monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 13 Mar, 2017 11:31 pm
Blickers wrote:

Quote McGentrix:
I see 14 million people being forced to pay for something they neither want nor need. Now using those 14 million people as a foil to say that "14 million will lose their health insurance!!" when they din't want it to begin with is fake news.

How do you know the 14 Million didn't want the health insurance? Where do you get your figures from?

From the CBO where it says
CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 14 million more people would be uninsured under the legislation than under current law. Most of that increase would stem from repealing the penalties associated with the individual mandate.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Mon 13 Mar, 2017 11:58 pm
If you truly believe people don't want health insurance, you're living in an alternate universe.
Countries with universal health care which includes all Europe. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_universal_health_care
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 01:16 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

If you truly believe people don't want health insurance, you're living in an alternate universe.
Countries with universal health care which includes all Europe. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_universal_health_care

Right! EVERYONE wants health care! And a mansion to live in. And a Rolls Royce to drive. And a yacht to play on. And.....everthing else...IF IT"S FREE.

Obamacare was never close to being "free" for everyone and nothing else congress will pass is gunna be either.

In 2017 the average deductible for families is over $12,000. In order to have this "privilege" of getting NO coverage under $12,000, families pay an additonal $6,000 in premiums. That's 18,000 out of pocket, which most families don't have, with out getting nickel paid. Once you get over the deductible, you "co-pay" a portion of your medical bills. No one wants the ****.

Tue 14 Mar, 2017 01:48 am
That's per year, of course, so if you want to take the cost to "consumers" over a decade, like those objecting do, that's about $180,000 families would have to pay before ever getting a cent of coverage.

Additionally, millions are losing their coverage today due to insurer's completely abandoning the Obamacare market.

But, we GOTTA save Obamacare, eh!?
0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 03:32 am
I'm not a foodie so have never watched a cooking/chef show. I've only seen Bourdain a bit and really don't know anything about him but my daughter is a big fan. And I find his comments you've quoted agreeable.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 03:43 am
NYT editorial today
Trading Health Care for the Poor for Tax Cuts for the Rich

So much for President Trump’s pledge of “insurance for everybody.”

The Congressional Budget Office said on Monday that next year 14 million fewer Americans will have insurance if the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, is repealed and replaced on the terms the president is seeking. That tally would rise to 21 million in 2020 and 24 million in 2026. By then, the total number of uninsured Americans would reach 52 million.

And for what? To give a gigantic tax cut to wealthy Americans...
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 03:46 am
From Paul Krugman
Trumpcare vs. Obamacare: Apocalypse Foretold

The Congressional Budget Office report on Trumpcare is out, and it’s devastating: 14 million people losing insurance in the first year, 24 million over time, with premiums soaring for older, lower-income Americans — in many cases, the very people who went strongly for President Trump. The C.B.O. thinks it would reduce the deficit, but only marginally, around $30 billion a year in a $19 trillion economy.

Let me offer one assertion and ask two questions.

The assertion is that something like this was to be expected. The C.B.O. came in even worse on coverage than most predicted, but it was obvious that the news would be terrible because that’s what the logic of the situation told us. Obamacare imposes a mandate to induce healthy people to sign up, offers means-tested subsidies to make insurance affordable and expands Medicaid to take care of people with really low incomes. Trumpcare eliminates the mandate, slashes subsidies overall and redirects them to those who don’t need them and sharply cuts Medicaid. Of course that leads to a huge drop in coverage.
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 03:54 am
Re Steve King of the White Christian Supreme Party of America
“Now we’re in the Trump era, where anything goes,” said David Kochel, a Republican strategist from Iowa who helped lead Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign. “He’s always been consistent with these extreme views, but this articulation of full-on white nationalism is a few clicks past ‘cantaloupe calves,’ which was reprehensible to begin with. I don’t believe these views represent anything but the most extreme elements of the race-baiting fringe.”

...In 2016, Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, campaigned vigorously with Mr. King, retelling a joke over and over about how Chuck Norris wore Steve King pajamas, to demonstrate the congressman’s super toughness.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 04:32 am
Washington Post editorial board
The CBO reveals Republicans’ health-care cruelty
Read Here
Yes, that is exactly what it reveals.

Karen Hughes came up with the slogan "compassionate conservatism" as a marketing ploy to counter what had always been obvious - that the GOP has worked primarily in the interests of the wealthy and powerful and that it had treated those less fortunate, by birth and circumstance, with callous disregard.

