monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 31 Dec, 2020 10:22 am
Rebelofnj wrote:
In his defense, you are acting like an idiot.

I know that progressives really hate it when people point out facts and reality, but no. Pointing out facts and reality is not acting like an idiot.

Rebelofnj wrote:
Luckily, you, and honestly most of us here, don't have any power to change public policy, so whatever we're saying here is all moot.

This is still a democracy. My vote counts just as much as anyone else's. I have just as much right to express my views as anyone else does.

Rebelofnj wrote:
Plus, you are already age 45+, so it is unlikely your opinion on several issues will change at all, so it is not worth bothering to convince you otherwise.

That's just a silly excuse for the fact that progressives can't defend their demented ideology with facts or logic.
Thu 31 Dec, 2020 10:23 am
revelette3 wrote:
great post. Read every word, worth it.

I thought that the many falsehoods and untrue claims ruined it.
0 Replies
Thu 31 Dec, 2020 10:33 am
My vote counts just as much as anyone else's. I have just as much right to express my views as anyone else does.

One minor difference: you are posting on just one of many online forums, each with dozens/hundreds of users. I did not even know who you were before joining this site over a year ago, so your impact beyond here is minimal at best.

So yes, your vote still counts, but your voice, like mine is still very small.
Thu 31 Dec, 2020 10:40 am
OK, but so what? This is still just an "appeal to the crowd" fallacy.
Thu 31 Dec, 2020 10:49 am
It is just a reminder for myself that you will not affect my life in any way whatsoever and vice versa.
Thu 31 Dec, 2020 11:02 am
It's possible that I've had a small impact and you don't even know it.
Thu 31 Dec, 2020 11:18 am
a person wrote:
...and you cannot point out anything untrue in any of my posts.

- Let's look at some of the things this person posted in response to the article.
that guy wrote:
A demand to be allowed to murder police officers with impunity has nothing to do with racial justice.

- This is simply a declaratory statement and establishes no relevant facts.
a partisan wrote:
They were stopping Al Gore's blatant attempts to cheat.

- This is a prejudiced claim not supported by facts, as counting legitimate votes is not "cheating":
- Wikipedia wrote:
Media organizations later analyzed the ballots and found that, under any considered criteria, the originally pursued, limited county-based recounts would have confirmed a Bush victory, whereas a statewide recount would have revealed a Gore victory.

a revisionist wrote:
Bill Clinton did everything he could to prevent the budget from being balanced.

- This is a revisionist lie:
- thebalance.com wrote:
- Clinton created 10 years of U.S. economic growth by raising taxes on top income earners, reforming the welfare program, and signing NAFTA.

a Bush supporter wrote:
Blaming Mr. Bush for the damage caused by a hurricane is preposterous.

- But that's not what the article said. The Bush administration was faulted for its response to the storm.
a purveyor of political fiction wrote:
The Republicans tried to work with him.

- This is a lie — in reality:
- Roger Draper wrote:
During a lengthy discussion [at a private dinner on Inauguration Day], the senior GOP members worked out a plan to repeatedly block Obama over the coming four years to try to ensure he would not be re-elected.

a confused person wrote:

It's progressives who are always rejecting reality.

- This is another example of a rather stupid generalization which, in the light of the "stolen election" fantasy could more accurately be applied to Trump-supporting conservatives.
a still-confused person wrote:
Progressives always characterize people who don't agree with them as radical extremists.

- This is another sweeping and unsubstantiated generalization which merely amounts to an opinion.
a Trump lackey wrote:
He boasted of willing consent.

- So what? What kind of person "boasts" about assaulting women? Twenty-six women are suing Trump for sexual misconduct.
a white Trump supporter wrote:
Like I say, BLM goons are all about preventing white people from defending themselves when black people try to rape and murder them.

- This is just another example of a someone who simply repeats the same unproven opinions on a near-daily basis. "Like I say" should actually read, "Like I pretend".
a person who doesn't understand BLM wrote:
Self defense isn't murder.

