monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 7 Oct, 2020 02:57 am
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 03:07 am
Correction - it wasn’t Builder who claimed he’d seen videos of Trump mocking with the same gesture as with the journalist. It was Brandon. Got my wingnuts mixed up.
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 03:13 am
You make claims that you never back up with evidence, and yet demand evidence of everyone else.

That makes you the wingnut in any equation, snood.

Show us Biden's election platform. Or retract your abuse from the past page.
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 03:13 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

oristarA wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

How, pray tell, is that a favorable factor for American people?

A hospital would constantly offer standard medical measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and treat people. Without it, Trump would likely become a superspreader. In this case, to protect Trump is to protect American people.

He was in a first class HOSPITAL with all sorts of fine medical people...and they have not stopped him from becoming a superspreader.

Your notion of, "Keep him safe and he won't be a superspreader" seems suspect to me. BUT make him dead...and he won't be a superspreader.

The medical experts may have failed to stick to standard medical procedures under political pressure (especially from Trump who's eager to show off) and, if so they will be held responsible later. But your suggestion of making him dead is far more worse and completely wrong.

Trump's continuously contravening health rules may trigger legal actions - Federal judges may order him to limit his activities to ensure the safety of American people. There are lots of other ways around to prevent him from wreaking havoc. As I've pointed out previously, the US system of democracy has prevented any president during their presidency from bringing permanent damage to the system itself even though the American Democracy is now teetering.

Wed 7 Oct, 2020 03:24 am
Builder wrote:

You make claims that you never back up with evidence, and yet demand evidence of everyone else.

That makes you the wingnut in any equation, snood.

Show us Biden's election platform. Or retract your abuse from the past page.

What an idiotic post.

Anyone who’s listened to Joe Biden speak for five minutes has heard him talk specific plans.

You have no interest in them - you’re just peddling bullshit.

Here, I’ll even give you one link. You won’t read the ideas, anyway.


Below viewing threshold (view)
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 03:45 am
You don’t even make any damn sense.

It reminds me why I seldom take you off of ignore.

By the way, great strategic move on Trump’s part yesterday - shutting down all negotiations for pandemic relief funds.
Brilliant - should keep his numbers trending in the same direction they’ve been going.

Wed 7 Oct, 2020 03:46 am
It reminds me why I seldom take you off of ignore.

You're not missed, that's for sure.
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 03:57 am
Like I give a damn. Not seeing your posts is certainly no loss. I just throw you and other wingnuts a bone every so often, to see if you can engage on any level above mudslinging. You just don’t seem to have it in you.

Here, chow down on some more ignore. I’ll check back with you after the election to see how much you’re blustering.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 04:36 am
oristarA wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

oristarA wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

How, pray tell, is that a favorable factor for American people?

A hospital would constantly offer standard medical measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and treat people. Without it, Trump would likely become a superspreader. In this case, to protect Trump is to protect American people.

He was in a first class HOSPITAL with all sorts of fine medical people...and they have not stopped him from becoming a superspreader.

Your notion of, "Keep him safe and he won't be a superspreader" seems suspect to me. BUT make him dead...and he won't be a superspreader.

The medical experts may have failed to stick to standard medical procedures under political pressure (especially from Trump who's eager to show off) and, if so they will be held responsible later. But your suggestion of making him dead is far more worse and completely wrong.

Trump's continuously contravening health rules may trigger legal actions - Federal judges may order him to limit his activities to ensure the safety of American people. There are lots of other ways around to prevent him from wreaking havoc. As I've pointed out previously, the US system of democracy has prevented any president during their presidency from bringing permanent damage to the system itself even though the American Democracy is now teetering.

The question was about how to prevent Trump from becoming a superspreader.

I was not advocating killing him.

I merely pointed out that "being dead" is a pretty effective way to NOT BE A SUPERSPREADER.

I'm all for stopping the damage Trump is doing to America and the world by VOTING him out of office...

...NOT by any violent means.

0 Replies
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 05:24 am
Where is little Adam shifty Schiff lately?

Why the "little"? Why the "shifty"? You think he's cute or something? Using Trump's diminutive nicknames for his political enemies doesn't do much for your credibility either.

Now, if you want to know where he is a simple online search would have told you that he's currently trying to get Joseph Maher, acting head of DHS’ Office of Intelligence and Analysis, to testify before his committee for unlawfully obstructing its probe of a whistleblower complaint that the administration sought to downplay evidence of Russian election interference and white supremacist violence.

Scare his pedo ass is going to be outed?