There is a deep social darwinian foundation to GOP ideology. Those who are fortunate enough to "succeed" (to accumulate wealth and power) are obviously superior instances of humanity and they must be supported while those who have not "succeeded" should be marginalized and/or punished and certainly kept away from any significant levers of power.

All of which makes the claims of Trump and his crowd, those around the present WH and those who lead the GOP, to be "populists" the big con in all of what's going on. If they care at all about the hundreds of millions of Americans who are not them, that "caring" is directed at ensuring they remain effectively misinformed so that they cannot access real power.
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 04:41 am
All of which makes the claims of Trump and his crowd, those around the present WH and those who lead the GOP, to be "populists" the big con in all of what's going on. If they care at all about the hundreds of millions of Americans who are not them, that "caring" is directed at ensuring they remain effectively misinformed so that they cannot access real power.

Soooooo, which part of partisan politics is giving you trouble?
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 04:51 am

Soooooo, which part of partisan politics is giving you trouble?

I'm not sure how or why you deem your rhetorical question as sensible. Is any political philosophy, no matter how morally repugnant or no matter how structurally set against democratic principles, merely a matter of partisan politics?
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 04:53 am
It's visibly that divisive, if you're paying attention, Blatham.
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 05:03 am
Yeah. I suppose I'll cease paying attention. But thanks for input.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 05:04 am
Another iron rule the GOP cannot avoid is that insurers do not want all health-care customers, just healthy ones. They will use any leeway the government allows to offer skimpier coverage and serve only healthy people. (WP)

Too bad the Republican Party still has that evangelical millstone around its neck. All those efforts to cast doubt on evolution denies them the opportunity to lay it all out and pursue an outright Darwinian "Survival of the Fittest" agenda. Quit quibbling over how many will or won't have coverage. Who cares? If they can't manage to make it to a cash-strapped hospital emergency room, let 'em die. Hell, while we're deporting illegal immigrants maybe we could get rid of some of the poor, elderly, and chronically ill people as well — send them to socialist Euroville. We don't need them dragging down our economy and weakening our gene pool.
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 05:11 am
Yes. Also, Jesus was an Alpha Male who enjoyed kicking the **** out of worthless humans.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 05:18 am
Re wiretapping insanity

Conway and Spicer are now trying and failing in embarrassing ways (if they are capable of embarrassment at this point) to clean up the mess that their idiot boss started with his idiot tweets. Not to mention that the DOJ wants more time to cover for Trump (Sessions is such a prick).

I'd lay odds at 50/50 that Conway goes from microwaves to bluetooth and suggests that the Canadians might be hacking into clitorises in the WH
ohhhhhh canada
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 05:36 am
ps on last.

As it happens, I'm actually familiar with this product and vouch for it without reservation.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 05:38 am
Here's a rather interesting Breitbart piece...
Exclusive — Audio Emerges of When Paul Ryan Abandoned Donald Trump: ‘I Am Not Going to Defend Donald Trump—Not Now, Not in the Future’

On a never-before-released private October conference call with House Republican members, House Speaker Paul Ryan told his members in the U.S. House of Representatives he was abandoning then-GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump forever and would never defend him ever again.
In the Oct. 10, 2016 call, from right after the Access Hollywood tape of Trump was leaked in the weeks leading up to the election, Ryan does not specify that he will never defend Trump on just the Access Hollywood tape—he says clearly he is done with Trump altogether.

“I am not going to defend Donald Trump—not now, not in the future,” Ryan says in the audio, obtained by Breitbart News and published here for the first time ever.
I won't link it but you can go there if you put on the hazmat gear.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 05:41 am
New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman says U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the former CEO of ExxonMobil, used an alias email address for several years to send out messages about climate change, Reuters reported Monday. The claim comes as the state AG continues to investigate Exxon for allegedly intentionally misleading the public on climate change in a bid to hide risks from investors. A letter sent by Schneiderman to a New York judge overseeing the investigation says the email address was in use for several years but was not previously disclosed, according to the report. The email address, registered under the pseudonym “Wayne Tracker,” was in use from 2008 to 2015, Schneiderman said. “Exxon’s top executives, and in particular, Mr. Tillerson, have made multiple representations that are at the center of [attorney general’s office] investigation of potentially false or misleading statements to investors and the public,” Schneiderman said.
Tue 14 Mar, 2017 05:47 am
Here's a damned smart writing tip
The Paris Review‏Verified account @parisreview 41m41 minutes ago
“Sometimes a flat-footed sentence is what serves, so you don't get all writerly.” —Amy Hempel
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