- True, but it certainly doesn't apply to many of the cases which have figured in the news. George Floyd wasn't killed by someone who was defending himself.
a joker wrote:
Had any of these clowns tried to prevent Mr. Trump from doing that, they would have been rightfully fired.

- That's just conjecture. "Clowns" can't be fired for performing their duties according to the Constitution.
someone ignorant of history wrote:
It's not unprecedented.

- Actually it is. The investigations into the connections between Russian operatives and the Trump campaign did not affect the transition between the Obama and Trump administrations. Trump met with Obama in the White House and was supplied with the information and support needed to install his new team.
a blatant apologist wrote:
Actually what Mr. Trump has done is brought early vaccines to the world.

- Bullshit. How about distributing them to the citizens of the USA? And it has been medical science which has developed the vaccines — if Trump had been in charge we'd still be discussing light therapy and taking disinfectant internally.
an unashamed liar wrote:
Those deaths are all Joe Biden's fault.

- Doesn't even warrant a response.
Thu 31 Dec, 2020 11:20 am
Somehow, I very much doubt that. You don't even know who I am in real life, so you can't really claim you made a difference in my life.

You previously tried to claim some event between Israel and Palestine was due to your posting in another forum, and I still find that hard to believe.
Thu 31 Dec, 2020 11:30 am
Ollie lies even more than Trump. Typical republican. By the way, his IQ isent 170, its 17.
Thu 31 Dec, 2020 03:59 pm
You are the only person here who is lying. And you are the only person here who has a double digit IQ.
0 Replies
Thu 31 Dec, 2020 04:00 pm
Rebelofnj wrote:
Somehow, I very much doubt that.

Your doubt does not change the truth.

It's going to be impossible to tell whether anything that I've done has ever impacted your life without listing the things that I've done, and I'm not willing to do that.

I'd guess that the odds are that I've not impacted your life. But there's a small possibility that I've made a small difference.

Either way, reality continues regardless of whether you believe it or not.

Rebelofnj wrote:
You don't even know who I am in real life, so you can't really claim you made a difference in my life.

Knowing who you are is not a prerequisite to making a difference.

Rebelofnj wrote:
You previously tried to claim some event between Israel and Palestine was due to your posting in another forum, and I still find that hard to believe.

That is incorrect. I said it was possible. There is no way to know for sure.

As above, your doubt does not make reality any less real.
0 Replies
Thu 31 Dec, 2020 04:20 pm
hightor wrote:
that guy wrote:
A demand to be allowed to murder police officers with impunity has nothing to do with racial justice.

- This is simply a declaratory statement and establishes no relevant facts.

That is incorrect. The fact "a demand to be allowed to murder police officers with impunity has nothing to do with racial justice" is highly relevant since the article in question wrongly characterized such a demand as a movement for racial justice.

hightor wrote:
a partisan wrote:
They were stopping Al Gore's blatant attempts to cheat.

- This is a prejudiced claim not supported by facts,

The claim is very much supported by the facts.

That facts and reality are prejudicial against progressivism is a sign that progressives are bad people.

hightor wrote:
as counting legitimate votes is not "cheating":

It is when they are only counting legitimate Gore votes and not counting legitimate Bush votes.

- Wikipedia wrote:
Media organizations later analyzed the ballots and found that, under any considered criteria, the originally pursued, limited county-based recounts would have confirmed a Bush victory, whereas a statewide recount would have revealed a Gore victory.

This Wikipedia claim is untrue. Only a few extreme and unlikely recount scenarios would have resulted in a Gore victory. Most statewide recount scenarios, including any scenario that would have actually happened had there been a statewide recount, resulted in a Bush victory.

In addition to being untrue, the Wikipedia claim about a statewide recount is not particularly relevant to the question of whether Al Gore was trying to cheat in the earlier Miami/Dade recount.

hightor wrote:
a revisionist wrote:
Bill Clinton did everything he could to prevent the budget from being balanced.

- This is a revisionist lie:

Wrong. It is the truth.

- thebalance.com wrote:
- Clinton created 10 years of U.S. economic growth by raising taxes on top income earners, reforming the welfare program, and signing NAFTA.

