monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 11 Feb, 2017 11:13 pm
Things will liven up a bit next week, I figure.

That's when the National Guard tanks are scheduled to roll into sanctuary cities all across the country. First stop: City Hall.

I can just see Rahm Emanuel doin the perp walk in an orange jumpsuit, now, eh? It's gunna ROCK!
0 Replies
Sat 11 Feb, 2017 11:15 pm
Yes, I know. But there's always . . .
Sat 11 Feb, 2017 11:18 pm
That was, like, really, really scary, eh, Bill!?

Almost as scary as Blathy's stories, even.

0 Replies
Sat 11 Feb, 2017 11:41 pm
I guess a sense of calm and contentment has settled in now, since so many problems have been are/being solved, eh?

1. The alien round-up has begun, and is going exactly according to plan.
2. The border wall is on schedule.
3. Illegal voters are being given 8 year prison terms, with deportation to follow.
4. Trump has dispatched men in brown shirts to settle the judge problems in Seattle and San Francisco.
5. The media is stumbling, ready to go down for the count.
6. Rioters are gettin 10 year terms.
7. Elizabeth Warren has been established as the face of the Democratic Party.
8. The EPA will soon be abolished.
9. Oil pipelines will be going through the heart of Indian villages, assuring us that we have people to spot all the leaks resulting from shoddy construction, without even paying them a dime.
10. Millions of free-loaders are being eliminated from the welfare rolls.
11. Iran, North Korea, and Mexico will soon be nuked into oblivion. Canada and France to follow.

What's not to like, I ask ya!?

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Not another cent will be spent to further propagate the global warming hoax,; there will b a bible in every classroom; children will be trained in the use of assault rifles and the defense of our country from enemies, foreign and domestic, will be easy; a final solution to the muslim problem will be established and implemented; the U.N building in NYC will become Trump Tower II, Trump and Putin will abolish NATO and evenly divide the spoils....

The future is indeed bright!
Sun 12 Feb, 2017 12:08 am
And I didn't even mention all the jobs that will be created! There will be full employment in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and every other state except California.

We will need large crews for concentration camp guards, firing squad duty, overseers of mexican slave labor building the border wall, undercover mosque infiltrators, and all kinda **** like that, eh?
Sun 12 Feb, 2017 12:50 am
The Senate will soon be voting on whether to overturn Obama's executive order declaring that any recipient of Social Security who does not manage their own finances is barred from possessing guns.


And the Liberals are going crazy with their lies.

Sun 12 Feb, 2017 12:55 am
Well that sounded nuts until i realized you were mouthing Breitbart, then I was positive it was nuts. phooey
Sun 12 Feb, 2017 01:05 am
You have a new leader in Trump!
0 Replies
Sun 12 Feb, 2017 02:19 am
glitterbag wrote:
Well that sounded nuts until i realized you were mouthing Breitbart, then I was positive it was nuts. phooey

Nothing nuts about it. Obama really was signing executive orders adding large numbers of law-abiding citizens to the list of people barred from having guns. The guy just flat-out hates the Constitution and civil rights.

And Mr. Trump and the Republicans really are acting to protect our Constitutional liberties from the Democrats.
Sun 12 Feb, 2017 03:09 am
Just one more example, among millions, where Trump is saving the taxpayers a **** load of money, eh?

Trump Drops Defense of Obama Guidelines on Transgender Students

The Trump administration has dropped the federal government’s challenge to a nationwide injunction issued last year...

The Obama administration took the position that Title IX, the federal law that bans sex discrimination in schools, protects transgender students.

Under that interpretation, transgender students have access to facilities like bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond with their gender identity...

The Obama administration appealed the injunction and requested that it apply only to states involved in the lawsuit and not nationwide. Oral arguments in that case were scheduled to begin on Tuesday, but on Friday, the Justice Department withdrew the previous administration’s challenge.

The Obama administration evolved into an ardent defender of transgender students, suing North Carolina over a law there restricting transgender people’s access to public bathrooms, locker rooms and changing rooms. In May, the administration warned public school districts that they could face lawsuits or a loss of federal funds if they did the same.

The political environment has changed dramatically since then.

Mara Keisling, the executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, called the move a “callous attack” on “the dignity and safety of transgender students.”


You know there's something wrong with a person that puts the words "dignity" and "transgender students" in the same sentence, I figure.

Sun 12 Feb, 2017 03:30 am
layman wrote:

You know there's something wrong with a person that puts the words "dignity" and "transgender students" in the same sentence, I figure.

Why? I don't get that. Do you think that kids going through a gender crisis shouldn't be allowed to have dignity?

Free country for everyone.
Walter Hinteler
Sun 12 Feb, 2017 03:34 am
Galatians 3:28:
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Sun 12 Feb, 2017 03:41 am
I just don't see any "dignity" in putting the State's imprimatur on fraud, eh, Gent?

Some girl wants to "pretend" like she's a boy, and now, suddenly, she is supposed to be sent into the boy's bathroom, everyone is supposed to call her "sir," and to generally pretend that she is what she aint?

How far will the distortion of fact by PC bullshit go?

Suppose I stole your social security and other identification, and claimed I was you, Gent. Not good, right? But now suppose a law was passed saying the everybody and his brother was legally obligated to deal with me as though I were you.

Which is worse? Fraud by an individual, or the State compelling the acceptance of fraud as "truth?"

And, in more direct response to your question: I can't see the dignity in fraud. There is no reason to "dignify" lies by pretending they are true. There is no dignity in DEMANDING that others do so, so that you can get your delusions reinforced.
Sun 12 Feb, 2017 03:58 am
@Walter Hinteler,
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Tell me, Walter, do you know where the wealthiest-ever diaspora of Jewish people, emigrating to the US of A came from?
0 Replies
Sun 12 Feb, 2017 03:59 am
Mara Keisling, the executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, called the move a “callous attack” on “the dignity... of transgender students

What this misguided activist is trying to say is that I am "attacking" the "dignity" of a liar if I speak the truth.

That aint dignified.

If there's any assault on dignity here, then she's attacking mine.

0 Replies
Sun 12 Feb, 2017 04:11 am
"I am so proud of my daughter Ivanka. To be abused and treated so badly by the media, and to still hold her head so high, is truly wonderful!" Trump tweeted.
Strategy or mental imbalance? I'm actually not sure.
Sun 12 Feb, 2017 04:17 am
here is a link to a very scary but interesting article on Trump....

Thanks very kindly. I'll get to it a bit later and respond.
Sun 12 Feb, 2017 04:18 am
Really scary, kids!
0 Replies
Sun 12 Feb, 2017 04:20 am
I assume those clowns are a family or two. Wouldn't they be fun to hang out with. Delightful faces and costume.
0 Replies
Sun 12 Feb, 2017 04:27 am
layman wrote:

You know there's something wrong with a person that puts the words "dignity" and "transgender students" in the same sentence, I figure.

Why? I don't get that. Do you think that kids going through a gender crisis shouldn't be allowed to have dignity?

I think layman is trolling. I think you have a rather better heart. That's why I have him on ignore and not you.

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