justaguy2 wrote:That's because oralloy/yellow cake simply doesn't have any logical counter argument, and they know it.
Counter argument to what? All you offer is childish name-calling.
justaguy2 wrote:The ironic thing there is that they are always reminding us how "smart" they think they are,
That's doubly untrue. I know how smart I am. And I only address the subject to set the record straight when you lie about me.
justaguy2 wrote:but unfortunately for them, their posts tell a very different story,
Actually your inability to point out any errors in my posts is pretty solid evidence that I am vastly smarter than you are.
justaguy2 wrote:then they have to resort to diversion tactics instead - so much for their so-called "high IQ".
Another lie. I always address points head on.
justaguy2 wrote:At least coldjoint/pinky doesn't pretend to have a clue what their on about
Another lie. He understands what he is talking about perfectly well.
Not to be redundant, but you are the only person here who is incapable of producing an intelligent argument.
justaguy2 wrote:And unlike oralloy/yellow cake, they can even admit it when they clearly haven't understood what they've read to begin with... well at least what other posters here have said anyway...
Another lie. I would admit it if I didn't understand something.
justaguy2 wrote:It's classic diversion tactics; can't find any logical argument,
I make logical arguments all the time. You don't see them because the logical arguments get directed at people who engage in intelligent conversation.
justaguy2 wrote:turn the focus to the other person's "posting style"
If you don't want to be criticized for spouting childish name-calling, don't spout childish name-calling.
Of course, that would leave you with nothing to say. But at least no one would be condemning you for childish name-calling.
justaguy2 wrote:even though I also provided reason and context as to why I said what I said - it's right out of trump's playbook. As their idol trump would say... Sad!
Your only reason for spouting childish name-calling is because you lack the intelligence to say anything else.