monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 22 Dec, 2020 11:45 am
Cruz to Trump: Send Paris, Iran Deals to Senate So They Can Fail

“Your administration has rightly changed course as a matter of substantive policy by withdrawing from both the Iran Deal and the Paris Agreement. This was a great accomplishment for the American people,” Cruz wrote.

“I urge you now also to remedy the harm done to the balance of powers by submitting the Iran Deal and the Paris Agreement to the Senate as treaties,” Cruz continued. “Only by so doing will the Senate be able to satisfy its constitutional role to provide advice and consent in the event any future administration attempts to revive these dangerous deals.”

Cruz has become a stalwart Trump ally, and if the president takes his advice, he could throw a wrench into the gears of the incoming administration before Biden can even fully nominate his Cabinet. The incoming president has promised that he would rejoin the Paris Agreement “on day one,” and pledged to revive the Iranian nuclear deal he helped negotiate as vice president. Republicans, meanwhile, are unified in their opposition to both.

A vote against them would signal GOP opposition to the world and, they hope, undermine any unilateral action by Biden to rejoin the agreements. One senior congressional aide told RCP that sending them to die in the Senate “would be the final nail in the coffin.”

Central to Cruz's argument is the contention that the Paris accords and Iran deal are actually treaties. As such, they are subject to the Senate’s Article 2 “advice and consent” role and require two-thirds of the chamber for ratification.

Let's hope Trump takes his advice.

0 Replies
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 11:49 am
farmerman wrote:

Most all the states have GOP led voting management. (Pa is a perfect example and they say to trumps minions--"Keep yer damn hands off our property youve had over 50 chances to make a point and have failed"

What they are saying is if you audit our machines you will find fraud so you are not going to get them. No transparency equals no legitimacy for Biden.

Again, Trump hiding taxes = guilty. By your own standards, keeping those machines from forensic audits= guilty.
0 Replies
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 12:00 pm
GA Senate Committee Releases Damning Report On Election Fraud – Election ‘Untrustworthy’…Recommends Decertifying Electors

There goes the media's "baseless" charges out the window. A state legislature sees fraud.

The Legislature should carefully consider its obligations under the U.S.
Constitution. If a majority of the General Assembly concurs with the
findings of this report, the certification of the Election should be rescinded
and the General Assembly should act to determine the proper Electors to be
certified to the Electoral College in the 2020 presidential race.
Since time is
of the essence, the Chairman and Senators who concur with this report
recommend that the leadership of the General Assembly and the Governor
immediately convene to allow further consideration by the entire General

Will the MSM even mention this? Why so afraid when they insist there was no fraud?
0 Replies
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 12:01 pm
Simple query even a simpleton could perform:

Hague International Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missiles Proliferation, of November 25, 2002.
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 12:05 pm
BillW wrote:

Simple query even a simpleton could perform:

Hague International Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missiles Proliferation, of November 25, 2002.

We are not bound by that court. Do some research.
0 Replies
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 12:10 pm
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 12:12 pm
snood wrote:


Santa must be on the GA. State Senate.
0 Replies
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 12:22 pm
BillW wrote:
Simple query even a simpleton could perform:
Hague International Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missiles Proliferation, of November 25, 2002.

It's still not clear what Farmerman is asking for. What do rules about proliferation have to do with the actual use of weapons?

But don't worry about figuring it out. This is Farmerman. It's likely that his request is just random gibberish.
0 Replies
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 12:24 pm
Arizona Republican party moves to intervene in legal battle over access to voting machines

If there was no fraud why is access to the machines being blocked? A question that needs a real answer.
Arizona Republican Party
In today's update, Chairwoman @kelliwardaz announces that Arizona's Trump electors will intervene in the legislative subpoena case.

"We are entering into this case," said Ward. Lawyers for Maricopa County have, according to Ward, accused the Senate Judiciary Committee "of just wanting to get this data so that they can give it to us (the Arizona GOP)."

