monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 8 Jun, 2020 01:26 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I'll worry about it when he starts telling people to drink clorox.

That will be a first, nobody else has.
0 Replies
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 01:36 pm
Twitter time.
Donald J. Trump


Colin Powell, a real stiff who was very responsible for getting us into the disastrous Middle East Wars, just announced he will be voting for another stiff, Sleepy Joe Biden. Didn’t Powell say that Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction?” They didn’t, but off we went to WAR!
9:19 AM - Jun 7, 202
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 01:44 pm
Coalition calls for firing of Missouri detective after video
Source: Associated Press

Updated 12:55 pm CDT, Monday, June 8, 2020

FLORISSANT, Mo. (AP) — A coalition of religious leaders and civil rights organizations on Monday demanded the immediate firing of suburban St. Louis detective who is shown on a video striking a man with a police SUV and then apparently hitting him at least twice while handcuffing him.

The detective from Florissant was suspended after Florissant Police Chief Tim Fagan saw a resident's doorbell camera video of the arrest this weekend. Fagan said he was “deeply concerned” about the video and has asked St. Louis County law enforcement and the FBI to investigate.

The 20-year-old man was treated for an ankle injury and was released. He and another man who was with him face drug and resisting arrest charges. Fagan said no weapons were found on either man or in their car.

The Rev. Darryl Gray, the political advisor for the St. Louis Clergy Coalition, said during a news conference Monday that police must act quickly to avoid unrest in Florissant. He said despite national protests over George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis and complaints about police response, “still police officers are not hearing, they’re not listening, they’re not adhering to the voices of the people.”

Read more: https://www.chron.com/news/article/Protest-in-St-Louis-suburb-after-police-SUV-15324091.php
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bobsal u1553115
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 01:48 pm
Trump fumes after CNN poll finds 7-point drop in approval in one month, Biden leading by 14

President Donald Trump lashed out at CNN on Monday after the network released a poll that showed his job approval rating dropped 7 percentage points in one month.

The poll released Monday, conducted from June 2-5, found Trump's approval rating had sunk to 38% – its lowest level since January 2019 – and his disapproval rating had climbed to 57%. A CNN poll conducted from May 7-10 found 45% of Americans approved of the job Trump has done as president, while 51% disapproved.

The new poll also found Trump trailing the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden 55%-41%, nearly three times the five-point deficit that CNN's May poll showed.

Mon 8 Jun, 2020 02:10 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
CNN poll

Who cares, it is CNN.
0 Replies
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 02:21 pm
Is Pleading “Guilty” (or at least, “No Contest”) to Every Accusation of Racism the Only Way to Achieve “Racial Reconciliation”?

I was recently listening to a radio talk show on which the host and various guests were discussing the distressingly relevant subject of “racial reconciliation.” I was hearing two primary messages, one which I agree with wholeheartedly, but the other—not so much.

What I agree with is the absolute, unreserved, and unequivocal repudiation of any form of racism, along with the expression of sympathy and understanding toward those who have (in reality) suffered from it. Enough said on that one.

But, beyond that, the host and guests were further suggesting that every one of us non-minority people ought to bury ourselves in dust and ashes while prostrating ourselves in unconditional surrender to the accusations of “widespread,” “systemic,” and even “congenital” racism. This groveling capitulation to the full extent of the professedly perceived injustices suffered by our accusers is allegedly the only way to achieve “racial reconciliation.” In fact, it was actually asserted that if you deny any accusation of racism, you are being uncharitable and insensitive to the accuser!

So therefore, we should all be worshiping before the golden image of inherent white guilt erected by the extreme politically-correct race-baiters of the age, placing ourselves in abject and shamefaced acquiescence to any and all accusations of racism (if not made strictly individually, then certainly on a corporate basis). Such a categorical and unquestioning assent to the charges of racism (or at least the gratuitous readiness to tolerate the indiscriminate leveling of those charges—pun not tended)—and the compliant acceptance of the retribution that would naturally accompany such atrocity—is, after all, the only just and reasonable way to achieve “reconciliation” with those who have suffered the blight of racism, now isn’t it?

