monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 19 Dec, 2020 01:42 pm
Yeah, what a joke he is! I even remember that from when this news 1st broke. He's such an airhead!
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 01:58 pm
Rebelofnj wrote:

Any comment on why Maricopa County will not hand over the Dominion machines for audit?

According to the official court documents, the supervisors of the county basically said:
-The Senate Judiciary Committee did not have the right to issue them.
-The subpoenas violate Arizona laws for ballot secrecy and access to ballots.
-The subpoenas did not provide sufficient time for the supervisors to comply.

They forgot to say there was fraud. They can add that to their reasons. Do they realize without that audit the election is illegitimate in the eyes of the State legislature? That alone is reason enough to turn electors to Trump electors.

The electors do not answer to Maricopa county officials.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 02:15 pm
GA Supreme Court Has Yet To Judge President Trump’s Lawsuit Claiming Election Fraud...Two Weeks After Filing

Must be a good case. There is no reason to put off something this important.

On Friday night Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer posted a string of tweets calling out the Georgia Supreme Court for slow-walking President Trump’s critical case on voter fraud.

President @realDonaldTrump
and I filed an election contest on December 4 showing that thousand of voters were unlawfully cast and counted in the 2020 general election in Georgia. Two weeks later and the lawsuit has yet to be assigned to a judge who is authorized to decide it.

There is something fundamentally wrong with a system that does not allow for election contests to be timely heard and decided on their merits.
3:18 PM · Dec 18, 2020

The man is right.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 02:41 pm
The U.S. Media Are Suppressing the Truth about Hydroxychloroquine

Another facet of the big lies we are supposed to be believing. Trump was right and people died because the drug was not used, in fact prohibited. The blood people claim is on Trump's hands belong to the lying media and the politicians who insisted they tell those lies.
“Trial after trial has found no evidence that hydroxychloroquine improves outcomes for Covid-19 patients; some studies have found that it causes more harm than good,” Jha wrote. Once again, the paper of record is trying to erase the results from Mount Sinai and Henry Ford simply by ignoring them.

At the beginning of the second Senate hearing on December 8, Senator Gary Peters (D-Mich.) launched an astonishing attack on Dr. Risch and two other physicians who had testified at the first hearing in favor of hydroxychloroquine.

“Last month,” Peters said, “this committee held a hearing that was billed as a review of early outpatient treatments for coronavirus. Unfortunately, that hearing amplified unverified theories about treatments that are not supported by the scientific community.” He added, “the committee was used as a platform to attack science and promote discredited treatments” and “we have a responsibility to follow science, to follow facts, not conspiracy theories and not disinformation.”

They see the people that believe them as idiots. When are people going to realize you are only told what they want you to hear. Shut up and obey.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 03:07 pm
Nothing is on fire, no violence but...
LIVE: Trump Supporters Protest at Arizona State Capitol to Demand Election Integrity

Where to Watch on Dec. 19 at 2 p.m. ET

NTD website:

The Epoch Times website:

Take a good look, you will see Americans that know what this country stands for and promises and they refuse to be cheated out of it.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 03:34 pm
China, Spies, And Sexual Harassment: 3 Bombshell Stories The Legacy Media Are Hiding From You

All newsworthy, all do not fit the narrative. All do not get reported on. See how that works?
The truth is, however, that the “good old days” of subtle subjectivity or mild bias in the field of journalism are long gone. Instead, the legacy media have ushered in a new age of blatant and shameless narrative control with the expressed goal of achieving partisan political objectives.

That nails it.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 04:01 pm
Breaking Report: Trump Floats Sidney Powell as Special Counsel on Election Fraud

A lot of power comes with that job. I think it is a banner idea.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 04:02 pm
It is a shame they didn't hire a foreign judge to write that report. At least then the report wouldn't be laden with biased and misleading language, and missing information. On the first few pages- the Executive Summary alone:

1. Missing Information: for this type of report, complaining of patterns of irregularlities, they really should have done another 4 states (summarised with links) for comparison

Assessing only the states you are complaining about, saying there were irregularities in these states, and these patterns show X...without showing at least another 4, gives no ability on anyones part to say if this the same across the whole election, or if contrary to that, these States were hand chosen because not because of irregularities, but because they were the closest states, and the normal level of irregularities could be used to form an argument.

2. Missing was the statement 'they were almost all dismissed' from his actual statement "Evidence used to conduct this assessment includes more than 50 lawsuits and judicial rulings"

Which lost lawsuits are very obviously against his reports findings...and conspiciously left out of the Executive Summary which is the only thing many will read...

3. Report discrepancies:
- This was theft by a thousand cuts (an outright statement); vs
- the election may well have been stolen (a maybe statement); and
- it is possible to infer what may well have been a coordinated
strategy to effectively stack the election deck
(a possibility statement)

The outright theft statement implies the author wants to believe that statement, but is trying to appear fair and impartial....

