monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 2 Oct, 2020 05:49 pm
Trump has made it quite clear that he will not condemn american nazis. that's the fact. you're dreaming.
Fri 2 Oct, 2020 06:14 pm

So, in this video, Bill Gates says his intention is to alter the DNA of every human on the planet with his "vaccine" and fully intends to do so. Will you be lining up for your life-altering jab in the arm in the interests of Bill Gates' agenda?

bobsal u1553115
Fri 2 Oct, 2020 07:50 pm
@Region Philbis,
This 74 year old man shouldn't be taken mildly at any time.
0 Replies
Fri 2 Oct, 2020 07:54 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
Trump has made it quite clear that he will not condemn american nazis. that's the fact.

That is incorrect. He has not done any such thing.

MontereyJack wrote:
you're dreaming.

No dream. You are the one who made the invalid comparison to Nazis and thereby lost the debate.
0 Replies
Fri 2 Oct, 2020 07:59 pm
Doesn't the "Bill Gates vaccine" stuff originate from those QAnon conspiracy people?
Fri 2 Oct, 2020 08:58 pm
Are you saying they're writing his scripts?

You heard what he said?

Or don't you bother looking at a video before jumping to conclusions?
0 Replies
Fri 2 Oct, 2020 09:07 pm
engineer wrote:

I think there is also that those in the US think of Hitler in 1944 but Hitler in 1936 is the guy you want to study. His rise is what every student of history should look at.

They should also be taught Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tied. Hitler was a socialist.
0 Replies
Fri 2 Oct, 2020 09:13 pm
oralloy wrote:

hightor wrote:
President Obama is neither a "traitor" nor a"corrupt son of a bitch".

I don't know about that. Mr. Obama was bad news. It is good that he is no longer president.

Who are the six people that voted your post down? Any idea?
0 Replies
Fri 2 Oct, 2020 09:45 pm
""Stand down and Stand BY"--His own words to the paramilitary douche bags who are vying to become Trump's personal guard .
Hes a traitor to what this country stands for, and to deny that fact, makes anyone who believe as he, also traitorous.

To ignore rights of assembly and association and deny them to others, is treasonous.

Fri 2 Oct, 2020 09:47 pm
why not? Altering ones genome to b able to render viruses and zoonoses impotent would be amazing. Imagine no colds or flu
Fri 2 Oct, 2020 09:53 pm
Pipe dream. Untested, and he doesn't even mention what altering our DNA is supposed to achieve.
Fri 2 Oct, 2020 09:54 pm
farmerman wrote:
""Stand down and Stand BY"--His own words to the paramilitary douche bags who are vying to become Trump's personal guard.

I saw a clip of the exchange on the evening news. Mr. Trump said it after both Joe Biden and the debate moderator demanded that he say it.

And there was nothing even remotely improper about him saying it (otherwise he would have refused their demand that he say it).

Leftist phony outrage really is goofy.

farmerman wrote:
Hes a traitor to what this country stands for, and to deny that fact, makes anyone who believe as he, also traitorous.

Disagreeing with progressives is not treason.

farmerman wrote:
To ignore rights of assembly and association and deny them to others, is treasonous.

Progressives are the only people who ignore such rights and try to deny them.
Fri 2 Oct, 2020 09:58 pm
riiiight. So now Trump is a word puppet taking orders from his opponent.

Nighty night Ollie, youll come up with something one of these days.
Fri 2 Oct, 2020 10:00 pm
Of course he didnt so I added something desirable. I hope that it meets with your approval.

I assume you were fishing for something a bit more iniquitous eh?
Fri 2 Oct, 2020 10:05 pm
farmerman wrote:
riiiight. So now Trump is a word puppet taking orders from his opponent.

He found their request to be reasonable.

You never bother to learn what you're talking about before you open your mouth, otherwise you would have already known that he only said it after Mr. Biden and the debate moderator demanded that he say it.

farmerman wrote:
Nighty night Ollie, youll come up with something one of these days.

I come up with facts all the time.

You are the only person here who always resorts to childish name-calling because he is never able to come up with an intelligent argument.
0 Replies
Sat 3 Oct, 2020 12:19 am
Of course he didnt so I added something desirable.

On the sales team now? What's the pay like?

I hope that it meets with your approval.

I'll watch for a few years, before deciding if being a GM human is the go.

I assume you were fishing for something a bit more iniquitous eh?

From this forum? I won't be holding my breath.
0 Replies
Sat 3 Oct, 2020 02:08 am
The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump

by Bandy  Lee, M. D.

