monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 13 Dec, 2020 11:39 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

No need for him to resign, e hasn't done anything wrong, unlike the trump crime family, who're gonna be pursued and convicted for the rest of their licves by SDNY. That's karmic justice. Biden will serve one stellar term, maybe two if he's feelin' good in four years. Mamala will take over when he hangs it up and be the mom we need, kind, empathetic, wise. After she's served her eight, Stacy Abrams will take over and make sure the republic and the republicans, even, stay on the straight and narrow Gonna be a great twenty years.

Laughing Laughing It is only worth two.
0 Replies
Sun 13 Dec, 2020 11:42 pm
Yeah, well, we know you went to see Kiss thirty years ago, which puts you at least in your mid 50s, prime target for covid to fell, and you have terrible taste in music.
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 03:41 am
coldjoint wrote:

Better shup up your big mouth.

You going to have someone from Anti-Fa stab me?

Of course NO. It appears that most of the time I am a pacifist like AE.

Let's wish the peaceful transfer of authority from Trump to Biden will go according to plan.
0 Replies
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 03:59 am
Trump’s Stages of Election-Loss Grief: Denial, Lies, Rage and Fascism

Michael Tomasky
Special Correspondent

Updated Dec. 13, 2020 7:53PM ET Published Dec. 13, 2020 7:24PM ET

So the electors are voting on Monday, and Joe Biden, who won the election, will get 306 electoral votes, and it will all be official. But if you think this will be the end of it, I have a tower in Moscow to sell you.

I see zero signs that Donald Trump and his people are ready to accept this. You’re familiar of course with Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ famous five stages of grief. What we’re living through now is Donald Trump’s 10 stages of dealing with defeat, which go something like: denial, lies, more denial, more lies, blame, self-pity, rage, still more lies, pouting, and martial law. I’m not sure exactly where we are, because unlike Kubler-Ross’ orderly, staged process, Trump bounces from one stage to the next like a pinball, minute to minute, tweet to tweet.

At the same time, we’re witnessing the Republican Party’s five stages of dealing with Dear Leader’s defeat, which go: cowardice, more cowardice, still more cowardice, so much cowardice you wouldn’t believe it folks, and fascism.


0 Replies
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 04:18 am

It is not clear what is going to happen to the Republican Party with Trump demanding loyalty even as he is losing battle after battle after a very clear defeat in the election, and his base turning violent. Those lawmakers who have signed on to Trump’s attack on our democratic processes have painted themselves into a corner along with the extremist Trump base, and their strategy might weaken them politically.

In an important move today, evangelical leader Beth Moore, the founder of Living Proof Ministries, a Bible-based women’s group from Houston, Texas, who has almost a million followers on Twitter, tweeted: “I do not believe these days are for mincing words. I’m 63 ½ years & I have never seen anything in these United States of America I found more astonishingly seductive & dangerous to the saints of God than Trumpism. This Christian nationalism is not of God. Move back from it…. Fellow leaders, we will be held responsible for remaining passive in this day of seduction to save our own skin while the saints we’ve been entrusted to serve are being seduced, manipulated, USED and stirred up into a lather of zeal devoid of the Holy Spirit for political gain….”

Moore follows this weekend's statement by evangelical Karen Swallow Prior, who said she was “now embarrassed and ashamed” for voting for local and state Republican candidates (although she had never voted for Trump). “What a bunch of money-grubbing, power-hungry, partisan cowards who care nothing about conservatism,” she tweeted. Conservative journalist David French also wrote this weekend that “the frenzy and fury of the post-election period has laid bare the sheer idolatry and fanaticism of Christian Trumpism.”

If evangelicals return to their traditional stance that politics corrupts religion, the modern-day Republican Party is in trouble. In this year’s election, about 80% of white evangelicals supported Trump. They make up 15% of the U.S. population, but because they turn out in huge numbers, they provided about 40% of Trump’s votes in 2020. Since the Reagan years, white evangelicals have been a crucial part of the Republican base. If they are starting to rethink their loyalties, it will be a game changer.

0 Replies
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 11:31 am
Twitter may ban Trump after inauguration for repeated violations

And wouldn’t that be Schweet
0 Replies
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 11:40 am
BREAKING BOMBSHELL: MI Judge Grants Attorney Matt DePerno Permission To RELEASE Results Of Forensic Examination On 16 Dominion Voting Machines In Antrim Co.

It materialized. Here is the proof that Dominion machines were connected to the internet and sent thousands of error votes overseas to be adjudicated and counted.

It can now be released to the people and the president.


Mon 14 Dec, 2020 11:50 am
0 Replies
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 11:53 am
EXCLUSIVE Breaking News !!! Report Backs Allegations of Fraud Against Dominion Voting Systems!