4. Should have been separated, as keeping them together is misleading:
"- it is irresponsible for anyone – especially the mainstream media – to claim there is “no evidence” of fraud or irregularities "

Fraud and irregularities are very different things. However the language infers the author sees little to no difference between the two...

5. "Both State courts and Federal courts, including the Supreme Court, have failed the American people in refusing to appropriately adjudicate the election irregularities that have come before them. "

- He leaves out the numbers of courts that have tossed out the law suits knowing that goes against his findings.
- He leaves out even the SCOTUS has ruled against him.
- He fails to acknowledge that the courts role is to view the evidence presented to them, rather than find the evidence...and if there is any failure, it is the failure of Trumps lawyers, rather than the courts.
- He fails to acknowledge he is an economist, and doesn't understand the rules of evidence as each of those judges do.

Then with the start of the actual report, there are already problems on the first page:

1. He talks about the pattern of substantial leads vanishing, while failing to acknowledge:
- vote counting laws (some of those States have laws requiring mail in ballots to only be counted on election day); and
- Party directions (Republicans told to vote in person, Democrats told to vote by mail)

2. He includes this riduculous paragraph:

"There was an equally interesting story unfolding in Arizona and Nevada. While Joe Biden was ahead in these two additional battleground states on election night – by just over 30,000 votes in Nevada and less than 150,000 votes in Arizona – internal Trump Campaign polls predicted the President would close these gaps once all the votes were counted. Of course, this never happened."

There is nothing interesting about that. The internal Trump Campaign Polls simply got it wrong. Polls have been known to do that from time to time. They predicted Hilary would win the last one.

3. The below paragrah fails to acknowledge that of the States mentioned - Arizona has the most friendly mail in ballot laws, with most of the State regularly voting by post, while the others appear to have laws requiring counting only election day:

"Two key points stand out immediately from the matrix. First, significant irregularities appear to be ubiquitous across the six battleground states. Only Arizona is free of any apparent widespread ballot mishandling"

He is alleging fraud. He should be acknowledging exactly why it appears ballot mishandling occurred - that the pattern suggests the counting laws are a major contributing factor. But he doesn't do this, prejudicing his findings.


At this point, given the piss poor quality of the report, with missing information, missing qualifiers, inconsistent claims, and language designed to skew perspectives towards an obviously favoured predisposition (and all that within the first 6 pages), I stopped reading it.


I am quite sure Trump has access to Judges and very experienced Lawyers who could have compiled this report to a much better standard. That he chose an economistto compile this report speaks volumes about the 'credibility' of this report. Or perhaps no ex Judge or Lawyer was prepared to put their name to it. Best would have been a foreign Ex Judge.


On a final note. Given laws requiring Mail in Ballots only be counted on election day - I am now much less suprised that mishandling of Ballots occurred. Same with the suitcases of Ballots - they are now much less surprising.
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 04:29 pm
Deaf and blind Helen Keller belittled as 'just another privileged white person' in Time magazine

Isn't enough enough? Constant race baiting promotes division and hate. It comes up in every bullshit article these Communists write.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 04:41 pm
I believe there was fraud. Absolutely everything points to it. The fact the counting stopped almost simultaneously was enough for me.

I do not agree with your conclusions.
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 04:47 pm
Special Counsel Powell? Flynn pushing military action? President considers new ideas during White House meeting

There has been some speculation over the past couple of weeks that President Trump is not really fighting very hard. He often notes on Twitter evidence that is then suppressed by the social network, but otherwise has not appeared to be taking many direct actions. But as The Right Scoop reports, this meeting indicates he’s very much interested in and involved with the efforts to correct the results of the election.

It’s being shared across the spectrum, from Gateway Pundit to the New York Times and everywhere in between, with a lot of different reactions from trying to mock and belittle it to acting like its a precursor to Armageddon.

But what SHOULD be the biggest takeaway is how committed Trump is to fighting this thing thoroughly. The details came out first from NYT’s Trump-hating Maggie Haberman, and later confirmed by Trump-hating Daily Beast, both using unnamed sources. But I reckon it rings pretty true, if you take out the editorializing.

They have not beat him yet.
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 04:54 pm
I do not agree with your conclusions.
I've never asked to to agree with my conclusions, only:
- ask the questions necessary to making informed decisions
- check your sources
- recognise when people are using prejudiced arguments
After all, virtually everything I have asked or said has revolved around these things. You even complain of others buying what the mainstream media is telling them...which means at some level you must agree with this...but don't appear to do it yourself when it comes to your chosen news / media.
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 05:04 pm
vikorr wrote:

I do not agree with your conclusions.
I've never asked to to agree with my conclusions, only:
- ask the questions necessary to making informed decisions
- check your sources
- recognise when people are using prejudiced arguments
After all, virtually everything I have asked or said has revolved around these things. You even complain of others buying what the mainstream media is telling them...which means at some level you must agree with this...but don't appear to do it yourself when it comes to your chosen news / media.

