monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Walter Hinteler
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 06:07 am
There's someone on A2K, who could tell you, that there's a statistical proof to know a hightor who looks your avatar! (But only under the restriction that Dominion isn't involved.9
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 06:17 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Are you okay Walter?

0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 06:23 am
@Walter Hinteler,
I always thought that Hightor was giving Homage to our state of New Jrsey where the Shawangunk Mountains have several "tors" and I think there is on called "Hightor"

Im probably wrong, his family is probably from Wales where any hill is a tor
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 06:35 am
Close — it's a crag overlooking the Hudson, one of the waves of intrusive basalt that formed the Palisades.

Here's the view from the summit:
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 07:12 am
hightor wrote:

Oops: Jared Kushner Reportedly Created a Shell Company to Secretly Pay Trump Family Members and Spend Half the Campaign’s Cash

Donald Trump and his family have spent the last four years making the airtight case that they view the presidency as simply a means to enrich themselves and their associates. They probably don’t particularly like that reputation and, yet, it hasn’t stopped them from funneling taxpayer money to their private business, gouging the Secret Service, and raising legal defense funds that the fine print says could go directly to their pockets. Oh, and, according to a new report, setting up a shell company that spent hundreds of millions of campaign dollars to pay Trump family members along with other expenditures it seemingly wanted to keep under wraps.


Why in "the fine print"? In the hope that it will not be noticed?
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 08:24 am
I forgot that NY also claims part of it. The whole units run from Connecticut valley to The Culpepper Basin of Virginia and N Carolina
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 08:59 am
farmerman wrote:

Youre becoming more irrelevant as the weeks go on . All the **** bag stories and "legal evience" youve posted ha all been shot down and debunked inthe courts of law.

I don't know how you can get more irrelevant than "irrelevant"; but you are correct! She succeeds in that in flying colors.

Now cj, say I have never praised her and now she would be lying in that regard (as with everything else in her life) - she is the absolute best at being irrelevant!
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 09:02 am
They have included the Pence family in this scheme also.......... $700 million of the $1 billion the Trump campaign had stashed away before the election for campaigning. Maybe this is the reason he lost! hhhmmmmmm

He would just go on those runway quick stop, super spreaders paid for by the taxpayers.
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 09:11 am
coldjoint wrote:

I don't hate any of them

No, you hate them all.
and become useful.

Ladies first.

Age before beauty.............
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 09:18 am
BillW wrote:

They have included the Pence family in this scheme also.......... $700 million of the $1 billion the Trump campaign had stashed away before the election for campaigning. Maybe this is the reason he lost! hhhmmmmmm

As the saying goes, money talks, bullshit walks?
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 09:22 am
oristarA wrote:

BillW wrote:

They have included the Pence family in this scheme also.......... $700 million of the $1 billion the Trump campaign had stashed away before the election for campaigning. Maybe this is the reason he lost! hhhmmmmmm

He would just go on those runway quick stop, super spreaders paid for by the taxpayers.

As the saying goes, money talks, bullshit walks?

and, what's Rumpy's new reality show to be called?
"The Grifter"
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 09:50 am
The Worlds Most Odious Man:

I don't often drink beer, but when I do......I get someone else to pay for it.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 09:55 am
This is the best time of day because cj isn't trolling...... Actually, since she's on ignore, her bait is invisible for me 😄
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 11:37 am
Trump raised $200m from false election claims. What happens to the money now?

His campaign bombarded supporters with emails and text messages – as many as 30 a day – pleading for donations to a fighting fund to challenge the result. But with the election settled, that is not where the money is going.

Most of the cash is directed to Save America, an organisation formed as a leadership political action committee (Pac) shortly after the election. Leadership Pacs were designed to allow individuals to raise money in support of a favoured candidate and Trump cannot legally use the proceeds to directly fund a run for office himself, such as another bid for the presidency in four years.

But Brendan Fischer, a campaign finance specialist at the Campaign Legal Center, said Trump’s fundraising was unprecedented and evidence of undimmed political ambition.

“I can think of no other president who has set up a leadership PAC immediately after losing an election and begun fundraising for it furiously. This is entirely, entirely unique,” he said.

“I think it’s basically going to be the vehicle for Trump’s post-White House political operation.”

Trump raised the money in a blitz of appeals for donations to what was billed as an “official election defense fund” without clear mention of Save America. An aggressive sales pitch was built around the president’s false claims that the election was rigged – even as one legal challenge after another was struck down.

“We need YOUR HELP to DEFEND the integrity of our Election,” said one email.

Another email carried the subject line: “The Recount Results were BOGUS.”

The money flooded in but most of it will go nowhere near fighting the outcome of an election that is already settled. Some was used to pay off Trump’s campaign debt, and 25 cents in every dollar goes directly to the Republican party. The remainder is paid to Save America.

I hope someone (whoever responsibility it falls on) watches that 'Save American' PAC. I bet all the Trump's will be on the payroll and the money will be nothing more a cash machine for the Trump's.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 11:41 am
Donald Trump is on a killing spree. He is turning the anger and resentment which burnishes his brand into a virtually unprecedented string of federal executions. From 14 July 2020, when the attorney general, William Barr, restarted the federal death penalty by executing Daniel Lewis Lee, through last week, the administration has put ten people to death. Three more executions are on the docket in the days leading up to the inauguration of Joe Biden.

Last week, Trump and Barr executed Brandon Bernard even though his crime was committed when he was just 18 years old, and they killed Alfred Bourgeois even though his IQ put him in the intellectually disabled category.