Your Q-Anon-type obsession with pedophilia has been noted here before. You have no evidence to back up this accusation. It's just a pathetic and scurrilous attempt at character assassination, with no basis in fact. It's actually rather disgusting.
Frank Apisa
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 06:08 am
hightor wrote:

Where is little Adam shifty Schiff lately?

Why the "little"? Why the "shifty"? You think he's cute or something? Using Trump's diminutive nicknames for his political enemies doesn't do much for your credibility either.

Now, if you want to know where he is a simple online search would have told you that he's currently trying to get Joseph Maher, acting head of DHS’ Office of Intelligence and Analysis, to testify before his committee for unlawfully obstructing its probe of a whistleblower complaint that the administration sought to downplay evidence of Russian election interference and white supremacist violence.

Scare his pedo ass is going to be outed?

Your Q-Anon-type obsession with pedophilia has been noted here before. You have no evidence to back up this accusation. It's just a pathetic and scurrilous attempt at character assassination, with no basis in fact. It's actually rather disgusting.

Agreed! The silly character assassinations in which Builder regularly indulges...ARE disgusting.

But...that seems to be almost all that side has available to them.
0 Replies
Region Philbis
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 10:49 am

Subpoena for Trump tax returns heading back to Supreme Court
after President dealt another setback

The Manhattan district attorney can obtain Trump's tax returns, a federal appeals court ruled,
dealing the president another setback in his effort to shield his tax returns from prosecutors,
but the case is heading to the Supreme Court in a further delay of the investigation.

In a 35-page opinion, the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals broadly rejected the President's
arguments that the state grand jury subpoena to his long-time accounting firm for his financial
and tax records was overly broad and issued in bad faith.

"There is nothing to suggest that these are anything but run-of-the-mill documents typically
relevant to a grand jury investigation into possible financial or corporate misconduct," the
judges ruled...
bobsal u1553115
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 10:53 am
@Region Philbis,
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!! And its only going to get worse, much, much worse.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 11:17 am
Carly Fiorina just endorsed Biden (no, that’s not a misspelling) on Fox News .
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 11:22 am
Rats fleeing the sinking ship?
0 Replies
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 11:48 am
hightor wrote:

Scare his pedo ass is going to be outed?

Your Q-Anon-type obsession with pedophilia has been noted here before. You have no evidence to back up this accusation. It's just a pathetic and scurrilous attempt at character assassination, with no basis in fact. It's actually rather disgusting.

The only "pedos" we can knowing identify are tRump and his pedo buddy, Epstein!
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 12:13 pm
After 72 years of achieving absolutely nothing - actually being a total failure - Donald theRump has finally shown he is good at something:


0 Replies
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 01:14 pm
The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump
by Bandy  Lee, M. D.

Donald Trump is:
    A) Bad
    B) Mad
    C) All of the Above

by John D. Gartner, PH.D.

pp. 93-107
Donald Trump is so visibly psychologically impaired that it is obvious even to a layman that "something is wrong with him." Still, putting a name to that disturbance has been a challenge for two reasons. First, because of the Goldwater gag order ... which has forced the mental health professionals to censor themselves, despite how alarmed they might be; and second, Trump's is a genuinely complex case. There are a lot of things wrong with him - and together, they are a scary witches brew.

One of the most recurrent debates, and a genuine mystery, is to what extent is Trump just a really bad person and to what extent is he really crazy?

My old boss Paul McHugh, longtime chairman of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, used to say that "a dog can have both ticks and fleas." I will argue that Trump can be both evil and crazy, and that unless we see how these two components work together, we will never truly understand him. Nor will we recognize how much danger we are in.

"The quintessence of evil" was how Erich Fromm described malignant narcissism, a term he introduced in the 60s. Fromm, a refugee from Nazi Germany, developed the diagnosis to explain Hitler. Malignant narcissism was, according to Fromm, " the most severe pathology. The root of the most vicious destructiveness and inhumanity."

The modern figure most associated with the study of malignant narcissism is my former teacher Otto kernberg, who defined the syndrome as having four components: (1)narcissistic personality disorder, (2) antisocial behavior, (3) paranoid traits, and (4) sadism. Kernberg told the New York Times that malignantly narcissistic leaders such as Hitler and Stalin are "able to take control because their inordinate narcissism is expressed in grandiosity, a confidence in themselves, and the assurance that they know what the world needs." At the same time, "they express their aggression in cruel and sadistic behavior against their enemies: whoever does not submit to them or love them."