Pathological Narcissism and Politics
Craig Malkin
P. 57
Pathological narcissism begins when people become so addicted to feeling special that, just like with any drug, they'll do anything to get their high, including lie, steal, cheat, betray, and even hurt those closest to them. Imagine this starting around 9 on the Spectrum and getting worse as we approach 10. At these points, you're in the realm of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

As people become more addicted to feeling special, they grow even more dangerous. Here's where pathological narcissism often blends with psychopathy, a pattern of remorseless lies and manipulation. Psychopaths make carry-on affairs, embezzle funds, ruin your reputation, and still greet you with a smile, without feeling any guilt, shame, or sadness.

Unlike NPD, psychopathy is marked not by impaired or blocked empathy but a complete absence of it (apart from being able to parrots words that sound like empathy, known as cognitive empathy).

When NPD and psychopathy combine, they form a pattern of behavior called malignant narcissism. This isn't a diagnosis, but a term coined by psychoanalyst Erich Fromm and elaborated on by personality disorder expert, Otto kernberg, to describe people so driven by feeling special that they essentially see other people as pawns in their game of kill or be killed, whether metaphorically or literally. Hitler, who murdered millions, Kim Jong-un, who is suspected of ordering his uncles and brother-in-law's deaths, and Vladimir Putin, who jokes about liquidating journalists no doubt all fall in the category of malignant narcissist ( among possessing other pernicious traits, like sadism, or delight in hurting others).

The problem is not all malignant narcissists are so overtly dangerous as people like Hitler, Putin, or Kim jong-un especially in democracies like the US, where it's still presumably it illegal to kill people who disagree with you – even if they do write articles you don't like. That means if we're trying to determine whether or not a pathologically narcissistic president poses a threat to our country or the world, we'll also have to look to subtler indicators than a penchant for murder. We need to examine whether or not they can perform their jobs, one of the most important of which is to preserve the safety of our country and the world.
Sat 3 Oct, 2020 02:13 am
Your prognosis explains exactly why the electoral college didn't give the crown to Clinton.

She repeatedly exposed her NPD psychopathology to the nation, and even chastised those who failed to bow to her perceived "greatness".

Calling half the nation "deplorables" and then staring down the nation asking them why she's not fifty points ahead FFS?

Thanks for posting.
0 Replies
Sat 3 Oct, 2020 03:31 am
Science - one of the most prestigious scientific journals on this planet, reported today about Trump's COVID treatment - a reliable source to debunk conspiracy theory:

President Donald J. Trump has maintained a steady schedule of campaign rallies, which may have exposed him to SARS-CoV-2 WHITE HOUSE

Here’s what’s known about President Trump’s COVID-19 treatment
By Jon Cohen Oct. 2, 2020 , 9:25 PM

This afternoon, the White House announced that President Donald Trump had received an experimental antibody treatment after a test revealed he was infected with SARS-CoV-2. He reportedly has mild COVID-19 symptoms, including fever and congestion, and he was transferred to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center later in the day.

What is the antibody cocktail that President Trump received?

It’s a combination of two antibodies directed against a key protein of the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2. They bind to a region on the main surface protein, spike, that helps the virus attach to a receptor on human cells called ACE2. The targeted region is dubbed the receptor binding domain. One antibody comes from a human who had recovered from a SARS-CoV-2 infection; a B cell that makes the antibody was harvested from the person’s blood and the genes for the immune protein isolated and copied. The other antibody is from a mouse, which was engineered to have an immune system, that had the spike protein injected into it.

Is there any data showing that that the cocktail works and is safe?

Experiments in both golden hamsters and rhesus macaque monkeys that intentionally were infected with SARS-CoV-2 showed that the cocktail could reduce viral levels and disease pathology.

Regeneron, the maker of the cocktail, earlier this week presented preliminary data from its ongoing clinical trial in people who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 but were asymptomatic or, in the most extreme cases, had moderate disease—a group that would appear to mirror President Trump’s current condition. No serious safety concerns surfaced, and the treatment reduced viral load and shortened symptomatic disease in patients who did not have SARS-CoV-2 antibodies at the trial’s start. It’s unclear whether the treatment can prevent severe disease, but there were hints that it might: Participants who received a placebo had more medical visits.

A separate trial is assessing the impact of the treatment on hospitalized COVID-19 patients, but Regeneron has yet to report any results from that study.

Do the preliminary clinical trial data match the President’s treatment scheme?