I’m terribly sorry, but my first inclination at hearing something like that is to say: “Uh—Not No, but Bloody H – E – Double-Framing-Squares NO!” I am what some sociologists would describe as a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (although, to be sure, not part of the “elite”), but I am not a racist. I loathe and detest racism. I have never been a racist, and so I have no personal history of racial bigotry to apologize for, thank you very much. (I guess the “racism gene” widely reputed to be irredeemably and inextricably woven into the very fiber of Caucasian DNA somehow missed me, or it was so recessive in my case as to manifest no evidence of its presence—although it supposedly lingers there like a tapeworm ensconced in the bowels of my soul.) And so, as a decidedly non-racist person who has always been decidedly non-racist, I simply do not see how it can be claimed that genuine racial reconciliation can only be achieved by me graciously taking upon myself the mantle of corporate racism thrust upon me by certain accusers, among whom there happens to be many who have a vested interest in the benefit they can reap from driving a hyperinflated racist victimhood narrative, even though that very narrative is itself racist because of its denigration of me solely on the basis of my skin color!

“Reverse Racism” (whether perpetrating it, or groveling before it) is not the way to amend the evils of racism! Racism was not the “original sin” of Caucasian people, and I refuse to accept the presumptive imputation of it in accordance with some depraved theology of “Racial Federalism” being proposed by people who demand that I bleed for the sins of my collective pigmentation group, past and present!

Is there racism in modern society? Undoubtedly, there is. For the sake of discussion, are there people with, let’s say, red hair who happen to be racist? Assuredly, there must be. But does that mean that all redheads are therefore necessarily racists, and in fact have an intrinsic predisposition to racism? Certainly not! But, because there have been some redheads in the ranks of racists, does that mean that every living redhead today must beat their breasts in collective repentance and self-abhorrent solidarity with the whole mass of racist redheads throughout history? Such a proposition is self-evidently absurd, and it is every bit as twisted and unjust as the actual racism it purports to redress!

Were there racists and slaveholders among my ancestors? Yes, indeed. But, were there also non-racists and abolitionists among my ancestors? Absolutely, there were. So, I think the relevant question is: Do my attitudes, convictions, and actions align me, personally and individually, more closely with the racists of my past, or with the abolitionists? And now, here’s the real kicker of a question: If I am absolutely an abolitionist, and absolutely a non-racist (both of which are true), exactly how does having my “teeth set on edge” remedy the fact that a certain number of my forefathers have “eaten sour grapes” (Ezekiel 18:2)? But even that analogy is too constrictive, because I am being asked to wear the robes of wickedness that were woven by people with whom I have no familial relation and, in fact, share nothing whatsoever in common, beyond the color of my skin!

Do I think we should “weep with those who weep” (Rom. 12:15) and be sincerely and extremely sensitive to the genuine pain and plight of those who have truly suffered from racism, both now and in the past? Absolutely, we should—with great compassion and strenuous sympathy! But I see no valid imperative for me to accede to the role of scapegoat in bearing the sins of others and receiving a scourging-by-proxy in the stead of those who were directly guilty of the crime, but who (inconveniently) are not immediately present, and thus not capable of receiving the vengeance they merited for themselves. Neither do I perceive the legitimacy of someone ascribing to me an ineluctable predisposition toward racism simply on the basis of the skin color I happen to have in common with some racists. On the contrary, I feel that going along with this whole idea of associational guilt and retribution—even if the proposition is motivated by sincere sympathy for the sufferers of racism—is endorsing something that is essentially fallacious, and thus destructive of genuine racial reconciliation, which does not happen on the basis of mere realignment of group identity ascendancy, but can only succeed in the context of universal respect for, and acknowledgement of, the dignity of individual personhood—or, as otherwise stated: on the basis of the content of a person’s character, not on the color of his skin. You don’t solve a slavery problem by making the former masters into slaves and the former slaves into masters—you solve a slavery problem by making everybody free!