The purpose of the legal intervention from the Arizona Republicans is to ensure that the State Senate Judiciary Committee's legislative subpoena is followed by the Maricopa County board. "We are doing everything possible to stop the steal, to maintain election integrity, and to force honesty into this process," said Ward.

Again, no fraud, no problem. What is the problem?
0 Replies
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 12:30 pm
FLASH: Rudy Giuliani Says Arizona Lawmakers Will Attempt to Certify Trump as Winner

When one falls they all go. GA. is on the edge also.

President Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, joined Steve Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” podcast this morning. During the interview, Giuliani said the Arizona legislature will attempt to pass a resolution tomorrow (Wednesday) to certify President Trump as the winner.

News spread like wildfire yesterday that Arizona lawmakers would make the attempt to declare Trump the winner today, but Giuliani said Arizona lawmakers did not have the votes today to make that happen. Giuliani said he’s hopeful Arizona lawmakers will be able to close the deal before Christmas.

Santa is in the Arizona legislature too?
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 12:33 pm
Wisconsin should do this too if it's not too late. A rival slate of electors from Wisconsin would be ideal because they missed the safe harbor deadline.
0 Replies
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 12:36 pm
“Somebody opened the cage and the monkey busted loose.” Twin Cadillac Valentine, Screaming Blue Messiahs.
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 12:49 pm
izzythepush wrote:

“Somebody opened the cage and the monkey busted loose.” Twin Cadillac Valentine, Screaming Blue Messiahs.

Grooming ‘epidemic’ as almost 19,000 children identified as sexual exploitation victims in England

You should not be worrying about monkeys, you should be protecting your children. Are there any men besides Tommy Robinson left in the UK?
0 Replies
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 12:57 pm
Rudy Distances Trump From Sidney Powell as She Visits White House for Third Time

Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani attempted to put some distance between President Donald Trump and his legal team and former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell, insisting on Monday night that Powell “does not speak for the president” and that she only “speaks for herself.”

Giuliani’s disavowal of Powell, however, comes as the conspiracy-peddling “Kraken” lawyer met with Trump at the White House for the third time in the past four days.

Over the past week, an increasingly desperate Trump has weighed several last-ditch efforts to try to overturn the election he decisively lost. Besides contemplating former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s idea of imposing martial law to “rerun” the election, he’s proposed making Powell—who was dropped from the Trump legal team last month—a special counsel for election fraud.

Interviewing Giuliani on Newsmax show Spicer and Co. on Monday night, former Trump press secretary Sean Spicer asked about Powell’s recent meetings with the president and the rumors around her possibly being made a special counsel. (Outgoing Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday that he has no plans to make any such appointment.)

“Let me say definitely that Sidney Powell is not part of our legal team, she hasn’t been for five weeks,” Giuliani said. “She is not a special counsel for the president, she does not speak for the president, nor does she speak for the administration.”

“She speaks for herself,” he continued. “She’s a fine woman, a fine lawyer. Whatever she’s talking about is her own opinion. I’m not responsible for it, the president isn’t, nor is anyone else on our legal team.”

Tue 22 Dec, 2020 01:03 pm
Rebelofnj wrote:

Rudy Distances Trump From Sidney Powell as She Visits White House for Third Time

Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani attempted to put some distance between President Donald Trump and his legal team and former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell, insisting on Monday night that Powell “does not speak for the president” and that she only “speaks for herself.”

Giuliani’s disavowal of Powell, however, comes as the conspiracy-peddling “Kraken” lawyer met with Trump at the White House for the third time in the past four days.

Over the past week, an increasingly desperate Trump has weighed several last-ditch efforts to try to overturn the election he decisively lost. Besides contemplating former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s idea of imposing martial law to “rerun” the election, he’s proposed making Powell—who was dropped from the Trump legal team last month—a special counsel for election fraud.

Interviewing Giuliani on Newsmax show Spicer and Co. on Monday night, former Trump press secretary Sean Spicer asked about Powell’s recent meetings with the president and the rumors around her possibly being made a special counsel. (Outgoing Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday that he has no plans to make any such appointment.)

