monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 11 May, 2020 11:56 pm
you've never had an original thought in your life sheeple
Real Music
Tue 12 May, 2020 12:26 am
PRESIDENT Donald Trump was quizzed on his Mother's Day Tweets accusing Barack Obama of ‘the biggest political crime in American history'.

Trump claimed that 'everybody knows' what crime Barack Obama committed, but has not yet clarified what he is accusing his predecessor of.

Published May 11, 2020

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Real Music
Tue 12 May, 2020 12:42 am

1. Does anyone know if Trump had paid any homage to the mother of his children on Mothers Day?

2. Does anyone know if Trump had shown any honor to the mother of his children on Mothers Day?

3. Did Trump at least give flowers to Melania on Mothers Day?

4. I am just curious to know how Trump chose to celebrate Mothers Day.
Tue 12 May, 2020 12:45 am
@Real Music,
Thanks for the laughs.

He's your president. Not your daddy.

Focus on the now, which means has the DOJ set a date for Obama's hearing, as yet?
0 Replies
Real Music
Tue 12 May, 2020 01:00 am
Donald Trump Started Off His Mother's Day With a Particularly Deranged Tweet Storm

Published May 10, 2020

Donald Trump is a creature of habit—he starts off most Saturdays and Sundays with a hearty tweet storm. Today may be Mother's Day, but that hasn't shaken the president from his routine. As CNN's Manu Raju pointed out via Twitter, in a single hour Sunday morning, Trump fired off 52 tweets, retweets and quote tweets. He managed one "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" an hour in, but aside from that hasn't had anything to say about the moms in his life. Instead, it's been Michael Flynn and the Russia investigation, with a side of dodging blame for the catastrophically mishandled coronavirus pandemic.

A sampling: The president retweeted a comment from an account called "Tha_Raptor," which has 128 followers and whose bio reads, "I like whataburger spicy ketchup." According to Tha Raptor, "Unless people are indited [sic] and put in prison the corruption will continue. People will continue to run with fake news and conspiracies until they are shown individuals being handcuffed and prosecuted. Its [sic] also time to fire people from the FBI, CIA, DOJ, DNI." A very normal sentiment from a very credible social media account for the President of the United States to amplify to the world.

This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

When are the Fake Journalists, who received unwarranted Pulitzer Prizes for Russia, Russia, Russia, and the Impeachment Scam, going to turn in their tarnished awards so they can be given to the real journalists who got it right. I’ll give you the names, there are plenty of them!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2020

He shared some outright racism from a profile photo-free account that countered a tweet about the president's early dismissal of Covid-19 warnings with, "Nancy Pelosi was telling people to go to China town and get infected." And the president also retweeted a right-wing account that impersonates John Huber, U.S. Attorney for Utah, no fewer than 20 times.

Trump did pretty much the exact same thing for Mother's Day 2019, and was tweeting about the "Russian hoax" back then, too. The particulars have evolved a bit—these days, he's crowing about the Bill Barr's Justice Department dropping charges against his former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, and about a newly un-redacted memo concerning the scope of the long ago-concluded Mueller investigation. Last year, it was "Spygate" and "collusion delusion." Can't wait to find out what Russia-themed tweet storm Trump cooks up for Mother's Day 2021.

Walter Hinteler
Tue 12 May, 2020 02:44 am
@Real Music,
Fauci to Warn Senate of ‘Needless Suffering and Death’

Fauci will issue a stark warning on the risks of reopening too soon.

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert and a central figure in the government’s response to the coronavirus, intends to warn the Senate on Tuesday that Americans would experience “needless suffering and death” if the country opens up too quickly.

Dr. Fauci, who has emerged as perhaps the nation’s most respected voice during the coronavirus crisis, is one of four top government doctors scheduled to testify remotely at a high-profile hearing on Tuesday before the Senate Health Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.

It will be his first appearance before Congress since President Trump declared a national emergency in March, and a chance for him to address lawmakers and the public without President Trump by his side. He has been largely out of public view since last week, when Mr. Trump abandoned his daily briefings with his coronavirus task force.