Not exactly. The President received an 8-gram infusion of the treatment. Regeneron’s data showed that a 2.4-gram infusion worked as well as the higher dose at reducing SARS-CoV-2 levels in people. This was widely seen as good news because monoclonals are difficult and expensive to produce, and a lower dose means that more people ultimately can receive it.

Why did the President receive the higher dose of the antibodies?

Likely out of “an abundance of caution” by the President’s medical team, says George Yancopoulos, the co-founder and chief scientific officer of Regeneron. Yancopoulos does not directly know why the President’s physicians chose to use 8 grams, but says the company’s data indicate there’s “very, very limited risk” that the antibodies will cause harm at either dose. The higher dose might last longer, he said, and at some time points in the company’s study, Regeneron did see “trends” suggesting that the higher dose more powerfully beats back the virus—the company used the amount of viral genetic material found with nose swabs as a proxy for SARS-CoV-2 levels in the entire body.

“If I had to treat one patient, I’d give the high dose,” says Yancopoulos. “From a societal point of view and the need to treat as many people as possible, I’d give the lower dose.”

Did the President match the patients in the study who benefited from the treatment?

The Regeneron study found that the treatment only worked in people who did not have SARS-CoV-2 antibodies at the start of the study. It also worked best in people who had higher levels of the virus. Whether the President had those antibodies and a high viral load has not been made public. “I couldn’t speculate because it has to do with an individual patient,” says Yancopoulos.

The memorandum from the President’s physician said Trump was receiving “Regeneron’s polyclonal antibody cocktail.” Are these antibodies “polyclonal”?

No. The treatment consisted of two monoclonal antibodies—meaning each was produced by making identical copies, or clones, of an antibody gene in a single B cell. Polyclonal antibody cocktails refer to antibodies made by mixtures of B cells.

What was the regulatory mechanism that allowed the President to receive the experimental Regeneron antibodies?

The antibodies are typically only available to people who participate in clinical trials. Trump theoretically could have enrolled in the ongoing treatment study that reported preliminary data this week, but that trial randomly assigns half the participants to receive the antibodies; the other half serve as a control group and receive infusions of an inactive placebo. A U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation called “expanded access”—technically known as 21 CFR 312.310—allows physicians to request “compassionate use” of experimental treatments through an “investigational new drug” pathway used for individual patients or for emergencies. “These are designed to be used in these rare and special circumstances,” says Yancopoulos. “This is not the first time we’ve done compassionate use for these monoclonal antibodies. This is not a mechanism for widespread distribution.”

Could Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody treatment become more widely available through the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) pathway?

Yes. Both Regeneron and Lilly, which similarly reported encouraging preliminary clinical trial data last month from a single SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibody, are discussing the possibility of an EUA with the FDA. Lilly reported signs that its antibody reduced the need for hospitalization, but as with Regeneron, too few participants have so far become seriously ill to reach a convincing conclusion to this critical question.

Is the President receiving any other COVID-19 treatments?

The statement released today by the President’s physician said that in addition to the antibodies, Trump “has been taking zinc, vitamin D, famotidine, melatonin and a daily aspirin.” That wording leaves unclear whether he was taking those substances before his diagnosed infection. Notably, the statement does not indicate if Trump was or is taking hydroxychloroquine, the antimalarial he controversially pushed as a COVID-19 treatment.

Famotidine has been suggested to be a treatment for COVID-19, but it’s also a popular heartburn remedy, sold widely under the name Pepcid. A clinical trial testing it in hospitalized COVID-19 patients in New York was not able to recruit enough patients to properly evaluate its impact. The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, which initiated that trial, released a statement today citing evidence it was helpful for COVID-19 but also saying, “We have yet to prove [famotidine’s] efficacy.” The institute says it’s “eagerly awaiting” FDA approval of a trial that will evaluate whether famotidine can help people who are not hospitalized.

0 Replies
Sat 3 Oct, 2020 04:47 am
H.C. Richardson wrote:
Today’s media was consumed with news of the spread of coronavirus to the president and First Lady, as well as concern over the degree to which it has spread to other people associated with the White House. A number of those who attended the Rose Garden announcement of Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court have tested positive. That number includes the Trumps, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC), Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), and Fr. John Jenkins, president of Notre Dame. Also infected are Ronna McDaniel, the chair of the Republican National Committee, and at least three journalists who have attended White House events in the past week.

And tonight, presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway reported that she, too, has tested positive.

As I write this, just before midnight (...), Trump’s campaign manager Bill Stepien has just announced he, too, has tested positive for the coronavirus.