“Let me say definitely that Sidney Powell is not part of our legal team, she hasn’t been for five weeks,” Giuliani said. “She is not a special counsel for the president, she does not speak for the president, nor does she speak for the administration.”

“She speaks for herself,” he continued. “She’s a fine woman, a fine lawyer. Whatever she’s talking about is her own opinion. I’m not responsible for it, the president isn’t, nor is anyone else on our legal team.”


All that is very nice but why are audits being blocked when there was no fraud? Does Yahoo have an answer?
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 01:48 pm
Pa conducted such an audit between Nov 19 and Dec 1, Another one done via county found some minor misvoting (which wound up generating criminal charges against a TRUMP supporter who voted for TRUMP by mail using ballots for his dead wife and mother.
There are consequences for such activity. Its a felony.

Tue 22 Dec, 2020 01:56 pm
farmerman wrote:

Pa conducted such an audit between Nov 19 and Dec 1, Another one done via county found some minor misvoting (which wound up generating criminal charges against a TRUMP supporter who voted for TRUMP by mail using ballots for his dead wife and mother.
There are consequences for such activity. Its a felony.

Not a forensic audit. If the election was honest there should not be a problem. Should there?
0 Replies
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 02:01 pm
Misinformation Amplifiers Target Georgia Senate Races

The conservative social media personalities who spread baseless rumors of election fraud are starting to focus on the races that will decide control of the Senate.

Two weeks ago, the conservative media personalities Diamond and Silk falsely claimed on their Facebook page that people who were not eligible to vote were receiving ballots in Georgia’s special elections next month. Their post was shared more than 300 times.

A week later, the right-wing commentator Mark Levin shared a post on his Facebook page falsely suggesting that the Rev. Raphael Warnock, one of the two Democrats running in the Georgia Senate runoffs, once welcomed Fidel Castro to his church. The misleading claim was shared more than 3,000 times.

At the same time, a drumbeat of misinformation about the presidential election count in Georgia droned on. Lara Trump, President Trump’s daughter-in-law, and the Hodgetwins, a bodybuilding duo who have turned to pro-Trump political comedy, shared several false stories on their Instagram and Facebook pages that claimed suitcases filled with ballots were pulled out from under tables during the November vote count. Tens of thousands of people shared their posts.

As Georgia prepares to hold special elections that will determine which party will control the U.S. Senate, the state has become the focus of a misinformation campaign that is aimed at discrediting the results of the November elections and convincing voters that Democrats are trying to steal the upcoming vote.

A small group of “superspreaders” is responsible for the vast majority of that misinformation, according to new research by Avaaz, a global human rights group. Not only are those accounts responsible for most of the misinformation swirling around the vote, they are drowning out accurate reporting by mainstream media outlets on Facebook and Instagram.

The research indicates that, despite efforts by social media companies to curtail misinformation, the viral nature of false news continues to take advantage of the algorithms that gin up what people see on those platforms. The algorithms often reward outrage over accuracy, and telling people what they want to hear or what gets them angry can easily overwhelm the truth.

Americans are “being drowned in misinformation in Georgia by these superspreaders,” said Fadi Quran, a director at Avaaz.

The Avaaz study also calls into question Facebook’s recent decision to roll back a change that elevated news from authoritative outlets over hyperpartisan sources. The change, which the company said was intended to be temporary, had resulted in an increase in Facebook traffic for mainstream news publishers including CNN, NPR and The New York Times, while partisan sites like Breitbart and Occupy Democrats saw their numbers fall.

Many of the “superspreaders” have previously been named by researchers as playing central roles in spreading misinformation about voter fraud in the November presidential elections.

“Facebook has gotten a lot of pressure over claims that they are censoring the right or conservatives, but what the data shows is that they may be favoring these actors,” Mr. Quran said. “These accounts regularly spread misinformation. The question is: Why doesn’t Facebook demote their reach per their policies?”

