monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 18 Dec, 2020 01:37 am
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Fri 18 Dec, 2020 03:08 am
OK. Sam Harris, neuroscientist, the author of The End of Faith received an E-mail from Trump inviting him to be a Trump supporter. Hightor, Snood, BillW, et al, have you received it, too? You'll be honored to be a Trump supporter. A curious question: Has Biden received his also? A damn good way to reunite America is everyone becomes a Trump's supporter, or vice versa, a Trump's terminator, of course.


Our world has become much funnier, doesn't it?
Walter Hinteler
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 03:49 am
Heather Cox Richardson wrote:
Four days ago, on December 13, Reuters broke the story that computer hackers had breached U.S. government agencies, including the Treasury Department and the Commerce Department. It was serious enough that the National Security Council had been called into an emergency meeting on Saturday. While no nation has yet been charged with this attack, officials agree that it looks like a Russian operation.

On Monday, the story got worse. Also hit were the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, and the National Institutes of Health. Officials at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in the Department of Homeland Security told all federal agencies to disconnect the products containing the malware that had been used to breach the firewalls. Those products had been installed as far back as March, meaning that the attackers had been able to observe crucial aspects of our government from the inside for as much as nine months. Government officials found out about the breach only after a private cybersecurity firm, FireEye, realized it had been hacked and alerted the FBI. Hackers planted the malware they used to get into the systems on a patch issued by the software company, SolarWinds, which produces widely used management software.

The story is getting worse still.

Today CISA said that the hackers used many different tools to get into government systems, taking them into critical infrastructure, which could include the electrical grid, telecommunications companies, defense contractors, and so on. Officials said that the hacks were “a grave risk to the federal government.”

Later in the day, it came out that the Energy Department and the National Nuclear Security Administration, which oversees our nuclear weapons, was also hit, although a Department of Energy spokesperson said that there is no evidence that the hackers breached critical defense systems, including the NNSA.

Microsoft’s president, Brad Smith, today said the company had identified 40 different companies, government agencies, and think tanks the hackers infiltrated, and that those forty were just the tip of the iceberg. Smith said that more companies had been hit than government agencies, “with a big focus on I.T. companies, especially in the security industry.”

The Associated Press quoted a U.S. official as saying: “This is looking like it’s the worst hacking case in the history of America. They got into everything.” Tom Kellermann, the cybersecurity strategy chief of the software company VMware, told Ben Fox of the Associated Press that the hackers could now see everything in the federal agencies they’ve hacked, and that, now that they have been found out, “there is viable concern that they might leverage destructive attacks within these agencies.”

It is not clear yet how far the hackers have penetrated, and we will likely not know for months. But given the fact they have had access to our systems since March and have almost certainly been planting new ways into them (known as “back doors”), all assumptions are that this is serious indeed.

Initially, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo downplayed the attack, saying that such attacks are common and that China, not Russia, is the biggest offender. Trump has said nothing about the attacks, and administration officials say that they are simply planning to hand the crisis off to Biden.

But this attack does not come out of the blue for the Trump administration. There was discussion of strengthening our security systems against attackers after the 2016 election, and on July 9, 2017, Trump suggested we would partner with Russia to address the issue. “Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded,” he tweeted.

Congress instead created the CISA within the Department of Homeland Security in 2018 to protect against precisely the sort of attack which has just occurred, shortly after Russia hacked our electrical grid, including “multiple organizations in the energy, nuclear, water, aviation, construction, and critical manufacturing sectors,” according to the FBI and Department of Homeland Security report.

In response to the Russian attack, the U.S. hit Russia’s electrical grid in June 2019.

Since then, administration officials have deliberately forced out of CISA key cybersecurity officials. The destruction was so widespread, according to Dr. Josephine Wolff, a professor of cybersecurity policy at Tufts University’s Fletcher School who holds her PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), “they signify the systematic decimation of the personnel most directly responsible for protecting critical infrastructure, shielding our elections from interference and guarding the White House’s data, devices and networks.”

Almost exactly a year ago, on December 19, 2019, Wolff warned in the New York Times that “As we head into 2020, worrying about the integrity of our elections, the growing scourge of ransomware and the increasingly sophisticated forms of cyberespionage and cybersabotage being developed by our adversaries, it’s disconcerting to feel that many of our government’s best cybersecurity minds are walking out the front door and leaving behind too few people to monitor what’s coming in our back doors.”

Just a month ago, Trump continued this process, firing Christopher Krebs, the former director of CISA, on November 18, saying he was doing so because Krebs defended the 2020 election as “the most secure in American history.” Krebs said that there “is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

And now, here we are. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) said to SiriusXM about the hack: "Our national security is extraordinarily vulnerable. And, in this setting, to not have the White House aggressively speaking out and protesting and taking punitive action is really, really quite extraordinary."