Five minutes after midnight, we learned that 11 staffers from the Cleveland debate also tested positive.

We will not learn of infections among the Secret Service.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tested negative, as have Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden.

This evening, medical professionals transferred the president to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center “out of an abundance of caution.” He walked from the helicopter under his own power, and posted a short video to his Twitter account assuring viewers that he is doing “very well.” He remains in charge; power has not transferred to Vice President Mike Pence.

Aside from the personal implications of the spread of this illness—and let’s remember that there are 46,459 other Americans who have contracted the coronavirus in the last day-- this major news story has huge implications for the upcoming election. It also illustrates how the administration’s secrecy and lies take away our ability to make informed decisions about our own lives, as well as about the nation.

The Trump entourage has refused to wear masks, social distance, or follow the advice of public health experts for reducing the spread of the virus. Now it appears that White House officials deliberately withheld information about their condition, directly endangering other people who acted on the presumption that the Trump people weren’t infected. The Washington Post reported that Secret Service agents, who risk their lives to protect the president, are angry and frustrated: “He’s never cared about us.” The 30-50 Republican donors who met with Trump Thursday night at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, are “freaking out,” one report noted. Tickets had cost up to $250,000, and Trump met privately with about 19 people for 45 minutes. Trump knew his adviser Hope Hicks had tested positive when he left for the club, but he went anyway. He did not wear a mask.

Reporter Chris Wallace of the Fox News Channel, who moderated Tuesday’s debate and so was one of those the Trumps’ entourage endangered, revealed today that Trump arrived too late on Tuesday for a COVID-19 test, as the venue required. Instead, there was an “honor system.” Organizers assumed the people associated with the campaigns would not come unless they had tested negative. Trump’s people arrived wearing masks, which they had to have to enter the auditorium, but then removed them shortly after sitting down, and refused to put them back on. During the debate, Trump mocked Biden for his habit of wearing a mask.

The campaign did not tell the Biden camp that Hicks, who attended the debate, had tested positive for coronavirus the day after the event. The Biden organization learned it from the newspapers. The White House did not even tell former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who spent four days in close quarters with Hicks and Trump, helping the president prepare for the debate. He, too, learned the news from the media.

This crisis shows how the administration’s refusal to share information and its insistence on its own version of reality creates confusion that leaves Americans vulnerable and anxious. Its history of secrecy and lies means that few people actually trust anything its spokespeople say. It was striking how many people did not believe the Trumps were actually sick when the news broke; we are so accustomed to Trump’s lies that many people thought he was simply looking for a way out of future debates.

The constant lies—about coronavirus and virtually everything else—destabilize the nation because we cannot know what the truth really is. And if we don’t know what is actually happening, we cannot make good decisions. Today the editorial board of the Washington Post warned that the White House simply must let us know the truth about the president’s health so that we know who is actually running national security, the economy, and the election on our behalf.

That plea did not appear to make much of an impression on the White House: it did not bother to tell Pelosi, who is third in line for the presidency, that Trump was being helicoptered to Walter Reed Hospital.

And so we are facing a pandemic spreading through the upper ranks of the government just before an election with little faith that we will learn the truth about what is happening. That, just as much as the infections in the administration, is a crisis.

To its credit, the Biden campaign has identified this crisis and is doing its best to restore our sense of a shared reality, based in our history and our better principles. Rather than expressing outrage that the Trump camp exposed him and his wife and guests to coronavirus, Biden offered his best wishes for Trump and the First Lady, as did his running mate Kamala Harris. Biden’s campaign pulled all its negative ads out of respect for the president’s illness (the Trump campaign refused to follow suit).

Biden spoke in Michigan today, assuring the audience that “We can get this pandemic under control so we can get our economy working again for everyone.” But, he emphasized, “this cannot be a partisan moment. It must be an American moment. We have to come together as a nation.” He promised to get rid of the toxic partisanship that is keeping us all off balance. “I’m running as a Democrat,” he said, “but I will… govern as an American president. Whether you voted for me or against me, I will represent you... and those who see each other as fellow Americans who just don’t live in red states or blue states but who live in and love the United States of America. That’s who we are.”

To an increasingly weary country, he offered hope that we really can heal the nation’s ills. “There’s never been a single solitary thing America’s been unable to do. Think of this. Not once. Not a single thing we’ve not been able to overcome when we’ve done it together. So let’s get the heck up. Remember who in God’s name we are. This is the United States of America,” he said. “There’s nothing beyond our capacity.”


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