lie.

September morn, we danced around the truth until it became just another of our new realities ...
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 11:24 am
It was the only thing worth addressing. The police dept and fire depts are not examples of socialist thinking in the US.

Do you really want to know what it is like to be in the military? What they cover and what they don't cover?
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 11:25 am
God damn you are bringing some good music here. Démé's voice is just gorgeous. I gather that the third is Ali Farka Toure's son or brother?
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 11:27 am
The police dept and fire depts are not examples of socialist thinking in the US.

Perfect examples. And look at the huge disrespect US governments show them.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 11:28 am
McGentrix wrote:

The story on the 2005 returns, as I understand it, was that someone leaked the documents to a source that gave them to Maddow. Maddow's people then went to the White House and said "Hey, we have these, are they real?" Inresponse Trump allowed his forms to be released for that year.

That is how Maddow was able to show them on TV and talk about them. Maddow may be a terrible person from a conservative's point of view but she understands the law and is smart enough to follow it.

Not quite. Maddcow published a copy that was stamped, "client copy". Only Trump can do that. The white house never published anything, they merely confirmed that the illegally obtained copy was real.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 11:29 am
camlok wrote:

Maddow may be a terrible person from a conservative's point of view

That would be because she often tells the truth.

As often as I **** potpourri.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 11:31 am
Says the guy who flees from his own flubs, disappears for a number of pages and then pops up again.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 11:33 am
The voting down is a detail, not a "plague". Once you get used to it, you don't even notice it anymore.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 11:39 am
The world is still a very big place full of surprises. Not all of us have been homogenized.

No kidding! Rep. King is one of the stupidest humans on the planet who unfortunately has a lot of company in stupidville.

Have you guys seen Lacho Drom? The documentary (not a single word of narration, if I recall correctly) of the music of the Rom people from many of the places in the world where they've migrated. I sat with my jaw dropped through the whole thing. The level of musical expertise and the passion of it just blew me away.

I'm going to link here to notes on the soundtrack to the film Beautiful People. It was nominated for the Academy Awards. One of the composers/performers here is Garry Bell who is one of my hometown (Chilliwack, BC) crowd of hash-smoking, acid-dropping (and now and again, things more serious), wine-drinking, girl-chasing hippy guys. We were just emailing earlier in the week. Over on the right there's a link to one piece for a taste. They were drawing on musical traditions from around the Baltic area. https://www.discogs.com/Various-Beautiful-People-Original-Motion-Picture-Soundtrack/release/6361879

Wed 15 Mar, 2017 11:48 am
Thanks, also for the Latcho Drom clue. My family has some gypsies roots and I didn't know of the movie (although it's French I see).

I discovered Ry Cooder with the Buena Vista Social Club album. That was real good work, bringing to our western ears musical geniuses we (I at least) knew nothing about. He also was in the movie by Wenders.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 11:50 am
Perfect examples. And look at the huge disrespect US governments show them.

Saying so doesn't make it so. Explain how they are examples of socialism?

The only people showing huge disrespect for the police and fire depts are those on the left. How does the US govt show them disrespect?
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 12:08 pm
You can watch Lacho Drom on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTuXveZStUo

Cooder did collaborations with a lot of "world music" people, most of which I've not yet heard, but including Ali Farka Toure (Talking Timbuktu) and with Vishwas Mohan Bhatt (A Meeting By the River) which I have, the first my favorite.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 12:19 pm
How does the US govt show them disrespect?

Not only the US government, but state and city governments, citizens like you who basically call them liars, "truthers", "conspiracy theorists", ... .

Many firemen reported explosions on 911, but they, like the media, were all silenced. Then NYC recorded the firemens' testimony but kept it hidden until the NYTs/survivor families' sued to get their testimony released.

Why would the very people who were right on the scene be silenced? In free America?

Firemen Explosion Testimony


118 Witnesses:
The Firefighters’ Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers


The Surprising Collapses
Although the 9/11 Commission Report acknowledges that fire chiefs on the scene thought the collapse of the Towers was impossible,[13] it is worth emphasizing the unanimity of the FDNY personnel on this point.

Here are typical comments:

“...it took me a long time before I could accept the fact that even after you could see that the
tower wasn't there you said it had to be there somewhere. You couldn’t believe that it had come
down.” (Captain Michael Donovan, 9110205)

“I was kind of in disbelief that the building was actually collapsing. I kind of stopped to say,
well, maybe that was a piece of the facade. I couldn’t believe that the entire building was going
to collapse in one heap.”(Captain Charles Clarke, 9110250)

“Once again, I’m doing this 23 years...This changed all the rules. This changed all the rules. This
went from a structure to a wafer in seconds, in seconds. I couldn’t believe the speed of that tower
coming down. I heard the rumble, I looked up, debris was already 50 feet from the ground...”
(Sergeant James Canham, 9110370)

“I’ve worked in Manhattan my whole career in high rises and everything else...you looked back,
all you see--you know how fast those buildings came down...it just doesn’t click that these
buildings can come down...you just couldn’t believe that those buildings could come
down...there’s no history of these buildings falling down.” (Lieutenant Warren Smith, 9110223)

“whoever in their right mind would have thought that the World Trade Center would ever fall
down...Nobody in the world, nobody ever would ever have thought those buildings were coming
down.” (EMS Captain Mark Stone, 9110076)


Wed 15 Mar, 2017 12:23 pm
Oh Jesus Christ... Every chance you get huh.

I think this will be an and of our conversation unless you want to address how you think the police and fire services are socialist...
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 12:29 pm
You are calling the firefighters liars, Baldimo. You can't even watch a 1 minute and 50 second video where two NY firemen describe the secondary explosionS.

That means the explosions after the explosion occasioned by the jet fuel. Not just one - go and listen to the firemen. Stop calling them names.

Why do you have so little respect for these men who risked their lives?
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 12:31 pm
Socialism and police depts, keep to the subject, not the subject you want it steered to.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 12:36 pm
Baldimo: How does the US govt show them disrespect?

And now you are calling the 118 New York City firemen who reported explosions liars.

You are calling the two firemen in the 1 minute fifty second video, one with his face all bloodied, liars and worse. You don't have enough respect for them to even hear them out.

Have you no sense of decency at all, Baldimo?
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 01:30 pm
Police Dept and socialism?
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 01:35 pm
Once again Rachel Maddox has made a fool of herself. I can understand why her far lefty fans like her. She's an excellent telepromp/cue card reader. Very passionate. Plus they don't give a damn about stinkin facts, they're just delighted to hear her breathlessly tell them all she has the goods on Trump.

Honest liberals would admit that any similar nonsense by a right wing tele-celeb (she can't be considered a journalist or even pundit) would have them, at the very least, rolling her eyes.

She is to "Cable New" what Maxine Waters is to Congress.
Wed 15 Mar, 2017 01:37 pm
The US Federal Reserve has raised its benchmark interest rate by 0.25% for only the third time in a decade.

The central bank voted to raise its key rate target to a range of 0.75% to 1%.

The Fed had been expected to raise rates after a robust February jobs report, solid pay gains, rising inflation and a dip in the unemployment rate to 4.7%.

Federal Reserve policymakers are expected to increase rates a total of three times this year.

The Fed aims to keep the cost of lending between banks within a specified band, which it does by buying or selling financial assets.

It is raising that band by a quarter of a percent.

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