Much has been written in the press about Trump having narcissistic personality disorder. Yet, as critics have pointed out, merely being narcissistic is hardly disqualifying. However, normal narcissism and malignant narcissism have about as much in common as a benign and malignant tumor.

Narcissistic personality disorder is described...by Craig Malkin. Trump finds himself to be uniquely Superior ("only I can fix it"), and appears to believe that he knows more than everyone about everything, despite his lack of experience, study, intellectual curiosity, or normal attention span.

Antisocial Personality Disorder:
Antisocials lie, exploit, and violate the rights of others, and they have neither remorse nor empathy for those they harm.

Well we will not give a final diagnosis here, the fact-checking website...estimated that 76% of trump statements were false or mostly false....

We have ample evidence of Trumps pervasive pattern of exploiting and violating the rights of others. According to New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Trump University was a "straight-up fraud... A fraud from beginning to end." Also, dozens of lawsuits attest to Trump's pattern and practice of not paying his contractors. Finally, there is Trump's pattern of serial sexual assault, which he bragged about on tape even before a dozen women came forward, whom he then called liars.

Trump is allergic to apology and appears to feel no remorse of any kind.

And empathy? Even Trump's former mentor, the notorious Roy Cohn, lawyer for gangsters and Joseph McCarthy, said that when it came to his feelings for his fellow human beings, Trump "pisses ice water."

In the same week, both the New York Times and the Washington Post ran front page stories on Trump as a conspiracy theorist. Before the election, right wing watch accumulated a list of 58 conspiracies that Trump has proclaimed or implied were true. Many are truly bizarre. For example, not only is Obama a Muslim born in Kenya but, according to Trump, he had a Hawaiian government bureaucrat murdered to cover up the truth about his birth certificate....

We often see Trump " punch down, " demeaning and humiliating people weaker than he is. In fact, a substantial portion of the 34,000 tweets he has sent since he joined Twitter can be described as cyberbullying. Sometimes he will send the same nasty tweet six times across the day's new cycle in order to maximally humiliate his victim.

Erich Fromm saw evil close up, thought about it throughout his life, and applied his genius to boil it down to its psychological essence. A malignant narcissist is a human monster. He may not be as bad as Hitler, but according to Fromm, he is cut from the same cloth. Malignant narcissism is a psychiatric disorder that makes you evil. What scary is that's not even the worst of it.

Before the 2016 election, I wrote an article for The Huffington Post warning about Trump. At that point, in June 2016 there was still a strong hope that Trump would pivot and become more presidential - a hope based on the assumption that while he might be a wicked opportunist and a con man, he was still a rational actor, and thus would change tack when it was in his own best interest. I wrote, "The idea that Trump is going to settle down and become presidential when he achieves power is wishful thinking. Success emboldens malignant narcissists to become even more grandiose, reckless and aggressive. He has become more shrill, combative, and openly racist." As Rob Reiner put it on Real Time with Bill Maher, "People don't understand why Trump doesn't just stopped acting mentally ill. Why can't he just stop being mentally ill?" Because his illness is not a ruse. It can't just be turned off when it's convenient.

According to Fromm, "malignant narcissism is a madness that tends to grow in the life of the afflicted person."... Fromm argues that malignant narcissism "lies on the border line between sanity and insanity."

According to Franz' description of the disorder, Trump lives on the border of psychosis. Does he ever go over the Border? If you take Donald Trump's words literally, you would have to conclude that he is psychotic.

His speech patterns are like something straight out of a psychiatric textbook. Manics display something called "flight of ideas." It's a formal thought disorder in which ideas tumble forth through a disordered chain of associations. One word sparks another, which sparks another, and they're off to the races. As one trained psychiatrist said to me, compare Donald Trump's speaking patterns to a Robin Williams monologue, but with insults instead of jokes.

Let's put these two moving parts together, bad and mad. Trump is a profoundly evil man exhibiting malignant narcissism. His worsening hypomania is making him increasingly more irrational, grandiose, paranoid, aggressive, irritable, and impulsive. Trump is bad, mad, and getting worse. He envinces the most destructive and dangerous collection of psychiatric symptoms possible for a leader. The worst-case scenario is now our reality
Wed 7 Oct, 2020 01:45 pm
Donald Trump is so visibly psychologically impaired that it is obvious even to a layman that "something is wrong with him.

No he isn't. Some people see him as a jerk, but not impaired. These doctors that diagnose people without seeing them in clinical settings are quacks. No doctor diagnosis without seeing the individual.

These guys are cashing in on the irrational hate that is all the rage. It did nothing in 2017 and does less now.
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