All lives matter, its just that some lives matter more than others, right?
Black Live Matter because somehow they got missed in the every life matters attitude.
I'm white and my life always mattered so much I never had to question it. If we are in a racist society the all live are mattering equally is unfulfilled promise, a mere sentimentality. And make no mistake: we are in a racist society. We need to be reminded that black lives matter BECAUSE all lives matter.
Quit putting property rights in front of human rights. Rioting and looting is the expression of people with no voice who are the constant never ending line of victims with no relief in sight.
I don't like the rioting and looting one bit, but notice the national leadership is more about putting a lid on it as opposed to having a dialogue and allowing the oppressed to have a voice: and using the oppressive "police" methods that got us to fire and brick bats to begin with. These are continuing because no-one in national authority thinks black voices matter. Because they don't have a clue or inclination to open a freaking conversation or admit that while mistakes - deadly, killing mistakes - were made, the system can and will be changed.
This is not about law and order, its about a significant portion of our population being victimized with no recourse but eventually and finally the brick bat and the flame.