That is incorrect. Newt Gingrich is responsible for that economic growth. Bill Clinton fought to prevent it.

hightor wrote:
a Bush supporter wrote:
Blaming Mr. Bush for the damage caused by a hurricane is preposterous.

- But that's not what the article said. The Bush administration was faulted for its response to the storm.

A distinction without a difference.

Extremely hypocritical as well, given the way progressives acted towards Mr. Trump for trying to marshal federal resources to protect people from the riots this summer.

hightor wrote:
a purveyor of political fiction wrote:
The Republicans tried to work with him.

- This is a lie

Wrong. It is the truth.

The fact that Democrats falsely accuse Republicans of refusing to work with them is actually a pretty good reason for Republicans to refuse to work with Democrats in the future though.

Why should anyone try to work with Democrats when the Democrats will just turn around and falsely accuse them of refusing to work with them?

hightor wrote:
in reality:
- Roger Draper wrote:
During a lengthy discussion [at a private dinner on Inauguration Day], the senior GOP members worked out a plan to repeatedly block Obama over the coming four years to try to ensure he would not be re-elected.

In reality the Republicans tried to work with Mr. Obama, and it was Mr. Obama's own extremism that undermined the deals that he had reached with Republicans.

hightor wrote:
a confused person

Wrong. I am immune to confusion.

hightor wrote:
- This is another example of a rather stupid generalization which, in the light of the "stolen election" fantasy could be applied to Trump-supporting conservatives.

I've not been paying attention to most of the election claims, since as far as I'm concerned Joe Biden is illegitimate even if he didn't cheat.

However, I suspect that most delusional statements on a2k come from progressives.

hightor wrote:
a still-confused person

Still wrong. I am still immune to confusion.

hightor wrote:
- This is another sweeping and unsubstantiated generalization which merely amounts to an opinion.

That is incorrect. My statement is factual in nature. It is substantiated by looking at progressive behavior.

True though that my statement is a sweeping generalization.

hightor wrote:
a Trump lackey wrote:
He boasted of willing consent.

- So what?

So the article was wrong to say that he boasted of committing assault.

hightor wrote:
a white Trump supporter wrote:
Like I say [ Rolling Eyes ], BLM goons are all about preventing white people from defending themselves when black people try to rape and murder them.

- This is just another example of a someone who simply repeats the same unproven opinions on a near-daily basis.

Wrong. That is a fact, not an opinion.

And I am always happy to back up my facts with cites if anyone has any questions.

Progressives never bother to ask me for cites because they know that what I say is true and I can back it up.

hightor wrote:
"Like I say" should actually read, "Like I pretend".

No it shouldn't. What I say is the truth.

hightor wrote:
a person who doesn't understand BLM

I understand those thugs perfectly.

hightor wrote:
- True, but it certainly doesn't apply to many of the cases which have figured in the news.

Sure it does:

Trayvon Martin was shot in justified self defense as he tried to murder the captain of his local neighborhood watch.

Michael Brown was shot in justified self defense as he tried to murder a police officer.

Eric Garner died from injuries that he sustained in a struggle while he was resisting a lawful arrest.

Oscar Grant was accidentally shot in a struggle while he was resisting a lawful arrest.

Philando Castile was shot because he ignored clear commands to keep his hands visible and reached for an unknown object.

Terence Crutcher was shot because he ignored clear commands to keep his hands visible and reached for an unknown object.

Tamir Rice was shot because he pointed a very realistic looking toy gun at police officers.

Sandra Bland committed suicide in her jail cell.

hightor wrote:
George Floyd wasn't killed by someone who was defending himself.

I didn't pay much attention to that case. I was too busy opposing the lynching of Amy Cooper.

But given BLM's track record of trying to lynch police for justified shootings, I wouldn't trust anything that they have to say about the case.

hightor wrote:
a joker wrote:
Had any of these clowns tried to prevent Mr. Trump from doing that, they would have been rightfully fired.

- That's just conjecture. "Clowns" can't be fired for performing their duties according to the Constitution.

There is no such thing as a duty to prevent the President from exercising his constitutional powers to protect the American people.