The 22-page preliminary report compiled by the 7-member team from Allied Security Operations Group can be read here in it’s entirety.

Top Bombshell takeaways from the report—
1.) ASOG’s bottom line is found on page 1: We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.
2.) Item 6: The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.

3.) Item 15: Significantly, the computer system shows vote adjudication logs for prior years, but all adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle are missing.

4.) Item 16: Likewise, all server security logs prior to 11:03pm on November 4, 2020 are missing. Other server logs before November 4, 2020 are present, therefore, there is no reasonable explanation for the security logs to be missing.
5.) Item 19: This is clear evidence of software generated movement of votes. The claims made on the Office of the Secretary of State website are false.

6.) Item 22: we conclude that the errors are so significant that they call into question the integrity and legitimacy of the results in the Antrim County 2020 election to the point that the results are not certifiable. Because the same machines are used in 48 other counties in Michigan, this casts doubt on the integrity of the entire election in the state of Michigan.

ASOG also recommends an independent group be empaneled to further evaluate the findings and determine the extent of adjudication errors.

Antrim Michigan Forensics R… by MTN

Furthermore, the report questions where the adjudication may have taken place as Dominion has servers not only in The United States but also in Serbia, Canada, Spain and Germany.

The totality of the report, if accurate, would encompass numerous crimes involving both state and federal election laws. Who might ultimately be held responsible for such violations remains very uncertain as of this writing.

FRAUD. Proven fraud.
0 Replies
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 11:54 am
That's not at all what happened. Again, please educate yourself.

Michigan judge allows release of report on Antrim County voting
Craig Mauger
The Detroit News
Lansing — A Michigan judge decided Monday that supporters of President Donald Trump may publicly release and discuss information they've collected from an analysis of voting machines and data in Antrim County.

But Erik Grill, an assistant attorney general representing Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, warned that the analysis is "inaccurate, incomplete and misleading."

“There’s no reason to hide," Grill said during a virtual court hearing Monday morning. "There is nothing to hide.”

Antrim County with about 23,000 residents has gained the spotlight in the push from Trump's supporters to try to discredit the results of the Nov. 3 election. Because of a failure to update voting software, President-elect Joe Biden was initially thousands of votes ahead of Trump in the Republican-leaning county's unofficial results.

Trump later was shown to have a more than 5,000-vote lead in the county where about 16,000 votes were cast. The problem amid changing unofficial results led supporters of the president to question what had occurred in Antrim County and the integrity of Dominion Voting Systems, whose equipment the county used.

After a lawsuit brought by Antrim County resident William Bailey, Circuit Judge Kevin Elsenheimer, a former Republican lawmaker, allowed Allied Securities Operation Group and Bailey to take forensic images of the county's 22 tabulators and review other election-related material.

Their analysis had been under protective order, meaning it couldn't be released publicly, until Monday when Elsenheimer said he would allow the release with some redactions because of information related to source code.

Grill didn't oppose the release of the information, noting Bailey's attorney, Matthew DePerno, had discussed it in interviews and it had been mentioned in a filing in the U.S. Supreme Court.

"Documents filed with the court and documents being used within this litigation should be public record," contended DePerno.

On Sunday, attorneys representing six Michigan Republicans who are challenging the state's election results asked the U.S. Supreme Court to allow them to file new evidence under seal — meaning it's not released to the public — including a "forensic examination" of voting machines in Antrim County, according to a letter obtained by The Detroit News.

"This evidence is crucial to a just resolution of the cases pending before this court," the Michigan Republicans' attorneys wrote to the U.S. Supreme Court. "The petitioners stand ready to provide the evidence to the court under the procedures it deems appropriate."

But Dominion Voting Systems and the Michigan Secretary of State's Office continue to urge caution about false information related to Antrim County.

Officials in the county failed to update the programming in their tabulators after requiring changes to their ballot, Dominion said in a statement issued Monday.

"The post-election canvass process is designed to catch errors, which is exactly where these errors were discovered," the company said.

Biden won Michigan by 154,000 votes in results that were certified Nov. 23 by the Board of State Canvassers. The Michigan Secretary of State's Office has previously warned "voters to be wary of the claims" related to the Antrim County examination.

Members of the group involved in the forensic analysis in the county have previously made false statements and shared fake documents about the election, said Jake Rollow, spokesman for Benson.

"It is disappointing, though not surprising, that the primary goal of this group is to continue spreading false information designed to erode the public's confidence in the election," Rollow said.

[email protected]
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 11:58 am
That's not at all what happened. Again, please educate yourself.

All your post says is that this is somehow false information. You and the paper are simply lying. This is huge and proves fraud and destruction of evidence on top of it.
0 Replies
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 12:07 pm
Ivan Pentchoukov
"The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of
This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity."