The timing of the exposure of this hack might be coincidence, but it is curiously well timed. It illustrates to the world that Russia now holds power over the U.S. while the perpetrators can assume, after four years of Trump’s refusal to stand up to Putin, that they will not have to face immediate retaliation for the attack as they would have to if it were revealed just a month later.

President-elect Biden was briefed on the attack today. He warned that his administration would impose “substantial costs on those responsible for such malicious attacks, including in coordination with our allies and partners.” “A good defense isn’t enough; we need to disrupt and deter our adversaries from undertaking significant cyberattacks in the first place,” Biden said. “I will not stand idly by in the face of cyberassaults on our nation.”
Letters from an American
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 04:30 am
@Walter Hinteler,
President-elect Biden was briefed on the attack today. He warned that his administration would impose “substantial costs on those responsible for such malicious attacks, including in coordination with our allies and partners.” “A good defense isn’t enough; we need to disrupt and deter our adversaries from undertaking significant cyberattacks in the first place,” Biden said. “I will not stand idly by in the face of cyberassaults on our nation.”

If there's a dollar to be made, though, he'll gladly accept offers for critical information.
0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 04:38 am
Months ago, after I had sent in a fake request for seats at a Trump event, I started receiving regular texts from Trump’s shill people chiding and begging me to step up and give till it hurts.

I was receiving texts regularly. A few of them a week. I finally asked to be taken off their mailing list.

Trump and Trump’s organization are lower than a snake’s belly, and would all sell their dead granny’s eye teeth.
0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 04:46 am
See anything wrong with these numbers? This was aired on Fox.

0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 04:55 am
Is that the experiment you meant to compare to the current day voter fraud conspiracy theory?

Nice job handing somebody his ass in a bucket!
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 05:29 am
snood wrote:

A Native American as Interior Secretary feels right.

I want to be clearer about saying that a Native American as Secretary of the Interior feels right to me.

There’s never been a Native American in a major Cabinet position. This is an excellent fit with Biden’s initiative.to make his government look more like America.

The Interior department oversees over 500 million acres of federally owned land, including national parks, oil and gas drilling sites, and endangered species habitat. The US government has had an abusive relationship with indigenous people that continues to this day, with ongoing conflicts over how the land is used, and how financial assets are allocated (the Interior department is also in control of the Bureau of Indian Education and the Bureau of Trust Funds Administration, which manages the financial assets of American Indians held in trust).

Ms. Haaland enjoys wide support among indigenous people. The Lakota People’s Law Action Center submitted a petition from120 tribal leaders in her support. She has been head of the New Mexico state democratic party and has been a tireless, fierce advocate for the interests of indigenous people -which, by the way dovetail nicely with progressive interests like restoring environmental protections, living wage and violence against women, to name a few.

So, when I said it “feels right”, I was trying to say it seems like an idea whose time has come.


Fri 18 Dec, 2020 06:28 am
Theres been a Native American VICE PRESIDENT, Chas Curtis
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 08:17 am
I didn’t know that. I think it’s safe to say, though that in 1929 his native ancestry was probably regarded more as a glitch than a feature.
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 08:26 am
U.S. whistleblower was pressed to exaggerate leftist role in urban protests, lawyer says

A former acting chief of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s intelligence office has told Congress that DHS leaders pressed him to overstate illegal border crossings from Mexico and overplay the role of far left groups in violence during anti-government protests last summer, his lawyer said.

In testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, former intelligence chief Brian Murphy accused department leadership of urging him to “blame Far Left groups in an exaggerated fashion” for violence during summer protests in Portland, Oregon, according to lawyer Mark Zaid.

In closed-door committee hearings last Friday and Monday, Murphy acknowledged that Far Left protesters were responsible for some of the violence, Zaid said.

In a Sept. 8 whistleblower complaint, Murphy accused President Donald Trump’s acting DHS chief, Chad Wolf, of having told him to hold back on circulating assessments of the threat of Russian interference in the approaching Nov. 3 election in part because it “made the President look bad.” Wolf also asked Murphy to play down U.S. white supremacist activity, the complaint said.

Zaid said the committee questioned Murphy about allegations in his complaint that DHS officials pressured him to support greatly exaggerated claims about the number of people entering from Mexico suspected of plotting attacks on the United States.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen delivered congressional testimony which amounted to a “deliberate submission of false material information,” according to an initially anonymous whistleblower complaint Murphy submitted to DHS’ inspector general.

An Intelligence Committee spokeswoman said the panel welcomed Murphy’s testimony and that the panel would share the results of its investigation with the public.

The spokeswoman added: “We expect the Department of Homeland Security to make available additional witnesses and fully comply with its legal obligation to produce documents in response to the Committee’s subpoena.”

DHS had no immediate comment.

Zaid said he understood that the committee had already heard from 12 other witnesses regarding Murphy’s allegations.

