D. Limbaugh wrote:
-- Democrats (and the media) orchestrated and pursued a phony case of Trump-Russia collusion. They've investigated and harassed him from the beginning and fraudulently impeached him.
Except it wasn't phony. Pardoning your friends who committed crimes on your behalf doesn't make you innocent. If Obama had been caught shaking down a foreign leader in 2011 for dirt on Mitt Romney the GOP would have censured or impeached Obama as well. That doesn't prove fraud.
Quote:-- Many leftists believe Trump is Hitler -- their words, not mine -- and, for that reason alone, would cheat to beat him.
"Many" is not a very precise term. While I don't know anyone who believes that "Trump is Hitler" I do know that Trump wasn't popular among Democrats. But successfully organizing voter fraud on as massive a scale as would have been necessary demonstrates organizational ability beyond any I've ever seen from the Democrats. It's simpler to just accept that Trump isn't as popular as he likes to think he is. That doesn't prove fraud.
-- The legacy media's reporting on Trump has been almost 100% negative, and it has willfully covered up Democratic corruption, including that of Hunter Biden.
Trump hasn't performed that well as chief executive and that's why he's been criticized. Hunter Biden is simply a sideshow.
Quote:-- Democrats ran for president a man who is clearly in cognitive decline, who didn't campaign and whom the media insulated from scrutiny.
Trump doesn't look that sharp himself. I was surprised how well Biden performed.
-- Social media giants Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Google clearly censored conservatives and overtly interfered with the election.
Conservatives insisted on trying to post lies about voting, about covid, and about the Biden family. None of the people posting false stories were prosecuted and they were free to post them on other media outlets. This doesn't prove fraud.
Quote:-- Mainstream liberal polling outfits showed Biden with absurd leads over Trump.
Polling has lost credibility. That doesn't prove fraud it only shows that polls can be inaccurate.
-- The leftist-dominated national Democratic Party subscribes to an end-justifies-the-means philosophy, meaning it schemes and cheats to advance its agenda.
That statement is simply boiler-plate conservative doctrine. It doesn't prove fraud.
Quote:-- Trump's explosive popularity is undeniable, as shown by his mega-rallies, which contrasts with Democrats' utter indifference toward Biden.
Rallies were very important to Trump and his base enjoyed them immensely. Mass rallies weren't a feature of Biden's campaign. Biden supporters didn't need them and Biden himself didn't court that sort of attention, especially during a pandemic. That hardly proves fraud.
Quote:-- On election night, Trump was way ahead. Vote counting was stopped in the middle of the night in certain pivotal states, and Biden surged way ahead by morning.
In Pennsylvania, mail-in ballots are counted
after the polls close. That doesn't prove fraud.