monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 28 Feb, 2017 10:16 pm
Meaningful issues in the 2016 election in something like order of importance:

The peace and safety of the world (Putin had told his military that if Hildabeast won the election, they were basically at war) while Justin Raimondo at antiwar dot com had endorsed Trump due to Trump's long-time adversity to frivolous use of the US military.

The collapse of the Wall St./London banking and monetary system. Donald Trump was the only person in the picture with both the guts and the resources to take on the bankers. Bankers in fact fear DT enough to have had 54 private jets parked at an offshore resort for a stop-Trump-at-any-cost meeting:

Immigration (Hilda, George, and Bork Obunga want a total end to borders and mass importation of what they view as democrat voting blocks, the cost to the nation be damned).

Gangsterism ( Clinton Foundation, pay2play, Clinton body count, murders, rape allegations... http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/3426438/posts?page=25#25 )

Treaties and trade deals, returning meaningful industry to the United States.

Racism/victimology ( Soros/BLM, orchestrated riots...)

All of those issues (other issues in the election are relatively minor) strongly mitigated in favor of Donald Trump and against the Hildabeast.

Americans are used to gangsterism and racism; what NOBODY is used to or has ever seen before is nuclear or thermonuclear war and hydrogen bombs going off, that would be a new experience for everybody. Hilda had stated that her first priority on taking office would be to kill Bashir Al Assad and that would have started WW-III.

The ONLY rational reason there was for voting for the Hildeabeast would have been that you are worried about dying of cancer, old age or some other mundane cause, and wanted to go out in a blaze of glory in some sort of a nuclear holocaust in which the whole human race goes out at the same time.

We had a God-given shot at electing a president who would put Wall St. into an absolute zero-leverage situation and we took it; had we blown that chance and particularly if we had blown it for any sort of an asinine reason, it would not recur in the lifetime of anybody alive today.
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 10:17 pm
He hit it Outta the park...If I were a lefty I woulda wanted Outta there quick

The tards all looked like they'd just had a big meal of sawdust, exlax, and jalepeno peppers.....
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 10:27 pm
I agree with former Pres. Bush who recently affirmed his belief in a strong, independent free press. Its not a good thing that Pres. Trump is encouraging the public to disbelieve the press. Its harmful to our democracy. No one should only trust 1 or 2 news sources that they agree with. I think its good to get news from a wide variety of sources and keep an open mind. I read the NYT, WSJ, NY Daily News, Star Ledger, Time mag, The Atlantic mag, PBS, CNN, NBC, BBC America and FOX. A fully informed electorate is essential to maintaining a successful and well functioning democracy imho.
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 10:38 pm
Sorry but I must respectfully agree to disagree. I supported Hillary Clinton and I truly believe she was much more stable, experienced and able to lead from day 1. Pres. Trump has good intentions but being a successful businessman doesn't automatically make you a good leader of the free world. He has no experience in diplomacy or governance and it shows throughout his first month in office. I would sleep much better at night if we had stable, steady, mature, thoughtful and wise leadership in the White House. Pres. Trump's inexperience, impulsiveness, lack of self discipline and penchant for becoming easily distracted with trivial things are very scary things.
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 10:48 pm
gungasnake wrote:

He hit it Outta the park...If I were a lefty I woulda wanted Outta there quick

The tards all looked like they'd just had a big meal of sawdust, exlax, and jalepeno peppers.....

Sucks to be a lefty nowadays.
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 10:54 pm
madamyes1999 wrote:

I agree with former Pres. Bush who recently affirmed his belief in a strong, independent free press. Its not a good thing that Pres. Trump is encouraging the public to disbelieve the press. Its harmful to our democracy. No one should only trust 1 or 2 news sources that they agree with. I think its good to get news from a wide variety of sources and keep an open mind. I read the NYT, WSJ, NY Daily News, Star Ledger, Time mag, The Atlantic mag, PBS, CNN, NBC, BBC America and FOX. A fully informed electorate is essential to maintaining a successful and well functioning democracy imho.

I'm intelligent enough to know when the news is being reported or when Im seeing fake news/propaganda. When Trump sends the 82nd Airborne to shut down a broadcast station or confiscate a printing press I'll agree the 1st Amendment is in danger. But calling the crap coming out of CNN/MSNBC fake news will not topple or endanger this republic.
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 11:02 pm
madamyes1999 wrote:
Sorry but I must respectfully agree to disagree. I supported Hillary Clinton and I truly believe she was much more stable, experienced and able to lead from day 1. Pres. Trump has good intentions but being a successful businessman doesn't automatically make you a good leader of the free world. He has no experience in diplomacy or governance and it shows throughout his first month in office. I would sleep much better at night if we had stable, steady, mature, thoughtful and wise leadership in the White House. Pres. Trump's inexperience, impulsiveness, lack of self discipline and penchant for becoming easily distracted with trivial things are very scary things.

The problem with Hillary is, if she had been elected we would be well on our way towards losing our gun rights right now.

Trump is protecting our rights from those who would abolish them.

