Quote: Anyone who joins the executive branch and swears an oath to the Constitution, is swearing an oath to obey the President's orders
You really dont spend too much time thinking about your responses do you. Think Nuremburg 1946.
When on takes an oath to uphold the Constitution and instead one plays toadie to the Exec "Boss", one can be considered an "accessory before and after the fact" (thats a felony in the US).
If your boss is a crook (in govt) and you follow him despite his criminal activity, and by doing this following you aid or conceal or provide "comfort" in the commission of his crimes, there will be a nice warm cell an an orange jumpsuit waiting for you also.
Obeying "orders" is what several Nazis stated as their primary defenses in order to keep from getting shot.
Its far better to resign or get fired and let the chief executive serve time alone.
Would you join the Trump team with that oath of office directing your loyalty??