monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 28 Feb, 2017 11:56 am
The US invented the UN. It's an American project, headquartered in America, with the US shouldering 22% ofthe cost. It's not a French project. YOU guys own it.

(we were just lucky enough to be given a veto and permanent SC member status...)
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 11:58 am
Olivier5 wrote:

The US invented the UN. It's an American project, headquartered in America, with the US shouldering 22% ofthe cost. It's not a French project. YOU guys own it.

You're the one touting it now, eh, Ollie? The U.N. will soon be disowned by the U.S.

America First, Baby!
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 12:05 pm
The money we save by withholding our funding to the U.N. will not only pay for the Mexican wall, but also one on the Canadian border (unless we decide to invade and conquer them).

With the change left over, we can put wall-to-wall mines all up and down the coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific, too.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 12:13 pm
Kinda funny that the cheese-eaters just can't stand to see low population states in the U.S. get a slightly disproportionate voting influence in the electoral college, but are thrilled to give much greater power to tiny-ass third-world totalitarian commie shitholes from all around the globe, eh?

Go figure.
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 12:30 pm
layman wrote:

At one time it was 54 40 or fight. But that was a long time ago, when we still had a relatively small population and untapped natural resources coming out our ass.

It was also before Canada interfered with our direct access to one of our states (Alaska).

Time have changed, hosers. Now it's 5 40 or fight. Y'all can keep the north pole, though.

You will fork it over, pronto, if you know what's good for you.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 12:35 pm
The thing has been all but dead already since W's Iraq war made a mockery of it.
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 12:38 pm
Olivier5 wrote:

The thing has been all but dead already since W's Iraq war made a mockery of it.

The U.N. didn't "authorize" the Iraq war, Ollie. Like we give a ****, eh?
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 12:42 pm
@cicerone imposter,
There are already "corporations" involved in the MJ business. Most of them are new corporations and have evolved out of the legal MJ business. You know start your own shop and then start to buy out your competitors? Sound familiar? It's how most businesses work and how big business is formed.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 12:43 pm
Trump's generals are currently drawing up invasion plans for every country on the planet, but the main focus right now is on Canada, China, France, Russia, and all the oil-rich Arab countries.

We don't even want that desert shithole they call Mexico. Well, other than the women, I mean.

Just give Trump a little time, Ollie, and he will get you that one world government that you long for, eh?
0 Replies
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 12:53 pm
Given the consequences of that war, including ISIS or giving Putin a free reign, you don't have much to be proud of.
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 12:54 pm
You are right, look at how those on the left are responding to him. There has never been so much hate and anger after an election as there has been with this one. The left in this country are becoming unhinged in their reactions and their echo chambers are only getting bigger and louder. It is quite humorous to watch them these days.
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 12:57 pm
Olivier5 wrote:

Given the consequences of that war, including ISIS or giving Putin a free reign, you don't have much to be proud of.

Trump will clean that mess up. He's gunna finish the job---subjugate the people and take the oil. Why not? ISIS already has. We will just replace them, that's all. Well, that and every part of Iraq ISIS managed to miss, of course.
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 01:01 pm
Hate begets hate.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 01:01 pm
layman wrote:
tiny-ass third-world totalitarian commie shitholes from all around the globe
Well, just nuke these tiny 193 sovereign states.
Problem solved.

Oh, you've started already
layman wrote:
Trump's generals are currently drawing up invasion plans for every country on the planet, but the main focus right now is on Canada, China, France, Russia, and all the oil-rich Arab countries.
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 01:03 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Good thinkin, Walt!
0 Replies
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 01:04 pm
Trump is a con man. He'll fix nothing but his own bank account.
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 01:10 pm
I herd that he gave himself an A for the first 4 weeks of his term. He has no clue that he doesnt "grade his own paper" .We do. IMNSHO
Hes barely passing
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 01:14 pm
He gave himself a "C" for communication, eh, Farmer, but an A for effort.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 02:01 pm
That's what narcissists do; they think they know everything. He claimed that he's very smart. After all, he went to Wharton. Nobody remembers him, but he remembers himself.
About the same reality as when he saw thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating the destruction of the twin towers in NYC.
The guys a basket case, and he's our president.
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 02:05 pm
There's plenty of hate and anger knocking about alright.

A Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia became the latest victim of vandalism Sunday, when anywhere between dozens to hundreds of headstones were broken and toppled in an incident Israel decried as "shocking" and as "a source of worry."The second incident of vandalism in a Jewish cemetery in as many weeks, the incident in Mt. Carmel Jewish cemetery comes a week after hundreds of Jewish graves were desecrated St. Louis in what many took as a continuation of anti-Jewish incidents, including numerous bombs scares at Jewish centers.

http://www.haaretz.com/us-news/1.773996<br />

There's precious little of the left in America, this is a struggle mostly between the centre right and the extreme right. Trump certainly has stirred up a lot of hate, but most people are amazed at how much horseshit he's managed to utter in such a short space of time, it's like he's going for a World record or something.
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