Discord Just Shut Down the Biggest 'Boogaloo' Server for Inciting Violence
Source: Vice News
By Tess Owen
Discord, a platform popular with gamers, has shut down one of the largest servers used by followers of the anti-government “boogaloo” movement after it was exposed in a VICE News article.
“Boogaloo” is code for civil war — which is the ultimate goal of this insurgent movement that’s pulled in hardline libertarians, anti-government extremists, online shitposters and white nationalists. Adherents are often known as “Boogaloo Bois,” and they've been showing up to anti-lockdown and anti-police brutality protests clad in their uniform of Hawaiian shirts and tactical gear.
The movement has also drawn in active-duty service members of the U.S. military, which VICE News reported on Wednesday. The article incorporated screenshots from the innocuously-named “Citizens of Liberty” or “CLO” Discord server that showed users offering their military expertise to help advance the goals of the Boogaloo movement.
Discord’s “Trust & Safety” team looked into the server after VICE News published, and determined that it violated their community guidelines for “threatening and encouraging violence.” Later on Wednesday night, Discord took action and removed the server — and deleted the accounts of all 2,258 members.
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No wonder the three maniacs have been posting so much today.