I just don't see any "dignity" in putting the State's imprimatur on fraud, eh, Gent?
Some girl wants to "pretend" like she's a boy, and now, suddenly, she is supposed to be sent into the boy's bathroom, everyone is supposed to call her "sir," and to generally pretend that she is what she aint?
How far will the distortion of fact by PC bullshit go?
Suppose I stole your social security and other identification, and claimed I was you, Gent. Not good, right? But now suppose a law was passed saying the everybody and his brother was legally obligated to deal with me as though I were you.
Which is worse? Fraud by an individual, or the State compelling the acceptance of fraud as "truth?"
And, in more direct response to your question: I can't see the dignity in fraud. There is no reason to "dignify" lies by pretending they are true. There is no dignity in DEMANDING that others do so, so that you can get your delusions reinforced.