Other misinformation spreaders included Eric Trump, the president’s son, and Sebastian Gorka, the president’s former deputy assistant. President Trump also continued his barrage of misinformation about Georgia’s elections, according to the research by Avaaz.


The top 20 Facebook and Instagram accounts spreading false claims aimed at swaying voters in Georgia accounted for more interactions than mainstream media outlets. Using CrowdTangle, a Facebook-owned research tool, Avaaz examined social media posts between Nov. 8, when most news outlets called the election for President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr., and Friday. They found that the top 20 “superspreaders” averaged 5,500 interactions on their Facebook posts, while the 20 largest news outlets averaged 4,100 interactions per post.

These users saw more people interacting with their posts, despite having fewer followers on Facebook than the mainstream news outlets. Combined, the news outlets had more than 208 million followers, while the top “superspreaders" had 85 million followers.

Mr. Quran said the numbers showed how Facebook’s algorithms favored the sensational, and often false, posts.

A Facebook spokesman, Kevin McAlister, said the company was still cracking down on misinformation, despite the recent rollback.

“We’re taking every opportunity to connect people to reliable information about the election,” Mr. McAlister said. He said the company was also “deploying the teams and technology we used in the general elections to fight voter suppression, misinformation and interference in the Georgia runoff elections.”

None of the top misinformation spreaders responded to requests for comment.

Their claims ran the gamut from insults — that the Democratic Senate candidates, Mr. Warnock and Jon Ossoff, are corrupt — to the often-repeated false claim that voting machines that run on software from the company Dominion Voting Systems flipped votes from President Trump to Mr. Biden.

Mr. Quran said the accounts also appeared to be “professionalized” in how they spread misinformation.

“We see them regularly testing new narratives to see where they can hit a certain nerve, and then acting on it,” he said. Misinformation that successfully targeted Latino voters during the November presidential election, for example, was also being repurposed for Georgia, he said.

One claim, that Mr. Warnock, a pastor in an Atlanta church where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once preached, “celebrated Fidel Castro and welcomed him to his church” was not accurate. The claim refers to Mr. Castro’s appearance at a New York City church where Mr. Warnock was a pastor 25 years ago, and there is no evidence that Mr. Warnock was involved in arranging the visit. There is also no evidence that he welcomed Mr. Castro.

It was a variation of claims that circulated in Florida during the presidential election that linked Democratic candidates to the Communist Party in Cuba. Some of those claims have also been translated into Spanish to target the more than 300,000 voters with Latino backgrounds in Georgia, Mr. Quran said.

Voters in Georgia are also being targeted with misleading information by new media start-ups. A conservative local news network, Star News group, which already runs news sites in Tennessee, Virginia and Minnesota, announced in November that it was opening a venture called the Georgia Star, according to the liberal media watchdog group Media Matters for America. The network did not respond to a request for comment.

Since then, the website has published misleading news about the presidential election and the coming runoff election, according to an assessment by NewsGuard, a start-up that examines false stories.

A Dec. 5 headline promised a “bombshell” story, claiming that an audit of election results in a Georgia county revealed that Dominion voting machines flipped ballots from Mr. Trump to Mr. Biden, in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

The article was shared more than 2,000 times on Facebook, according to CrowdTangle data, reaching up to 650,000 people on the social network.

Tue 22 Dec, 2020 02:21 pm
Misinformation Amplifiers Target Georgia Senate Races

You sound like a Communist telling the state has classified information they do not like as false. Thanks Nikita. NYT=Pravda
0 Replies
Tue 22 Dec, 2020 02:31 pm
Alex Salvi
Senators who voted against the COVID relief package (92-6 vote):

Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee
Rand Paul of Kentucky
Rick Scott of Florida
Ron Johnson of Wisconsin
Mike Lee of Utah
Ted Cruz of Texas.
2:26 AM · Dec 22, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

Maybe those six will challenge the electors in the Senate.
0 Replies

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