monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 16 Feb, 2017 04:57 am
oralloy wrote:
Self-hating Jews are horrible.

That's an awful thing to say. Chauvinists of any faith or ethnicity are what's really horrible. It really isn't up to you to make pronouncements on what political views are permissible for Jews. You don't get to determine what's "politically correct". That's not kosher.
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 05:21 am
So, you want to do a broad review of American intelligence agencies. What's the kind of experience you'd be looking for in choosing an individual to competently carry out such a review?

The obvious answer is a billionaire financier! (unless he's physically unattractive but that goes without saying)
I bet this is going to work out just fine.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 05:43 am
I imagine this column from EJ Dionne might catch the attention of the WH
Admit it: Trump is unfit to serve

Let’s not mumble or whisper about the central issue facing our country: What is this democratic nation to do when the man serving as president of the United States plainly has no business being president of the United States?

The Michael Flynn fiasco was the entirely predictable product of the indiscipline, deceit, incompetence and moral indifference that characterize Donald Trump’s approach to leadership.

0 Replies
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 06:14 am
Today's must read.
Just resisting Trump won't do enough for Democrats

...Republicans and their allies — most notably the network of wealthy donors organized by the Koch brothers — have created formidable political operations that execute these functions with great skill and precision in more than 30 states. Democrats have permanent, well-managed and well-financed electoral capacity in less than a handful of states.

This dire political imbalance contributed to the Trump victory last year. He did not need his own “ground game” in 2016. He rode to power on the voter mobilization coattails of the Republican right’s multistate political juggernaut, which maximized Republican voter turnout in every key battleground state.

Even more ominous, this state machinery further solidified remarkable Republican dominance in such key states as Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin, Georgia and Iowa. Republicans now have majorities in all state legislative chambers in more than 30 states and have elected 80 percent of the governors, 77 percent of senators and 73 percent of House members from 30 states...
Rob Stein WP
I'm not sure who here will be familiar with Stein. He's a very bright fellow who was the first person I know of who set to a serious study of how the the modern right had changed and become so powerful. He developed his research into a lecture which Lewis Lapham (then editor at Harpers) attended. Lapham then went on to write the deservedly influential essay, "Tentacles of Rage - The Republican Propaganda Mill, a Brief History" It's here as PDF and yes you should read it!.

Stein's work was the precursor to Jane Mayer's incredible reporting on this in the New Yorker, followed by her book "Dark Money". To the degree Dems/progressive don't understand this is the degree to which they continue to cripple themselves politically. The hope that Stein and Sanders' followers seem to have that a loud primal scream at injustice will do the trick is about as delusional as things get.
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 06:28 am
You have to love this one.
House GOP leaders will elaborate on their Obamacare plans

House Republican leaders plan to unveil on Thursday elements of their plan to repeal and largely replace portions of the Affordable Care Act.

Sounds promising. Finally, you might be thinking. Then paragraph two:
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told reporters Wednesday that committee leaders will brief GOP lawmakers on some specific proposals at a closed-door meeting scheduled for Thursday morning. The meeting comes as leaders are working to rally sharply divided GOP members around a single plan to remake the health-care law.

So don't expect to finally, after seven years, actually see this secret plan Ryan et al have promised or claimed they had in waiting or were diligently working at and near completion. This is merely a GOP attempt to quell internal dissent to decide on messaging to cover up their incoherence AND to ensure the coming bait (better coverage for everyone at lower costs) and switch sounds good for now.
0 Replies
Brand X
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 06:38 am
Wouldn't be surprised if the exit of Kellyanne will be announced tomorrow.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 06:41 am
Today's winner in our continuing series (which has been so well received by both the Pulitzer Committee and by a very close friend of Pope Francis)...
Notable Advances in the Complete Buggery of Language by Amoral Shitgoblins in the Republican Party of the US Whoring in Service of Money-Grubbing Corporate Interests Who Would Melt Your Children into Plastic Robots if they Could

A Senate hearing to “modernize the Endangered Species Act” unfolded Wednesday just as supporters of the law had feared, with round after round of criticism from Republican lawmakers who said the federal effort to keep species from going extinct encroaches on states’ rights, is unfair to landowners and stymies efforts by mining companies to extract resources and create jobs.

The two-hour meeting of the Environment and Public Works Committee was led by Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), who said last month that his focus in a bid to change the act would be “eliminating a lot of the red tape and the bureaucratic burdens that have been impacting our ability to create jobs,” according to a report in Energy and Environment News.
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 07:01 am
No conflicts of interest I can see for the Jeff Sessions JD on this baby...
The scandal-hit bank that loaned hundreds of millions of dollars to Donald Trump has conducted a close internal examination of the US president’s personal account to gauge whether there are any suspicious connections to Russia, the Guardian has learned.

Deutsche Bank, which is under investigation by the US Department of Justice and is facing intense regulatory scrutiny, was looking for evidence of whether recent loans to Trump, which were struck in highly unusual circumstances, may have been underpinned by financial guarantees from Moscow.

The Guardian has also learned that the president’s immediate family are Deutsche clients. The bank examined accounts held by Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter, her husband, Jared Kushner, who serves as a White House adviser, and Kushner’s mother.

The internal review found no evidence of any Russia link, but Deutsche Bank is coming under pressure to appoint an external and independent auditor to review its business relationship with Trump.

