coldjoint wrote:
hightor wrote:
Here's a good case study in MAGAthink. Someone, in her haste to castigate the
Washington Post, attempts to link the
WP graph to the ridiculous lie perpetrated by the
Gateway Pundit when it posted the spurious claims by the "Constitutional Patriot" we referred to earlier. But the WP story didn't lie. It only reported that 62.2%
of the eligible voting population cast ballots. It was Bill Binney, the "Constitutional Patriot", who lied about the total number of votes cast.
I am not a her. Are you going to keep that lie going? You might lose track of the other lies you perpetuate. There was massive fraud and it will be proven.
No, there wasn’t. And no, it won’t. And the fruitcakes still trying to act like Trump isn’t the loser and Biden’s not going to start being president on 1/20 are getting fewer in number by the day.
I sort of understand the politicians who are trying to stay in office still acting like they believe Trump has any legitimate claim on the presidency. They’re just trying to keep appearing to be loyal to Trump. I understand Trump acting like he believes it, because he’s found it to be a great way to grift the MAGAsheep.
But nimrods like you - who have nothing at all to gain from keeping up this charade...
You’re just frikking lost.
And in one month, you’re going to have to change your BS line that you think Trump will stay in office or that any of the crap will be proved.