So, can I promote “racial reconciliation” only by capitulating to every accusation of racism and abjectly owning it, whether it is corporately or individually assigned? Or, am I so blinded by “white privilege” that I am utterly incapable of perceiving my own intrinsic racism, or the rectitude of embracing my culpability-by-association in the crimes and evils of racism, which is the only adequate and tangible way for me to express sympathy with its victims?

If this last-resort appeal to the insuperably self-delusive quality of “white privilege” is going to be the broad and all-encompassing repudiation of the points I have made, then I’m terribly sorry to say it, but “racial reconciliation” is still a long way off, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “dream” continues to languish, perpetually supplanted by the nightmare of race-baiters who take advantage of the tragic fact that there has been—and continues to be—some real racism in order to either excuse their desire to loot, pillage, and destroy, or (in a more subtle and less immediately barbaric way) to perpetrate individual or corporate character-assassination with false accusations of racism in order to achieve or magnify a political benefit (even while making the ridiculous claim that such brutality represents “justice”).

The purveyors of such pathetic slander fail to realize that every false accusation of racism dilutes, marginalizes, and overshadows any of the real instances of racism that actually do exist.

When will people learn that the antidote to falsehood is truth, not the mere substitution of another contravening falsehood?

Basically common sense.
0 Replies
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 02:28 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
He just can't understand that the polls are not the problem. It is himself.
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 02:48 pm
All the exit polls had Clinton winning the race in 2016.
bobsal u1553115
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 02:48 pm
He doesn't take any blame for anything, ever.
0 Replies
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 02:50 pm
Can’t We Just Say It? This Wuhan Panic Was a Fraud Driven by Politics and for the Aggrandizement of Power

I have been saying it.
The projections would have been farcical had they not destroyed lives and businesses. Stay-at-home orders emptied hospitals and killed droves of people who were too terrorized to seek treatment for heart attacks and strokes and who were unable to get scheduled cancer treatments. We were told asymptomatic carriers were highly contagious, presumably to justify the demand that everyone wear a mask, only to find that no, that isn’t the case. Actual doctors reported that people who had survived Wuhan virus were, again unlike any other virus of that family, able to be immediately reinfected. This, fortunately, was another false alarm. And no discussion of the ‘science’ would be complete without the observation that there is zero evidence, other than bald assertions, that the lockdowns, and face masks, and hysteria had any more effect than sacrificing a chicken to the Moon God. The infection rate in those states which did not go along with the insanity is better than those with the most Draconian measures. When Texas and Georgia and Florida released the totalitarian controls the ‘scientists’ predicted a huge spike in infections and deaths. This, to say the least, did not happen.

We have been had. Are people just to embarrassed to admit it?
In reality, it was a calculated assault upon capitalism and individual freedom that was aided and abetted by members of the federal government who, one can only hope, knew what they were saying was utter bullsh**–I say that because I understand that these people are partisans and, for the most part, militant progressives who loathe America and individual freedom but to think that they actually believed the crap that they were peddling would mean they were incompetent buffoons. If someone is going to destroy our country I really want them to understand and appreciate what they are doing.

Over the past week, with the protests/riots associated somewhat loosely with the death of George Floyd while some Minneapolis cop knelt on his neck, the true agenda behind the Wuhan virus became much more evident. We’ve seen alleged ‘public health experts’ proclaim that the danger posed by not rioting is greater than the danger from Wuhan virus BUT the danger from going to church or work or protesting the utter thrashing of the US Constitution is unconscionable because of Wuhan.

Mon 8 Jun, 2020 03:16 pm
We have been had. Are people just to embarrassed to admit it?