Democratic congressman Bill Pascrell Jr, a member of the House Ways and Means committee, said: “We know that Deutsche Bank is a major lender to President Trump, and the firm is also currently undergoing scrutiny by the Department of Justice for alleged misconduct.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 07:04 am
The hope that Stein and Sanders' followers seem to have that a loud primal scream at injustice will do the trick is about as delusional as things get.

That's so unfair. Sanders understood this very well and put serious campaign finance reforms at the center of his platform. Try and keep up.
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 07:07 am
I know he did. But had no realistic way of achieving 1% of what he (and you and I) might want. The reasons why not are in the information I've noted in the post.
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 07:18 am
“Leaking, and even illegal classified leaking, has been a big problem in Washington for years. Failing @nytimes (and others) must apologize!” Trump wrote on Twitter Thursday morning, adding in a second post that “the spotlight has finally been put on the low-life leakers! They will be caught!”
This literary genius has probably used up seven or eight lifetimes supply of exclamation marks at this point, I think. But that new "low-life" phrase is pretty special. And really, are there that many people dumb enough to swallow the "failing NYT" thing he keeps repeating?

As Rosen, Sargent and many others have noted, Trump and Bannon, by so loudly framing news media as their enemy are just making that far more real and far more injurious to them than they'd had the brains to conceive.
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 07:25 am
There are a lot of mendacious scumbags kicking about in the GOP now but Chaffetz is in the running for worst of this despicable lot.
House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz requested Wednesday that the Department of Justice launch an investigation into the leaks surrounding the ouster of Michael Flynn.
That is the thing he wants investigated. Who could have predicted it?
0 Replies
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 07:29 am
Fake Alpha-Male News

Robert Costa ✔ @costareports
Trump friend tells me decision for POTUS to hold big rally Sat in FL is part of his desire to "go to his people" and "bring back the crowds"
12:51 PM - 15 Feb 2017

Please tell me you love me, respect me, think I'm terrific and smart. Please.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 07:39 am
You're such a defeatist! At least he was aware of the issue's importance and trying to tackle it. Clinton didn't see it as much of a problem.

You remind me of the joke about the stingy guy (could be a Dutch or a Scott, or whatever) who goes to church every day to pray Jesus that he will win at the lotery. One day, Jesus is so fed up that he leans forward from his cross and tells the guy: "Buy a ******* ticket!"

In order to succeed, you must first try. Sanders was trying, Clinton wasn't. Whatever his odds at succeeding, they were superior to her, because she wasn't even seriously trying.
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 07:39 am
Kellyanne Conway's interview tricks, explained

...That evasiveness, along with her “Bowling Green massacre” and “alternative facts” controversies, has made her a popular target for criticism and parody. But Conway’s ability to avoid answering even basic questions about Trump’s positions or statements demonstrates real skill. I talked to Seth Gannon, a former champion debater and coach at Speech Labs, who explained how Conway masterfully redirects key terms and concepts, preys on interviewers’ politeness, and displays an almost “postmodern” ability to recreate reality in order to trip up her interviewer and paint Trump in the best possible light.

Conway’s talent for surviving tough interviews is hard to deny. But it’s that same talent that should raise questions about whether interviewing her is a worthwhile journalistic practice at all.

“Once she has decided not to give meaningful answers to questions,” Gannon says, “there is no way to have successful interview by traditional measures. There’s only gradations of failure, only gradations of non-answers.”...
She is very good at this style, no question. And interviewers and news-watchers like us ought to understand what she's doing because others doing spin will take her as a model.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 07:39 am
Glenn McCoy:
Gee, how insightful. How clever. How disgusting.
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 07:42 am
Clinton didn't see it as much of a problem.
That's a claim I don't accept. She did not use it as a key campaign strategy, for sure.

But as I don't buy your claim here, you're final graph isn't compelling to me.
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 07:49 am
Disgusting it is. Movement conservatives were strategically bright in beginning, around the time of the Thomas confirmation hearings, to kidnap civil rights rhetoric and memes and use them for quite opposite ends (ie maintenance of white supremacy in civil matters and structures).

Casting a multibillionaire like DeVos with her family and political history as one of the African American children being protected so they could enter a newly integrated school is about as far away from a moral parallel of unjust victimization and marginalization as one might imagine.
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 08:20 am
hightor wrote:
That's an awful thing to say.

I disagree. I think the denunciation of Nazis is a good thing.

hightor wrote:
Chauvinists of any faith or ethnicity are what's really horrible.

I feel that Nazis are worse.

hightor wrote:
It really isn't up to you to make pronouncements on what political views are permissible for Jews.

Sure it is. I appoint to myself the job of denouncing any Jew who spouts Nazi hate speech about other innocent Jews, and who uses his or her status as a Jew to try to legitimize that Nazi hate speech.

hightor wrote:
You don't get to determine what's "politically correct".

I am happy to debate/discuss my denuciations of Nazism. But it is unlikely that I will stop denouncing Nazis. I just find Nazism incredibly revolting.

hightor wrote:
That's not kosher.

The world is a much better place when Nazism is denounced compared to what it would be like if the hateful false accusations were allowed to fester unchallenged.
Thu 16 Feb, 2017 08:22 am
Olivier5 wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Secondly, we are recording conversations of American citizens?

Well yes, you do. It's called mass spying

It is only done for specific individuals, and only with a lawful court order.

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