Time to impound every machine.
0 Replies
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 12:15 pm
A Georgia GOP election official who made national headlines said he has received death threats since calling on President Trump to end his attacks on state officials.

Gabriel Sterling told the Los Angeles Times he has police protection for his home and has received a text with his address advising him to sleep with his eyes open.

"I never expected to be in this situation. I mean, my title is statewide voting system implementation manager, right?" he told the newspaper.

The president has increasingly gone on the attack against Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) after they refused to join his efforts to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's victory in the Peach State.

In response, Sterling outlined the threats to state officials in a Dec. 1 press conference and addressed Trump directly.

"You need to step up and say this, is stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence," he said at the time. "Someone's going to get hurt. Someone's going to get shot. Someone's going to get killed."

Sterling, who has identified as a Republican since he was a child, told the Times, "I remember being very cognizant of right and wrong growing up."

"But, listen, politics can be really crappy and cutthroat. I get that," he added. "I was a politician. But these people, these elections workers, they didn't sign up for that."

"It was clear from that speech how exasperated he had become," Sterling's fellow Republican, Philadelphia election official Al Schmidt, told the newspaper. "It was a very good thing he did."

Sterling, who has said he voted for Trump, told NBC News's "Meet the Press" that he decided to make the remarks after hearing a contractor in Georgia's Gwinnett County had become the target of death threats.

"When I was going through the Twitter feed on it, and I saw it basically had the young man's name, which was a very unique name, so they tracked down his family and started harassing them," he said earlier this month.

The Hill

0 Replies
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 12:15 pm
Chief America 1st Trumpster (President Elect)
BREAKING: Michigan Audit Determined An Attempt To Tamper With Voting Machine Evidence Occurred In November

Wow! It is over in MI for Biden. Those electors have to be recalled.
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 12:15 pm

(along with all his Toadies!!!)
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 12:19 pm
Fox News' Brian Kilmeade Pushes Trump on Election Fraud Claims: 'But Your Guys Have Been Unable to Prove It'

Fox News' Brian Kilmeade challenged President Donald Trump and his adviser Stephen Miller about their claims of election fraud during "Fox & Friends" interviews airing Sunday and Monday.

In an interview that aired Sunday, Kilmeade pushed Trump to stay on-topic as he questioned him on his baseless claims that President-elect Joe Biden is not the true winner of the 2020 election.

Trump insisted Biden ran "a horrible race" from a "basement" and "cheated like nobody has cheated before."

After allowing him to go on like that for a while, Kilmeade jumped in and pointed out, "But your guys have been unable to prove it as of now."

Indeed, dozens of lawsuits brought by Trump's legal team have been smacked down in federal and state courts. On Friday, the United States Supreme Court even opted to not hear the state of Texas's attempt to overturn Biden's victories in key swing states, effectively shutting the door on Trump's efforts to upend the vote before the the Electoral College meets to finalize the election Monday.

Trump replied without evidence, "Excuse me. Excuse me. We have proven it but no judge has had the courage, including the Supreme Court. I am so disappointed in them. No judge, including the Supreme Court of the United States, has had the courage to allow it to be heard."

The president went on to say he didn't "want to talk about" whether or not he would be attending Biden's inauguration on Jan. 20 and would rather keep talking about how many votes he got in the 2020 election. Reports have indicated he's considering dramatically flying away from the White House to hold a counter-event and potentially announce his 2024 candidacy that day.

Kilmeade continued poking holes in the claim Monday morning, asking Miller the same thing after the campaign's senior adviser insisted there was "massive fraud."

"If there were underage people voting, if there were criminals voting, if there was illegal ballots cast — your legal team, in almost every state, 50 times, lost, some with Trump judges, so do you have the worst legal team who just don't seem to be presenting a good case? Or are you just too late in this case should have been brought before the election?" Kilmeade asked.

Miller asked him to "appreciate and realize [that] the pressure from the corrupt, corporate media to make everybody to cave and bend is overwhelming."

The Wrap
0 Replies
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 12:20 pm
Michigan warns voters about 'group' involved in Antrim County audit of Dominion machines

Michigan officials are warning of a disinformation campaign surrounding the use of Dominion voting equipment in a small northern county that has become the subject of national attention.

With President Trump's legal team drawing attention to a weekend forensic audit in Antrim County, which stems from a lawsuit focused on a marijuana proposal and not the presidential contest, the Michigan Department of State issued a statement saying the group that conducted the analysis seeks only to discredit the integrity of the election, which has been defended by state and federal elections officials alike.

“It is disappointing, though not surprising, that the primary goal of this group is to continue spreading false information designed to erode the public’s confidence in the election. By doing so they injure our democracy and dishonor the 5.5. million Michigan citizens who cast ballots,” Michigan Department of State spokesman Jake Rollow said in a statement obtained by the Washington Examiner.

