monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 2 Mar, 2017 09:49 pm
layman wrote:
One time when I was a kid I shot a robin with my slingshot. It didn't kill the bird right away, and it kinda hobbled its way to under a bush.

So I went over to the bush to check it out. There was blood coming from it's chest, and it didn't seem to be able to move, but it kept letting out these pathetic chirping sounds.

After a while, I began to feel kinda sorry for the poor bastard. I said to it: "Just die, willya?" but it kept on chirping, on, and on, and on....

Finally it keeled over and died. If I had been a little more humane, I guess I would have snuffed it sooner, but it was all such a fascinating sight, ya know?

I think about that robin when I see the democratic party today, for some reason.

What surprises me is that the Left thinks that when they speak, their views still count for something.

The bleating of a herd of goats has about as much significance as anything the Left has to say.

And yet Left keeps on talking as if they think that what they have to say actually matters.

That's delusion for you.
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 09:51 pm
revelette1 wrote:
First off, no one is talking about Trump paying anyone anything to do anything.

Right. He was offering that up as a hypothetical to illustrate a point that the Left are having difficulty figuring out.
0 Replies
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 09:52 pm
blatham wrote:
I look at the modern GOP and I see the standards and the values of Lincoln and Christ. Don't you all?

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 09:56 pm
You don't know anything about liberalism or the left.
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 10:02 pm
ossobucotemp wrote:
You don't seem to get that major newspapers limit how often you can link to their articles in a month.

Yes, look it up sometime.
You use the title but you don't show the source.

You can usually see the web address by hovering over the link without clicking on it.

You can bust through paywalls very easily by opening an "incognito/private browsing" window and viewing the article within that window.
0 Replies
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 10:05 pm
Another set of Christopher Hitchens quotes which afford some insight from one thoroughly familiar with the ways, means, and thought patterns of a cheese-eater, eh?:

This week's column by Christopher Hitchens in The Nation, a magazine of the political left, will be his last. His departure ends a 20-year relationship...Eric Alterman, also a columnist at The Nation [said] ''Whether you are on the right or the left, it's all about who your friends are and with whom you feel comfortable. 'Christopher had long ago ceased to feel comfortable with his friends on the left.'

Mr. Hitchens's disaffection with the American left in general and The Nation in particular has been apparent for some time. In an online interview last year with The Pittsburgh Tribune Review, he suggested that the magazine had lost its way and had become, like other institutions on the left, ''complete lying servants of power without turning a hair.''


 In the past few weeks, though, I have come to realize that the magazine ["The Nation"] itself takes a side in this argument, and is becoming the voice and the echo chamber of those who truly believe that John Ashcroft is a greater menace than Osama bin Laden.

0 Replies
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 10:06 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
You don't know anything about liberalism or the left.

I know they are a failed ideology that is being swept into the dustbin of history as we speak.

I know they hate America and always tried to violate our rights whenever they had the power to do so.

I don't need to know much more than that really. Good riddance to the lot of them.
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 10:17 pm
People like to act like Russia is backward. But, ****, they got rid of communism decades ago. Here in the U.S. we still haven't quite finished the job.
Walter Hinteler
Thu 2 Mar, 2017 11:17 pm
layman wrote:
But, ****, they got rid of communism decades ago. Here in the U.S. we still haven't quite finished the job.
Oh. Interesting opinion. So it's just the name that survived?
0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 12:44 am
Fun story breaking today
Mike Pence Used Private Email as Governor, News Report Says
NYT and everywhere else except Fox, one presumes

And his account got hacked.
Walter Hinteler
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 12:47 am
blatham wrote:
And his account got hacked.
That might be so - but it was done by friends, stays in the family. (And he used later a different private AOL-account for state affairs!)
0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 12:47 am
So, what's a governor except some fat guy that makes speeches on the 4th of July?
0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 01:02 am
here's the story
0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 01:03 am
Mike Pence Used Private Email as Governor, News Report Says

Liberals are really getting desperate. Still conflating a private SERVER with a personal email account?

Did Pence deliberately break any rules, the way Hillary deliberately broke State Department regulations?

Did Pence even break any rules period?

Did Pence delete huge masses of emails without any oversight?

I gotta learn to not pay attention to liberals when they bleat their nonsense. Typing this post took three minutes of my time that I'm not getting back.
0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 01:40 am
layman wrote:

People like to act like Russia is backward. But, ****, they got rid of communism decades ago. Here in the U.S. we still haven't quite finished the job.

