monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 14 Mar, 2017 09:16 am
Nice catch by Josh at TPM.

For the last couple of days, Trump and Pence have been running this PR/propaganda move where they listen to the sad tales of Americans suffering from Obamacare (no positive stories welcome, of course). Yesterday, Pence tweeted:
Vice President Pence ✔ @VP
In Ohio, I met Greg Knox—a small biz owner hurting under Obamacare. Now, he's at the @WhiteHouse to share his story. https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/03/13/remarks-president-trump-listening-session-healthcare

This ain't just any old "small business owner". And how/why they picked this dude is what Josh (with a tip from a reader) helps make clear. Definitely worth your time. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/he-seems-nice--2
0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 09:22 am
Cranking up Bernie's Fact O Meter Machine

Paul Ryan said that he does not think King's [racist white supremacy] "statement reflects what is special about this country."

I rate that half true.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 09:30 am
White House analysis of Obamacare repeal sees even deeper insurance losses than CBO
The executive branch analysis forecast that 26 million people would lose coverage over the next decade, versus the 24 million CBO estimates.

A White House analysis of the GOP plan to repeal and replace Obamacare shows even steeper coverage losses than the projections by the Congressional Budget Office, according to a document viewed by POLITICO on Monday.

The preliminary analysis from the Office of Management and Budget forecast that 26 million people would lose coverage over the next decade, versus the 24 million CBO estimates. The White House has made efforts to discredit the forecasts from the nonpartisan CBO.

Hmm. And what does the WH say about this?
“This is not an analysis of the bill in any way whatsoever,” White House Communications Director Michael Dubke told POLITICO. “This is OMB trying to project what CBO’s score will be using CBO’s methodology.”

According to documents viewed by POLITICO, the OMB analysis intended to assess the coverage and spending outcomes of the legislation.

But heck, there's surely no reason to imagine this WH would lie about anything. My microwave remote surveillance suggests nothing but Washintonian "I cannot tell a lie" ethos with these people.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 09:32 am
@cicerone imposter,
If you truly believe people don't want health insurance, you're living in an alternate universe.

When I was in my 20's, before I was married and had kids, I would rather have money in my pay check then have it taken out and paying for something I never used. Yes, there are plenty of single young people who think exactly that way, it was those very people the ACA was going to use to pay for itself, it was the sole purpose of the mandate.
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 09:38 am
You are apparently comfortable in the cocoon you have woven for yourself. Within it you have a continuous exchange of "profound insights into the psychological motivations" of Trump and his key aides; a host of factoids (each missing key elements to foster the preferred line); and a continuous exchange of this **** providing all the "multiple sources' you need to sustain your illusions.

In that cocoon you are impervious to contrary ideas or facts, or even the chore of rethinking your assumptions as new facts emerge, in an always disorderly world.

It's all OK with me.

The future of this and all like events in human affairs remains uncertain, Reasoning people observe, reflect, revise assumptions and weigh the unfolding likelihoods. Those, like you, in the cocoon are spared all that ..... they KNOW, ... they KNOW.)

As I recall you also KNEW that the progressive march would continue, that Hillary Clinton would win the Presidency and the Democrats would recapture a majority in the Senate. Where were all your powers of insight into the real motives of candidates and voters then???

The truth is they and your current insights are permanent residents of the self-sustaining fantasy world you inhabit.
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 09:43 am
Talk about self hating, I can't think of any group that describes more than older rural Americans who keep voting for republicans. The health bill which comes out of the republicans is nothing but a horrible travesty which will hurt the sick, the poor, and the elderly among us the most.

You further prove my point that the left is only interested in the elderly for their votes on SS and medicare and could careless what they think about on other issues. You continue to divide the country with your identity politics.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 09:49 am
It gets worse, he has most of us right of center folks on ignore and the rest of the extreme left on this site is doing the same. This election has really exposed who the extremists are, they are the ones scared to interact with those of an opposite opinion.
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 09:57 am
You are apparently comfortable in the cocoon you have woven for yourself.

Major hypocrite, george.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 10:02 am
George, here's what I'd like you to do.

Go find one of those tacky apartment buildings where the entryway has mirrors on opposite walls. Then just stand there as your reflections multiply off towards infinity.

Take that image home with you as a lesson in you projecting me projecting.
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 10:06 am
Go find one of those tacky apartment buildings where the entryway has mirrors on opposite walls. Then just stand there as your reflections multiply off towards infinity.

Take that image home with you as a lesson in you projecting me projecting.

Who do you reply to? Who do you have on ignore? This also goes for the rest of the lefties here on a2k.
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 10:12 am
And this is why I see the American Health Care Act on life-support. House Republicans are being told they have to support a bad bill that would produce bad outcomes. They can’t expect much in the way of cover from the White House given Trump’s unpopularity and ongoing scandals. They know that if they vote for the bill, the Democratic attack ads will be both brutal and accurate.