I know the difference between excuses and the facts. One side are the excuses and babble about attacking democracy, the other side, what actually happened. Some of the votes in doubt and why they are. Eyewitnesses, videos, and attacks on Trump supporters. And forensic evidence of an inflated error count violating state and federal laws.
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 05:09 pm
So, why hasn't Trump done it yet, when his administration is running out of time to do anything about the election?

According to sources, Rudy Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone are against the ideas of appointing Powell as a special counsel and Flynn's martial law suggestion.
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 05:22 pm
Rebelofnj wrote:

So, why hasn't Trump done it yet, when his administration is running out of time to do anything about the election?

According to sources, Rudy Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone are against the ideas of appointing Powell as a special counsel and Flynn's martial law suggestion.

Anonymous sources? What's new? You want to talk about Rudy?
Giuliani touts new election challenge strategy as Trump mulls Sidney Powell wild card

"We met pretty much on and off all day yesterday, and starting this morning, there’s a completely different strategy,” Giuliani told Bannon, who was Trump’s 2016 campaign chief executive officer and later the White House's chief strategist for much of 2017. “The strategy is going to focus a great deal on some evidence we have about some of these machines that could throw off these states in a matter of maybe a one- or two-day audit."

“I think we can get these accomplished despite the resistance and the cover-up of the Republican governors, the guy in Arizona and the guy in Georgia — if we had their cooperation, we could have it ended by Monday,” Giuliani said. “I’m tired of dealing with them. We just push them aside, and I think over the weekend, you’ll see different strategies being employed.”

Those machine audits will prove fraud. Go get them!
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 05:40 pm
Flynn's martial law suggestion.

This is tantamount to a coup and the military could go either way......the military does not have to obey an illegal command!

How Trump Could Attempt a Coup
The Biden team is preparing for the worst. Here are three possible scenarios.

Those justifications would be slender reeds, and they would run into a major legal obstacle. Trump’s power as commander in chief is exclusive, but not unbounded: It is subject to statutory limits. And federal law forbids, under criminal penalty, the presence of “any troops or armed men at any place where a general or special election is held.”
One practical barrier, according to a lawyer advising the Biden team, is that “it would take a lot of troops in a lot of places to have an impact that clearly helps him.”

“A huge number of people have already voted,” the lawyer added. “How many troops do you have to send to how many places to affect a national election? And you’ve got to worry about whether you can actually get them to do what you want.”

That last point is the real constraint on Trump’s use of troops, the practical barrier he likely cannot surmount. It is hard to imagine the armed forces going along. General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is not in the formal chain of command, but he spoke for the top uniformed leadership in a highly unusual written statement to the House Armed Services Committee, disclaiming any role for the U.S. military in the event of an election dispute.

Biden’s team has emergency legal papers prepared, but a senior adviser said flatly that “there is no way that he’s going to persuade the Pentagon to send troops.”

“Number one,” the adviser said, the senior brass “don’t want to, so let’s start with that. And number two, they make an independent evaluation about whether the action is legal. And there are at least two statutes that not only prohibit the troops from being deployed near polling places, but actually impose liability on the officers and arms-bearing soldiers.”

Sat 19 Dec, 2020 05:56 pm

This is tantamount to a coup and the military could go either way......the military does not have to obey an illegal command!

He only needs the military to impound the voting machines. If authorities do not cooperate. That is nowhere near a military coup.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 06:08 pm

GUILTY: Scared Democrats Begin Accusing Vote Fraud Whistleblowers of ‘Sedition and Treason’

As more evidence becomes available to the public indicating widespread electoral fraud perpetrated by Democrats, the guilty party is becoming more combative against whistleblowers who are risking their lives to expose the most horrendous crime in U.S. history.

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) appeared on CNN on Friday to claim crusaders for electoral transparency and accountability are guilty of “sedition and treason.”

“These senators and members of Congress who have refused to acknowledge that we had a free and fair election in which Joe Biden beat Donald Trump by over 7 million votes, are bordering on sedition and treason,” she said.

You would think a Senator would know how many people think the election(over 70 million) was stolen and that it needs to be proven it was free and fair to their satisfaction.

She should be encouraging audits and honest people coming forward. Why isn't she? Should I say she works for China?


0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 07:11 pm
I think we may be close to seeing a 25th amendment action. Then there has also been rumors of a blitzkrieg 2nd impeachment. Yes, a deranged incompetent president should be removed regardless of length of time it incorporates.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 07:17 pm
Factual statement below.

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