If you like Russia so much, why don't you emmigrate there, Layboy. Maybe you can even get a job as one of Putin's ass lickers.
0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 01:43 am
@cicerone imposter,
Trump was elected on fake news. They love fake news, fake news is the only news where Trump isn't a complete dinlow. They hate the real news which tells the truth.
Looking glass thinking, up is down, fake is genuine, black is white. The drones go along with it because thinking gives them a headache.
0 Replies
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 01:46 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

The don't understand the support for the right wing of Trump when his message is fear, xenophobe, bigotry, hate and divide.
Doesn't sound like the America I've been accustomed to for the past 50 years.

It's the last hurrah of the fascists, outraged that a black man could become president. That's the tea party Nazi base, but they've managed to exploit disillusioned voters who feel that the recovery never happened for them, just Wall Street. Those are the people Trump will betray first.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 02:17 am
georgeob1 wrote:

The credulity of the Democrat apoloigists here is truly remarkable.

Sadly for them, indignation is all they've got left.

You were probably referring to the apologists here at A2K but, if not, I wouldn't call Jennifer Rubin an apologist for any Democrat, at least not historically. She's allowed her seething hatred for Trump to poison her brain to the point that I wouldn't be surprised if she was writing admiringly of Chuck Schumer, Al Franken or Tom Perez for standing up to the Neo-Fascist in Chief, but I can't say with certainty she's cross that bridge yet.

I've been reading Rubin's columns in the Washington Post, on and off, for years now, but not because I've enjoyed or appreciated them all that much. She's never been a particularly skilled writer and her columns always contained what I thought was a strident edge to them, even before she got on board the Anti-Trump Bat **** Train and thought she might actually take over the locomotive.

I read her columns because of the bizarre phenomenon that attended them. For some reason a dedicated group of left-wing readers of WaPo on line have for years been steadfastly following Rubin's tenure there and coming together in the Comments section, like a bunch of friends and neighbors at a backyard Sunday barbecue. It was clear that many recognized one another by screen name and would sometimes engage in side conversations asking after one's another health and activities, but the main reason they were all there was quite simple, to incessantly harass and mock Rubin.

It rarely mattered what she actually wrote because to the gang, whatever she wrote was clearly stupid and I doubt that more than one in ten of those commenting actually addressed the specific points she was making. Those that did were likely not part of the Jennifer Rubin Mockery Club (JRMC).

Almost all of them would address their comments directly to Rubin; referring to her as "Jen" or "Jenny," or to each other and referring to her as "Our Jen."

As I wrote, it was like a social gathering and they had little interest in debating the issues raised by Rubin, with other readers. Every once in a while I would add a comment pointing our how bizarre and childish their behavior was; how similar to a HS cafeteria table of Cool Girls, making fun of the nerds they seemed, but few ever engaged. For the most part, I and the few other visitors who noted how juvenile their behavior was, were simply ignored.

I stopped reading her columns for a while because I reduced my consumption at the site overall, because the antics of the JRMC became, frankly, boring, like listening to a bunch of seventh graders point out what a geek that guy is and agree how cool (and witty) they all were with their undecipherable "in-jokes"...and because she too was pretty boring.

Just after Trump was elected, I took another look at her columns (maybe because blatham had become a big fan of hers and was quoting her wisdom on a daily basis, but I think not) In any case what I found was a reinvented Jennifer Rubin who seemed to be on a mission from God to educate the American people about what a truly horrible and indeed dangerous man Trump was.

Previously I wouldn't have considered her to be, necessarily, a supporter of the GOP Establishment Class, in part because it seemed clear that she wasn't a member and I had the admittedly unsubstantiated feeling that she might hold some measure of resentment for not having ever been invited in. She often gave me the impression that she had served in the foreign policy apparatus of one president or another but that was never the case. If I had to categorize her views I would say she was most like a neo-con, largely a foreign policy hawk, an absolutely staunch defender of Israel and a near vicious critic of the Palestinians. The latter may explain why she initially attracted the attention and ire of left-wing WaPo readers, but it wasn't what sustained it.

Nevertheless, American Exceptionalism, spreading democracy throughout the world, defending Israel of all charges has now taken a back seat to over-the-top Trump bashing, and guess what? A large contingent of the JRMC has changed it's collective mind about her. Surprise, surprise! I know! Now there are as many, if not more, comments that rather than starting off with "There's our Jenny, doubling down on her idiotic claims about (fill in the blank)" begin with "You know, I used to think Ms Rubin was a complete horse's ass, but I have to admire her for breaking ranks with GOP boot-lickers and standing up to Trump!

Before the Reinvention of Jenny, I used to wonder if she ever read the comments sections attached to her columns and, if so, how she reacted to the relentless mockery. I concluded that she must, at least at one time, have wanted to see how her opinions were being received, but eventually she made a wise decision to no longer bother. It wasn't like WaPo columnists could engage the folks commenting on what they wrote and it probably would have been a huge mistake to try, just as it was a huge mistake for Sebastian Venable to attempt to engage the urchins who infested the Spanish beaches of Tennessee Williams and Gore Vidal's fevered fantasies.