Welcome to a2k, by the way.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 11:02 pm
No, it doesn't suck to be on the left just as it doesn't suck to be on the right imho. I think things are way too partisan which is not good for the country. Govt. isn't functioning properly because people are so polarized that no one is willing to compromise and actually get things done. We need less partisanship and a lot more patriotism. Its easier to shout at each other than roll up our sleeves and get to work solving some of the very serious problems the nation is facing by working together. I'm all for reducing the debt, having a strong defense,the whole 9 yards. But at the same time I want to see progress made on the climate change front, I want more people to have health care not fewer and I want America to keep its place in the world as the leading example of and promoter for democracy and peace.
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 01:18 am
nimh wrote:

Cause one A2K member = "the cheese-eaters".

Olivier, did you know you spoke for all of us now?

It's a true honour to be elected president of the World Cheese Eating Association. But then, who else? ;-)
0 Replies
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 03:33 am
9:24pm... "Radical Islamic Terrorism"

Yes. It was known that he was going to use the phrase in the speech. That was part of the reporting.

Do you mention this because it makes you happy in some manner?
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 03:36 am
I did not watch it. Unfortunately, I have no hope he'll do anything positive for the country other than by accident.
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 03:55 am
Trump/Bannon - inspiring other world leaders to suppress media entities which criticize them.
In a sign that President Trump’s criticism of the news media may be having a ripple effect overseas, a government spokesman in Cambodia has cited the American leader in threatening to shutter foreign news outlets, including some that receive money from Washington.

The spokesman, Phay Siphan, said that foreign news groups, including the United States-financed Voice of America and Radio Free Asia, should “reconsider” how they broadcast — or risk a government response if their reports are deemed to spread disinformation or threaten peace and stability.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 04:01 am
You just can't have one plane design be good at every single role.

Well, you can approach it but it takes an great deal of design.

I found this article quite informative on the F-35:
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 04:34 am
Olivier5 wrote:
Well, you can approach it but it takes an great deal of design.

The requirements for a Harrier-style hover jet and the requirements for air-to-air combat are incompatible.

The moment they made the F-35 have a hover jet option, they made it impossible for the plane to succeed at air-superiority missions.

It's only a failure if you try to make it do air-to-air combat. If you use it only as a ground attack plane and leave the air superiority to other fighters, it does OK.
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 04:37 am
Pretty good speech. Thank god for the teleprompter. It's great when a guy reads the words someone else composed for him, doesn't talk about his landslide victory or threaten nuclear war, and basically fulfills the lowest expectations of presidential deportment. Twitterless, posing empathy and concern, sticking to the script — his handlers must be wondering if the best strategy might be to lock him up.
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 04:43 am
blatham wrote:
I did not watch it. Unfortunately, I have no hope he'll do anything positive for the country other than by accident.

Just yesterday Trump ended the Democrats' crazed assault on the Second Amendment. You can't get an outcome more positive than that.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 04:59 am
I think Americans would be very well served if they were to adopt Trump's own method for watching himself speaking on the TV - put it on mute.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 05:07 am
I supported Hillary Clinton

The two KKKlintlers, SlicKKK and HDK (Hildabeast Dindu KKKlintler) are vicious evil criminals and gangsters.

0 Replies
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 05:08 am
Meaningful issues in the 2016 election in something like order of importance:

The peace and safety of the world (Putin had told his military that if Hildabeast won the election, they were basically at war) while Justin Raimondo at antiwar dot com had endorsed Trump due to Trump's long-time adversity to frivolous use of the US military.

The collapse of the Wall St./London banking and monetary system. Donald Trump was the only person in the picture with both the guts and the resources to take on the bankers. Bankers in fact fear DT enough to have had 54 private jets parked at an offshore resort for a stop-Trump-at-any-cost meeting:

Immigration (Hilda, George, and Bork Obunga want a total end to borders and mass importation of what they view as democrat voting blocks, the cost to the nation be damned).

Gangsterism ( Clinton Foundation, pay2play, Clinton body count, murders, rape allegations... http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/3426438/posts?page=25#25 )

Treaties and trade deals, returning meaningful industry to the United States.

Racism/victimology ( Soros/BLM, orchestrated riots...)

All of those issues (other issues in the election are relatively minor) strongly mitigated in favor of Donald Trump and against the Hildabeast.

Americans are used to gangsterism and racism; what NOBODY is used to or has ever seen before is nuclear or thermonuclear war and hydrogen bombs going off, that would be a new experience for everybody. Hilda had stated that her first priority on taking office would be to kill Bashir Al Assad and that would have started WW-III.

The ONLY rational reason there was for voting for the Hildeabeast would have been that you are worried about dying of cancer, old age or some other mundane cause, and wasnted to go out in a blaze of glory in some sort of a nuclear holocaust in which the whole human race goes out at the same time.

We had a God-given shot at electing a president who would put Wall St. into an absolute zero-leverage situation and we took it; had we blown that chance and particularly if we had blown it for any sort of an asinine reason, it would not recur in the lifetime of anybody alive today.

But the main question is all the asshole snowflakes crying because they've just been saved from a nuclear war and holocaust. That is just ******* hard for rational/normal people to understand...

0 Replies
Wed 1 Mar, 2017 05:13 am
But calling the crap coming out of CNN/MSNBC fake news will not topple or endanger this republic.

This was exactly the way it began in Argentina. Having a Supremo pick and choose his "favorite sources of propoganda" to the exclusions of all others is the beginning of a dictator.

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