Trump and Barr have turned the solemn process of punishment into an assembly line of death. In doing so they have shown themselves to be indifferent to history, inattentive to the troubling problems plaguing the federal death penalty, and out of step with the country they lead.

Sat 19 Dec, 2020 11:53 am
Trump, contradicting Pompeo, downplays gravity of massive cyberattack against U.S. government, as well as Russia’s role

Russia is behind the massive, ongoing cyber spy campaign against the federal government and private sector, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Friday — the first Trump administration official to publicly blame Moscow for the computer hacks.

“This was a very significant effort, and I think it’s the case that now we can say pretty clearly that it was the Russians that engaged in this activity,” said Pompeo in an interview with “The Mark Levin Show.”

President Trump on Saturday morning appeared to contradict his top diplomat, tweeting that he has been “fully briefed” and suggesting that “it may be China” that’s responsible for the breaches.

“The Cyber Hack is far greater in the Fake News Media than in actuality,” Trump tweeted, tagging Pompeo. “I have been fully briefed and everything is well under control.”

Trump also speculated with no evidence that the hacks may also have included “a hit on our ridiculous voting machines during the election, which is now obvious that I won big.” Twitter flagged that assertion, saying that “multiple sources called this election differently.”

The State Department is one of a growing list of federal agencies discovered in recent days to have been breached.

Pompeo’s remarks come as government agencies and affected companies are scrambling to figure out the scope of the breaches, how the Russians carried them off without being detected for months and how to prevent future compromises.

The intrusions into federal agencies were first revealed last weekend, and with each day more agencies were discovered to have been breached. Besides the State Department, the list so far includes the Treasury, Homeland Security, Energy and Commerce Departments, as well the National Institutes of Health.

Sat 19 Dec, 2020 11:58 am
Even as Trump vows to keep fighting, his aides are quietly starting to move on

Vice President Pence has begun looking for a new home in the Washington suburbs, and he’s planning a valedictory foreign trip to begin the day Congress counts the electoral college votes.

Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has discussed opening a consulting firm with other White House aides and allies.

Top economic adviser Larry Kudlow has told friends he is planning to return to broadcasting, and he has his next gigs lined up.

As President Trump remains defiant, refusing to publicly acknowledge that he lost the Nov. 3 election, all signs around the White House point to a four-year whirlwind coming to an end. Aides are quietly lining up next jobs, friends are wrangling last-minute favors and Cabinet secretaries are giving exit interviews.

These behind-the-scenes preparations underscore the reality that while Trump may continue to tilt at the windmills, his tenure as the president of the United States is ending.

Advisers have begun reviewing pitches for post-presidency books, deciding which deserve cooperation and which should be shunned, according to a person familiar with the process, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. Jason Miller, a campaign aide, is at the center of that process, the person said, though Trump will have final approval.

Requests for favors — final lunches in the White House mess, photos in the West Wing — are flowing to senior officials daily.
Aides are frantically looking for jobs outside the West Wing, according to headhunters and consultants, but they’re fearful of getting fired if they are caught before Jan. 20. Some are just leaving. Staff secretary Derek Lyons and communications director Alyssa Farah are among the high-profile departures.

A number of the campaign’s top officials — including campaign manager Bill Stepien — have all but disappeared from the orbit, aides say. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have purchased a $30 million property on a secluded island near Miami, according to the New York Post. Ivanka Trump has begun posting daily pictures looking back on the president’s term, or shots of her children at Washington destinations, such as the Lincoln Memorial.
In public, Trump’s press office says the president is still focused on governing. “President Trump and this White House remain focused on securing much-needed economic stimulus for the American people, funding the government, and ensuring states and communities have what they need to respond to COVID-19 as well as vaccine distribution to front-line workers and long-term care facilities,” White House spokesman Judd Deere said.

But those close to him paint a different picture. These days, Trump is spending most of his time in the residence, phoning allies, according to four people who have been in touch with him, and falsely tweeting that he won the election. He has called state lawmakers to encourage them to promote his claims, startling legislators unaccustomed to having the president of the United States on the other end of the line.

After Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) congratulated Biden on his win Tuesday, Trump called to say that the Senate should not declare Biden the president-elect because the election was illegitimate, officials familiar with the call said.

McConnell and Trump spokespeople declined to comment, though sources close to McConnell, who requested anonymity to speak candidly, observed that the majority leader did not change his message.

Trump has complained to advisers that Republican officials, such as Brian Hagedorn, a justice on Wisconsin Supreme Court that he backed, are not sticking with him. He has plotted how to take on Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) in 2022.

He is dialing allies looking for good news, relying on information from supporters such as Rep. Andy Biggs, an Arizona Republican. He is constantly asking advisers what options are left — from flipping electors to pressuring House members and senators, officials say.

0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 12:11 pm
All that trash from the WP. And people lining to show they still hate Trump with memes and with anything but clever one liners.

It is not over.

0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 12:15 pm
BillW wrote:

This is the best time of day because cj isn't trolling...... Actually, since she's on ignore, her bait is invisible for me 😄

I do not troll, that is what you do. And you are not that good at it either. Which comes as no surprise. You demonstrate you can only repeat what you have heard whether it is fact based or not makes no difference.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2020 12:24 pm
glitterbag wrote:

coldjoint wrote:

I don't hate any of them

No, you hate them all.
and become useful.

Ladies first.

Age before beauty.............

Let me know where the beauty is.
0 Replies

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