Western Australia's chief health officer says there are now 251 confirmed cases in the state of children aged under five having adverse reactions to flu vaccinations.

Last week the Health Department placed a temporary ban on flu shots for children under five after reports of children getting sick after being vaccinated.

The department says 55 children have had convulsions after being vaccinated while nearly 200 others have suffered fever and vomiting.

One child is in a serious but stable condition at Princess Margaret Hospital.

Chief health officer Dr Tarun Weeramanthri says confirming the number of cases is a significant step forward in the search for the cause of the adverse reactions.

"We'll now be sharing that information with our colleagues from other states and territories. Once that national picture is built up this week we'll know more about whether there is a problem, which areas it is in, what possible causes there are," he said.

"We don't have any idea for national figures. We've agreed on a standard way to report the cases nationally. (end quote)

That's just the state of western Australia, (pop. 2.6 million).

0 Replies
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 03:33 pm
All the exit polls had Clinton winning the race in 2016.

No worries, as they say. Trump will win and we will have a Republican House and Senate. Democrats have gone too far Left. No one wants to live without the police.
0 Replies
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 03:43 pm
Jerry Nadler becomes instant meme, as Dem theatrics get ripped to smithereens

This is how to pander, royally. Wearing African scarfs. A lot are lucky they could get up. Some like Nadler could not even kneel.

Mon 8 Jun, 2020 03:58 pm
Damned sure you'd never see Republicans supporting social justice in any form. The GOP way: just let 'em all die, they don't vote for us.
bobsal u1553115
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 05:06 pm
Police Agencies Acknowledge Slashing Protesters' Tires: Report


The state Department of Public Safety and Anoka County Sheriff's officials confirmed using a tactic that isn't "typical" to slow protesters.
By Jeff Arnold, Patch Staff
Jun 8, 2020 3:19 pm CT | Updated Jun 8, 2020 4:00 pm CT

The cars of protestors, media members and others were slashed as protests broke out in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
The cars of protestors, media members and others were slashed as protests broke out in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd. (Adela Loconte/Shutterstock)

MINNEAPOLIS, MN — Two law enforcement agencies acknowledged on Monday that their officers were involved in slashing the tires of the vehicles belonging to protesters and media members that were parked in a Minneapolis Kmart parking lot during protests following the death of George Floyd.

Video of officers dressed in military-style fatigues and wielding knives used to slash tires of the vehicles on May 30 first surfaced on the site, Mother Jones. But on Monday, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune confirmed that state troopers and Anoka County sheriff's deputies were involved in puncturing the tires of cars in the store parking lot at Lake St. and Nicolette Ave.

A Minnesota Department of Public Safety spokesman told the newspaper that state troopers were involved and that they "strategically deflated tires" to keep drivers from driving dangerously at high speeds around protesters and officers.

The spokesman also confirmed that vehicles were targeted that "contained items to cause harm during violent protests," the Star-Tribune reported. A email sent Monday to the Department of Public Safety by Patch was not immediately returned.

"While not a typical tactic, vehicles were being used as dangerous weapons and inhibited our ability to clear areas and keep areas safe where violent protests were occurring," the spokesman, Bruce Gordon, told the newspaper.

Minneapolis Police slashed every tire on my rental car, as well as every tire of every car in this parking lot. pic.twitter.com/lchFplYQ0n
— Andrew Kimmel (@andrewkimmel) May 31, 2020

The tires of vehicles parked along Washington Ave. were also slashed by Anoka County officers who were instructed to do so by a multiagency command center, the Star-Tribune reported. Lt. Andy Knotz from the Anoka County sheriff's department told the newspaper that towing the cars was not an option due to the fact that two trucks could not enter the lot due to the number of people at the scene.

Andrew Kimmel, a Los Angeles-based documentary and television producer and the the former director of live video for Buzzfeed, told Patch on Monday that he has yet to be able to file a police report after all four tires of his rental car were slashed at the lot on May 30.