And actually the Constitution gives the President unlimited power to fire anyone in the executive branch for any reason (or for no reason).

hightor wrote:
someone ignorant of history

My historical knowledge is better than anyone else who posts on a2k.

hightor wrote:
- Actually it is.

No it isn't. The Democrats just spent the past four years fighting a holy war against Mr. Trump. There is ample precedent for now doing the same to Mr. Biden.

hightor wrote:
The investigations into the connections between Russian operatives and the Trump campaign did not affect the transition between the Obama and Trump administrations. Trump met with Obama in the White House and was supplied with the information and support needed to install his new team.

That does not change the reality that the Democrats have just spent four years rejecting and undermining Mr. Trump.

It is perfectly fair to now do the same to them.

hightor wrote:
a blatant apologist wrote:
Actually what Mr. Trump has done is brought early vaccines to the world.

- Bullshit.

Progressives hate facts and reality, but no. Facts and reality are not BS.

hightor wrote:
How about distributing them to the citizens of the USA?

They are being distributed to American citizens as we speak.

hightor wrote:
And it has been medical science which has developed the vaccines -- if Trump had been in charge we'd still be discussing light therapy and taking disinfectant internally.

Mr. Trump provided funding that allowed a number of promising vaccines to be mass produced even before they had completed testing.

Without this funding they would not be ready anywhere near as fast as they are currently being produced.

hightor wrote:
an unashamed liar wrote:
Those deaths are all Joe Biden's fault.

Progressives don't like facts and reality, but no. Facts and reality are not lies.
Thu 31 Dec, 2020 07:04 pm
It's long, but definitely worth reading:

The one paragraph was enough. I'll paraphrase for the readers.

we are at the end of a year that has brought a presidential impeachment trial

A complete waste of time, money, and effort, which pretty-much is all we got for four years of petulant butthurt posturing by the DNC. What did they achieve?

a deadly pandemic that has killed more than 338,000 of us

The first month of this, the DNC were still dithering with the process above. Even you would have known it was going nowhere. Pelosi called your president a racist, for trying to close down incoming Chinese visitors. Hyprocrite to the max.

a huge social movement for racial justice

Paid thugs on Soros' bankroll, burning down innocent's businesses, threatening American citizens, and spreading terror, all because Soros didn't get his wishes answered when criminal Hillary got her fat arse handed to her by your President.

a presidential election, and a president who has refused to accept the results

Anyone with more than one firing synapse knows the mail-in votes were scammed. I guess that counts you out, though. Dream on.

Thu 31 Dec, 2020 07:18 pm

Just sayin’...
Thu 31 Dec, 2020 08:14 pm
And the same thing should happen now. We have free and fair elections, if these mugwumps don't believe in democracy....they should not be allowed to participate .
0 Replies
Fri 1 Jan, 2021 12:14 am
Happy new year, guys.
Fri 1 Jan, 2021 01:09 am
Happy New Year Bernie......................
0 Replies
Fri 1 Jan, 2021 02:13 am
The impeachment stands. Hes BEEN impeached. The fact that toadies of his gang in the Senate did not find for the prosecution was just BS politics. The Senate Ladership didnt even allow most of the evidence against Trump, (so itd sound like he was railroaded).
This whole "election fraud BS" is just another example of how the GOP has surrendered any claim as the "Party of Lincoln", (Lincoln Rockwell maybe)
Fri 1 Jan, 2021 03:23 am

Fri 1 Jan, 2021 03:32 am

The first month of this, the DNC were still dithering with the process above.

The "DNC"? Do you mean the Democrats in Congress? I don't recall the DNC itself as being particularly involved.
Paid thugs on Soros' bankroll, burning down innocent's businesses, threatening American citizens, and spreading terror, all because Soros didn't get his wishes answered when criminal Hillary got her fat arse handed to her by your President.

Hillary Clinton received more votes than did the fat-arsed president who recently got his fat arse handed to him. But, yeah, I see. You mean it's all part of the same big globalist plan:
Builder wrote:
Biden's run is all about protecting the global paedophile network. He's neck deep in it, and so were the Clintons.

Perfectly clear!

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