In an email to the New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg late Monday night, Dr. Fauci laid out what he intended to tell senators.

“The major message that I wish to convey to the Senate HLP committee tomorrow is the danger of trying to open the country prematurely,” he wrote. “If we skip over the checkpoints in the guidelines to: ‘Open America Again,’ then we risk the danger of multiple outbreaks throughout the country. This will not only result in needless suffering and death, but would actually set us back on our quest to return to normal.”

Dr. Fauci was referring to a three-phase White House plan, Opening Up America Again, that lays out guidelines for state officials considering reopening their economies. Among its recommendations: States should have a “downward trajectory of positive tests” or a “downward trajectory of documented cases” of coronavirus over two weeks, while conducting robust contact tracing and “sentinel surveillance” testing of asymptomatic people in vulnerable populations, such as nursing homes.

But many states are reopening without meeting those guidelines, seeking to ease the economic pain as millions of working people and small-business owners are facing ruin while sheltering at home.

“We’re not reopening based on science,” said Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, a former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “We’re reopening based on politics, ideology and public pressure. And I think it’s going to end badly.”

The much-feared second wave of infection may not wait until fall, many scientists say. Instead, it may become a series of wavelets occurring unpredictably across the country.

Dr. Fauci himself is now in “modified quarantine,” he has said, after what he described as a “low risk” exposure to someone infected with the virus.

0 Replies
Tue 12 May, 2020 03:01 am
Now I know the easiest way to recognise a trump voter
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Tue 12 May, 2020 03:18 am
FreedomEyeLove wrote:

Obama will be found guilty by next week at the latest and it's never happened, and never will

true …because Barack Osama is a criminal in bed with the deep state. Just like why Killary isn't in jail for her multiple murders.

I get it now. You’re trying to prove you’re more crazy than you are stupid.
0 Replies
Tue 12 May, 2020 04:01 am
The President is tested every day.

Every single person he comes into contact with is also tested.

If anyone tests positive, they are immediately quarantined and their contacts are tested.

See? He DOES understand how to stop the virus. He just doesn't give a **** about YOU.
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bobsal u1553115
Tue 12 May, 2020 06:43 am
Annnnnnd what's so original about anything you said???

2+2+4 isn't original, but it is correct. Trump and the GOP can't get President Obama or Hillary Clinton on anything, but Trump gets impeached. How does that work?
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bobsal u1553115
Tue 12 May, 2020 06:46 am
@Real Music,
I am just curious to know how Trump chose to celebrate Mothers Day.

But denying and deflecting. Just like any other day. He posted FIFTY tweets in the morning of Mother's Day.
0 Replies
Tue 12 May, 2020 07:59 am
Following a segment on the network’s “Morning Joe” talk show that featured discussion of upcoming Senate testimony by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, as well as critical comments from Scarborough regarding the White House’s coronavirus response, Trump lashed out in a tweet posted just before 7 a.m.

“When will they open a Cold Case on the Psycho Joe Scarborough matter in Florida. Did he get away with murder? Some people think so,” Trump wrote. “Why did he leave Congress so quietly and quickly? Isn’t it obvious? What’s happening now? A total nut job!”

Trump was apparently referring to the 2001 death of Lori Klausutis, who worked as a staffer in Scarborough’s Fort Walton Beach, Florida, office when he served as a Republican House lawmaker from Florida’s 1st congressional district.

Klausutis’ autopsy revealed she had an undiagnosed heart condition, and a coroner concluded she died after passing out and hitting her head in a fall, according to the Associated Press. She was not struck by another person, the coroner said, and Scarborough was in Washington at the time of her death.

This is typical Trump style but an example of him at extremity. I suspect he's becoming increasingly aware that his chances in November are very dim and that he simply doesn't have the capacity to recover - not insignificant because of his narcissism and his legal jeopardy when out of office. And he's going to keep getting worse.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 12 May, 2020 08:22 am
Russia: Putin's spokesman hospitalized with coronavirus
Source: AP

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov says he is hospitalized with the coronavirus.