Asked both by Patch and by multiple responders to his Twitter post how he knew police were involved, Kimmel said police had overtaken the lot shortly after the protests began. He said it would not have been possible for protesters to enter the lot due to the number of people and police officers present.

On his Twitter feed, Kimmel interviewed the tow truck operator who responded to the lot the day after tires were slashed. The driver, who said he was born and raised in St. Paul, said he had been towing vehicles belonging to medics, news crews and others whose vehicles were parked in the lots at the time of the protests.
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bobsal u1553115
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 06:06 pm
NJ attorney general to release video from fatal police shooting of Maurice Gordon

Source: Associated Press

6/8/2020, 6:23 p.m.

By: Associated Press

Posted at 3:37 PM, Jun 08, 2020 and last updated 2:37 PM, Jun 08, 2020

NEW JERSEY — New Jersey's top law enforcement official has finished an initial investigation into the fatal shooting by a state trooper of a black man after a traffic stop and is expected to release video from the incident on Monday, according to the attorney general's office.

Many details about the shooting have not been released, but the attorney general said in statement to the Courier Post newspaper late Sunday that the initial investigation was completed and that video and audio recordings would be released soon. Attorney General Gurbir Grewal's office said Monday in an email that they would be released later in the day.

The attorney for Gordon's family said in a phone interview that he had seen the video, but said it was cut off with about 15 minutes remaining, and decried the attorney general and governor for their handling of the case.

William O. Wagstaff III is representing Gordon's mother, father and sister. He said they were told they needed to come in person to view the video before it was released and under the officials' supervision, instead of watching in the privacy of their homes.

Read more: https://www.pix11.com/news/local-news/new-jersey/nj-attorney-general-to-release-video-from-fatal-police-shooting-of-maurice-gordon
0 Replies
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 06:17 pm
Damned sure you'd never see Republicans supporting social justice in any form.

That is because social justice is not justice. It is a way to grab power by dividing people into groups and exploiting them to gain political power. More Communism, more stupid people.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 06:46 pm
Veteran federal prosecutor to lead grand jury probe into James Scurlock's death
Source: Omaha World Herald

By Todd Cooper

A veteran federal prosecutor was tabbed Monday to lead a grand jury investigation into the May 30 shooting death of a 22-year-old black man by a white bar owner in downtown Omaha.

Frederick D. Franklin, a long-serving federal prosecutor, will lead the grand jury of 16 citizens and three alternates as they probe the death of James Scurlock. Presiding Douglas County District Judge Shelly Stratman appointed Franklin.

The grand jury will investigate and either bring charges or no indictment against Jake Gardner, the 38-year-old former owner of The Hive and Gatsby bars downtown. Jurors also could choose to issue a report in the death of Scurlock.

Franklin, a Chicago native, is a 1986 graduate of the Creighton University School of Law who has served as an attorney since that time.

A police officer walks west on Harney Street in front of The Hive and the Gatsby near 12th and Harney Streets. The owners of the building said Tuesday that the operator of the bars, Jake Gardner, has been evicted.


Read more: https://www.omaha.com/news/local/veteran-federal-prosecutor-to-lead-grand-jury-probe-into-james-scurlocks-death/article_f2f0f66d-8400-5923-b441-d2f490c512c7.html
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Mon 8 Jun, 2020 06:49 pm
George W. Bush spokesman calls NYT article claiming he won't vote for Trump 'completely made up'​​

The NYT cannot stop lying.
But in an email to the Texas Tribune after the news broke, Freddy Ford, a spokesman for Bush, suggested that the assertion is totally false.

"This is completely made up," Ford wrote. "He is retired from presidential politics and has not indicated how he will vote."

I would believe anyone before I believe the NYT.

0 Replies
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 07:14 pm
"The Narrative Has Failed" - Ron Paul On The Incredible Disappearing Coronavirus


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