And they know that if the House passes the bill, it’ll die in the Senate, which means they’ll have taken the political hit for no reason.

What we’re left with is a divided party with awful legislation, being pursued for reasons party leaders are struggling to explain. The president recently said, “Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated,” but it’s a safe bet Trump knows it now.

Last week, Paul Ryan boasted to reporters, with uncharacteristic bravado, “We will have 218 votes. This is the beginning of the legislative process. We’ll have 218 when this thing comes to the floor. I can guarantee you that.”

Raise your hand if you think the Speaker would make that same guarantee today.

This isn't a small problem. And of course it is why Ryan and the GOP dallied for nearly eight years in explicating a replacement bill.
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Walter Hinteler
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 10:12 am
Baldimo wrote:
This election has really exposed who the extremists are, they are the ones scared to interact with those of an opposite opinion.
I know: it's different from different from different countries of view.
But, for instance, in Germany only the extreme Right and the neo-Nazis support your government's view (and partly the rightish Christian Social Union, the sister-party of the Christian Union in Bavaria).
The (US) Democrats are similar to the Christian Union = center-right.
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 10:13 am
Desperate? Nah. I call it like I see it.

You do nothing of the kind. You weave and bob, which is polite for what Trump and Conway and ... do.

0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 10:17 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Which view is that Walter?
0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 10:19 am
Baldimo wrote:

If you truly believe people don't want health insurance, you're living in an alternate universe.

When I was in my 20's, before I was married and had kids, I would rather have money in my pay check then have it taken out and paying for something I never used. Yes, there are plenty of single young people who think exactly that way, it was those very people the ACA was going to use to pay for itself, it was the sole purpose of the mandate.

Sure, people don't want to pay for health insurance (as it's bloody expensive, especially without subsidies), but they sure as **** want health insurance. That's what CI said.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 10:21 am
Baldimo wrote:
Who do you have on ignore? This also goes for the rest of the lefties here on a2k.
Is answering this now a condition that "the rest of the left" doesn't get banned or something else?

I've noticed, Baldimo, that you constantly ask members totally private questions. For me, it's good enough that TSA knows my eating habits, my bank accounts, addresses of my friends and of my preferred accommodations, my recent travels in and outside Europe etc etc. You can ask them for these data ...
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 10:22 am
Baldimo wrote:

Go find one of those tacky apartment buildings where the entryway has mirrors on opposite walls. Then just stand there as your reflections multiply off towards infinity.

Take that image home with you as a lesson in you projecting me projecting.

Who do you reply to? Who do you have on ignore? This also goes for the rest of the lefties here on a2k.

"The Lefties" on a2k have the freedom to respond to whomever they want to. You're free to criticize that of course, but no one has to play with you if they don't want to.

One of the many downsides of being a dick to people so often (that goes for the the rest of the righties here on a2k too).
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 10:27 am
Baldimo wrote:

It gets worse, he has most of us right of center folks on ignore and the rest of the extreme left on this site is doing the same. This election has really exposed who the extremists are, they are the ones scared to interact with those of an opposite opinion.

What a cry-baby. Did you parent's have to pay people to play with you as a child too? Do you want to complain about the thumbs-down's again? Some cheese with your whine...you know us cheese-eaters have a lot of extra right?

No one is scared of you Baldimo. People post on this board for a number of reasons. You must understand that people don't typically choose to engage with people who insult them in real life, why the hell would one feel obligated to do that on a message board?

But you know, keep calling them cowards for not engaging with your hate-filled behavior. I'm sure that will work.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 10:27 am
Having an opposing opinion is being a dick? Not seeing things and the world the way they do makes me a dick? If that's the case, this whole website is filled with dicks and bitches. The only person I'm personally rude to is Izzy but that is an in-kind response. I'm actually one of the nicest people you can know.
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 10:28 am
I noted the other day that we ought to keep our ears open re Marc Mukasey who's apparently on the short list to replace Preet Bharara. I noted that he was Roger Aile's personal lawyer and that Bharara's office was engaged in an investigation of Fox. There even more to this guy's story.
As it happens, a lawyer at the top of the short list to replace Bharara happens to be Marc Mukasey, one of Roger Ailes’ personal attorneys. Mukasey’s firm handles real estate matters for Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, and one of Mukasey’s partners is Rudy Giuliani, who made his name as the U.S. attorney for New York himself. Not only that, Marc Mukasey’s father, Michael Mukasey, is the man who succeeded Alberto Gonzales as attorney general after he resigned in disgrace over the firing of U.S. attorneys for political reasons. What a coincidence.
Tight little world in the swamps of New York Trumpland.
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