Now I'm wondering if she reads the new and current waves of admiring comments and if they are somehow comforting to her as if they signify that she has finally found a place called "home." It could be a sort of very sad situation.

I've no idea why she has become such a vociferous critic of Trump. She never seemed to be particularly anti-populist or, for that matter, much of a feminist. She, of course, could have been both for ages, but such sentiments were never blatantly evident in her columns.

It's quite possible that at some point she wrote something mildly critical of Trump, maybe in defense of his idiotic comments about John McCain not being a hero because he was captured, and in typical Trump fashion, he took umbrage and countered with a personally nasty tweet. (Could be because we can see what Trump's sometimes petty and nasty big mouth and twitter feed has done in terms of the support of Senators McCain and Lindsay Graham) Don't know, but I think it would be a stretch to suggest that she became a Trump Hater because she saw that in that role she might finally garner the love and admiration of her readers. A stretch, but outside the realm of possibility?

If it is at all possible that relief from the constant harassment of the JRMC has been a motivating force in her transformation, I'm sure that if she was aware of the high esteem in which blatham now holds her, it would spur her on to new heights of hysteria.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 03:00 am
Do you really expect anyone in the White House to want an investigation into this trumped up matter?

I've little doubt though that there are Republican members of the House & Senate who want it.

Some like McCain and Graham, clearly harbor a very personal animosity for Trump which is not surprising considering the stupid and nasty things he has written and said about them. Have to hope he's learned his lesson that any momentary sense of victory he might feel about "ranking out" (as we used to say as kids) people who piss him off is not at all worth the trouble that can be caused by bitter, resentful old war-dogs.

Some just will never learn that the points they score with Dems and the MSM are illusory and fleeting. As soon as they attempt to slow or halt the Progressive Agenda, the folks now praising them for their bravery and independence with be at their throats with tooth and claw. I'm not sure McCain learned the lesson when it happened to him for having the audacity to try and deprive Barack Obama of his rightful place in history.

Some have very poor political instincts and stupidly judge the pulse of the American people through the reporting of the MSM. They don't appreciate that the vast majority of Dem voters in their districts or States are not going to pull the lever for them come their next election simply because they are calling for investigations of this or that, unless the Party has a criminal imbecile running against them...and even that is no sure bet. What is far more likely to happen is that the people who sent them to Washington are going to be pissed off about their unwillingness to follow the Democrat's example and maintain a united front.

Some who don't actually believe there is any fire beneath the smoke being blown by Dems and the MSM may honestly believe that the best thing to do is have and investigation prove there's nothing to the allegations and move on to complete the people's business, but they aren't going to last in politics with that sort of naive view.

A thorough and honest investigation could be conducted next week, but if it doesn't result in the prosecution of someone in the Administration (with the big prize being Trump himself), 99% of Democrats will insist it was a sham, that evidence was destroyed or kept hidden, and whatever individuals they target but who are exonerated should still resign.

That's what these "special investigations" are all about: Scalp hunting, not fact finding or the service of justice and our national interests. More often than not if anyone is prosecuted as a result, it's not for reasons that led to the investigation, but for stupidly falling into obstruction of justice traps laid for them by the special prosecutors who only a fool thinks doesn't enter these things with an absolute goal of finding someone they can prosecute.

They are shams. The people calling for them, of course, make a big show about finding the truth wherever it lies, protecting the interests and security of the nation, and denying any partisan political motivation when in reality that is the only motivation.

Democrat Senators during the confirmation hearings weren't asking questions intended to determine if the nominees were suitably qualified for the position, they were attempting to embarrass nominees or lay traps for them that might scuttle their nomination or be used at a later date to twist in ways that might score political points. This blatant adversarial system may in some ways ultimately worked but it wasn't designed in the belief that all of the participants had nothing but the Truth and the interests of the American people in mind.

It's always a dangerous dance: Resist a witch hunt and you allow the opposition to scream about how you're afraid of the truth and engaged in a massive cover-up, succumb to that pressure and you find yourself in a minefield of partisan design from which no one ever comes out unscathed and it's simply a question of whether a toe, a leg or a life is lost.

The theater of the absurd that was the Valerie Plame special investigation was a perfect example of the cynical BS that both parties engage in.
Fri 3 Mar, 2017 03:35 am
If Putin had a sex tape on Hillary peeing in a bed with prostitutes, and if he had pushed for her election as hard as he pushed Trump, I'm pretty sure that the repukes would be absolutely okay with it and wouldn't even THINK of investigating the issue. Because they are not interested in digging **** about their political opponents. They are better than that... :-î

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