He's an idiot. The election day has been set by Congressional Act since the 1850s. The general and presidential election was held in 1812, and the general midterm election in 1814, despite the fact that the United States was at war with Britain, then accounted the greatest military power in the world. The general midterm election was held in 1846, and the general and presidential election in 1848, even though the United States was at war in Mexico at the time. The general midterm election was held in 1862 and the general and presidential election was held in 1864, even though the United States was then involved in the bloodiest war in its history. The general midterm election was held in 1918, even though there were more than a million American troops in France at the time. The general midterm election was held in 1942, and the general and presidential election was held in 1944, even though the United States was at war with Germany and Japan. The general midterm election was held in 1950, and the general and presidential election was held in 1952, even though the United States was at war in Korea. The general midterm election in 1966, the general and presidential election in 1968, the general midterm election in 1970, the general and presidential election in 1972, and the general midterm election of 1974 were all held while U.S. troops were deployed to and fighting in Vietnam. The general midterm election wsa held in 1990 while U.S. forces were deployed in Saudi Arabia in the first Gulf War. The general and presidential election was held in 2004, and the midterm elections of 2006 and 2010 were held while U.S. Troops were deployed in Iraq. The mid-term election of 2002, the general and presidential election of 2004 and every general election since then have been held while American troops are in Afghanistan.
If that fat scumbag attempts to postpone or suspend the 2020 election, he can only pull that off with the connivance of the reactionary Supreme Court. If that happens, we can be sure that fascism is alive and well in the United States, and that the neo-Nazis have taken over.