A judge ordered that Central Lake Township resident William Bailey, who is challenging a local marijuana retailer proposal that passed by a slim margin following a retabulation that didn't factor in three damaged ballots, be allowed to take "forensic images" of 22 tabulators. The forensic audit took place on Sunday, and Antrim County Deputy Administrator and Spokesman Jeremy Scott said several members of the Allied Security Operations Group, a cybersecurity firm that has assisted the Trump legal effort, were present.

The Washington Examiner left a voicemail and emailed the Allied Security Operations Group, but did not immediately receive a response.

The statement from Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office urged voters to be wary of a "misinformation campaign" and said "individuals with no apparent technical expertise in election technology" were permitted to gather images of Dominion voting equipment in Antrim County. The statement did not specify who comprises the group but did say its members "have previously made false statements, shared fake documents and made baseless claims about the election that have been widely debunked and rejected in multiple courts."

Rudy Giuliani, who is leading the Trump legal fight, said Dec. 4 that it was a "big win" when the judge issued the order.

"This is really important ... because we have an independent team that is there that has gotten all of this imaging, and they spent about eight hours yesterday doing that forensic audit. We anticipate having the results by tomorrow," Jenna Ellis, a senior legal adviser for the Trump 2020 campaign and an attorney to Trump, told Fox Business on Monday.

"This is incredibly important to the election integrity effort as a whole because this isn't just the Trump campaign that's interested in having answers to these machines," Ellis said on Monday. "Were they connected to Wi-Fi? Why did these so-called glitches happen? What really is the system that is behind all of this?"

As of press time, there has been no update as touted by Ellis. But the Washington Examiner obtained an email sent on Tuesday to Bailey's lawyers from Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel's office saying Benson is "considering intervening in this case as a party defendant," raising concerns about "security issues" and "legal questions" regarding audits.

The information gathered in the audit is subject to a court-issued protective order, but the email from the attorney general's team mentioned that the secretary of state was concerned about there being a "lack of a comprehensive protective order in this case."

Matthew DePerno, a Michigan attorney representing Bailey, did not return the Washington Examiner's request for comment on whether he would approve of the intervention. However, DePerno did talk to Gateway Pundit, a far-right news website, which published a report on Tuesday with a "Behind the Scenes Update on the IT Inspection of the Antrim County Dominion Machines." The report said DePerno has been reaching out to Michigan state lawmakers to discuss Dominion voting machines, but have yet to return his calls.

Antrim drew national headlines a couple weeks ago after votes were found to be incorrectly counted in unofficial results in the Republican-leaning county. Officials found it was human error, in particular a failure to update software, that resulted in 6,000 votes erroneously being tabulated for President-elect Joe Biden rather than Trump.

Dominion Voting Systems, whose machines were used in Antrim and in other places across the country, has been the target of claims by Trump and his allies about being involved in a massive voter fraud scheme, but the company has vociferously denied the claims, billing them as being part of a "disinformation" effort.

Trump refuses to concede the race to Biden. He needs multiple states to flip if his long-shot bid of overturning the election in his favor becomes a reality, but so far Trump's and his allies' efforts to challenge the results on allegations of widespread voter fraud and other irregularities have not borne out in court nor has any state legislature selected their own slates of presidential electors. Top officials and agencies in Trump's own government have also said they have not seen proof to back up the president's claims of a "rigged" election.

"As Attorney General William Barr, the FBI and CISA have found that this was the most secure election in our nation’s history and despite unprecedented scrutiny there has been no evidence of widespread fraud identified whatsoever," Rollow said.

Mon 14 Dec, 2020 12:21 pm
Electors to meet to officially give Michigan’s 16 votes to Biden

Michigan’s electors will head to the state capitol today to formally cast their ballots for Democrat Joe Biden.

The Electoral College will vote at 2 p.m EST. It will stream live on the state Senate’s website and on woodtv.com.

Mon 14 Dec, 2020 12:25 pm
Michigan warns voters about 'group' involved in Antrim County audit of Dominion machines

They can say they are lying but these people have the proof in their hands. They cannot lie themselves out of this.

There is a 22 page report that the public can read and decide for themselves. They do not need help to figure out who is telling the truth, and again with evidence to back it up.
0 Replies
Mon 14 Dec, 2020 12:27 pm
Rebelofnj wrote:

Electors to meet to officially give Michigan’s 16 votes to Biden

Michigan’s electors will head to the state capitol today to formally cast their ballots for Democrat Joe Biden.

The Electoral College will vote at 2 p.m EST. It will stream live on the state Senate’s website and on woodtv.com.


The vote is not set in stone. It can still be withdrawn before Jan 6th or changed. The state legislature can assume that power anytime they wish.

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