DHS performance review documents seen by Reuters show that for the year October 2019-September 2020, Murphy was given a high performance rating of 485 out of a possible 500 points by a DHS supervisor.


0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 08:33 am
Hoover was a geologst mining engineer who had many different contacts with first people especially the D'ene.
0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 09:02 am
The President is MIA. COVID deaths are rising, Russia has hacked many government systems, Congress is desperately trying to get a relief bill passed and the President is no where to be seen.

Fri 18 Dec, 2020 09:27 am
hes sulking and whining. Hes still trying to push his big lie about election fraud but I see that some more GOP are starting to fin their backbones.

Does he have the mafia making threats on all of Congress families.??
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 09:51 am
Perhaps because he has been busy sabotaging the country before he leaves. Rather like a kid losing a game at Monopoly picking up the game and dumping it over.

President Donald Trump's newest Pentagon chief has ordered the Department of Defense to halt efforts to cooperate with President-elect Joe Biden's team on the transition, Axios reported Friday, citing senior administration officials.

The Trump administration delayed the start of the transition as the president disputed the results of the presidential election, forcing officials in federal departments and agencies involved in the transition process to scramble to hold meetings before Biden officially takes office on January 20.

A senior Pentagon official told Axios that Miller's directive was issued because the Pentagon staff involved in the transition are "overwhelmed."

"We had fewer than two dozen remaining meetings on the schedule today and next week," the official said, explaining that "the DoD staff working the meetings were overwhelmed by the number of meetings."

"These same senior leaders needed to do their day jobs and were being consumed by transition activities," the official added, telling Axios that the department is "taking a knee" for a couple of weeks but is "Still committed to a productive transition."

A number of senior leaders are new to the Pentagon, including the official tasked with leading the transition.

Shortly after the election, Trump's White House purged the Pentagon's civilian leadership, specifically the secretary of defense and his chief of staff, as well as the top policy and intelligence positions, and filled vacant posts with Trump loyalists.

Kash Patel, the new chief of staff to the new acting secretary of defense, is a former Hill staffer and member of the National Security Council who is widely seen as a Trump ally. He took over the transition at the Department of Defense after only two weeks on the job.

A former Pentagon official told Insider late last month that "the individuals being installed do not have the level of experience their predecessors did to assist with the transition." The official said that the transition process would be "hampered because you will have new people that don't have that experience."

The Pentagon did not respond to Insider's request for comment about Miller's directive to halt, likely temporarily, cooperation with Biden's team on the transition.


You can read the original article at Business Insider link in the above link. I just find the MSN news very convenient to get news from several sources without to pay for all those subscriptions.
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 10:09 am
Acting DefSec Miller orders Pentagon-wide halt to cooperation with Biden transition team

Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller has ordered a Pentagon-wide halt to cooperation with former Vice President Joe Biden’s transition team. This stunning news could mean many things and speculation is already running wild.

This really could be absolutely nothing. It could be a logistics issue. If I had to speculate, I’d say it likely has to do with the major hacks associated with SolarWinds Orion that have affected large swaths of the government, including giving access to top secret information to whoever is behind it. The Russian government is the most likely culprit. CNBC reported that it’s much worse than we originally believed.

In other words, this could be very bad news. Then again, there’s also a chance it could be very good news for Team Trump. It’s conspicuous that it jibes with my theory that the White House and possibly the Texas Rangers have the SolarWinds Orion servers, whose Austin Office they raided earlier this week. If there’s something that ties the Biden team to Dominion Voting Systems and voter fraud, this move would be a natural next step.

0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 10:15 am
hightor wrote:

Is that the experiment you meant to compare to the current day voter fraud conspiracy theory?

Nice job handing somebody his ass in a bucket!

I was handed nothing. If he cannot see the evidence that is his fault. And a conspiracy is exactly what happened or Trump would have won handily.

There is no denying the massive fraud that happened and so far that is all you got, denials. No one on Biden's side has asked for any transparency or endorsed forensic audits. Why is that? They do not want to prove the election had integrity?
0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 10:17 am
engineer wrote:

The President is MIA. COVID deaths are rising, Russia has hacked many government systems, Congress is desperately trying to get a relief bill passed and the President is no where to be seen.


If he was not cheated in the election you might see more of him. He is trying to save our country right now. So he is very busy.
0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 10:19 am
farmerman wrote:

hes sulking and whining. Hes still trying to push his big lie about election fraud but I see that some more GOP are starting to fin their backbones.

Does he have the mafia making threats on all of Congress families.??

The big lie is that there was no fraud. The Left intimidates and threatens people, not Trump or his supporters.
0 Replies
Fri 18 Dec, 2020 10:20 am
coldjoint wrote:

Notice there is no surge in the death rate. Surely during a pandemic there would be.
Another lie just like the phony election. People are all kinds of stupid.


Are you telling us that COVID-19 vaccines are actually useless?

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