Peskov, a key aide of Russian President Vladimir Putin, told the Interfax news agency on Tuesday, “Yes, I’ve gotten sick. I’m being treated.” Peskov, 52, has been Putin’s spokesman since 2008, but started working him with in the early 2000s.

Russians who have the virus but light or no symptoms of illness are allowed to stay home, and it wasn’t immediately clear if Peskov’s hospitalization reflects the gravity of his condition or was an extra precaution.

Reporters from the Kremlin pool said on Twitter that Peskov was last seen in public on April 30 “at a meeting with Vladimir Putin.” It was not clear whether it means the two were in the same room, as Putin has been conducting all his meetings via teleconference in recent weeks.

Read more: https://apnews.com/0e8858138ffa9082bff09b960a3217ce
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bobsal u1553115
Tue 12 May, 2020 08:27 am
Feds are pulling testing in Dallas. Yesterday we had 253 new cases in Dallas County which tied
the record.
We had 2 die yesterday.
County Judge Clay Jenkins said it wasn't because the cases were lessening, it was because the Feds are getting out of testing.
This will pull 1,000 tests per DAY from Dallas County.
These ratfuckers want us dead and don't want us counted. Plain and simple.


The county judge’s spokeswoman, Lauren Trimble, said that without the tests from the federal government, the American Airlines and Ellis Davis testing sites could close.

Jenkins said losing the testing would be a “big hit,” even with the announcement of seven new testing sites at Walmart and Kroger stores across the county that each can perform 50 tests a day.

Texas ranks last in coronavirus testing in the country, he said.

The county is now in the red zone, indicating a high community risk for transmission that means activities such as shopping or dining out should be avoided, Jenkins said.
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Tue 12 May, 2020 08:31 am
This is like the "hey, look over there!" dodge--which is significant, because Plump always wants to be the center of attention. This is also significant because he's targeting a Republican. When Richard II announced that he was going to seize the duchy of Lancaster (which eventually lead to his deposition and death), he got no support from the baronage of England. They were asking themselves "when will he take my estate?" Republicans have got to be asking themselves "when is he going to throw me under the bus."
Tue 12 May, 2020 09:03 am
he's targeting a Republican
True. But I'll wager there isn't a Republican supporter here who still includes Scarborough as a "republican". As soon as a party member, no matter his history, goes against some key element of orthodoxy or some reigning GOPer, he/she gets tossed overboard with the RINO label.

Republicans have got to be asking themselves "when is he going to throw me under the bus."
For sure! But what really amazes me in this is how successful Trump has been at suppressing public expressions of discontent or disagreement and particularly contests to his dominance among those in office. Clearly, they still believe that tying themselves to Trump is their best bet electorally and/or their best bet to achieve ideological goals. But as Trump's popularity increasingly turns to crap, that's got to be causing consternation for them.
0 Replies
Tue 12 May, 2020 09:08 am
And he's going to keep getting worse.


His gamble with covid vs. the economy is desperate. Another president, even another Republican, might have risen to the occasion, united the country, donned a mask and rolled up his sleeves. "We'll beat this together, and I will work with both parties to protect our most vulnerable people and our hardest hit states, be they red or blue."

Trump's gotten bored with this "war" against an invisible foe and has gone back to fighting wars with his political opposition, dividing the country, ignoring science, inflaming his base. I mean, really, should the death count continue to rise, does he expect to keep it a secret? Does he think his allies in the right-wing media will choose not to cover a second or third wave of infection? Does he really think the damage to the economy can be hidden? Does he really think his administration's chaotic response to a global pandemic can be swept under the rug and that no one will look at other countries' more successful responses? Does he really think no one will notice the dominant racial identity and economic status of the victims?
Tue 12 May, 2020 09:09 am
Majorities of the American people appear to agree with Trump’s most prominent coronavirus task force member. Indeed, two new polls strongly suggest Trump has lost the argument over how to respond to the virus right now on just about every level.

A new Post-Ipsos poll finds that 56 percent of Americans disapprove of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus, while only 43 percent approve. By contrast, 71 percent approve of their governor’s handling of the disease.

Tellingly, this also applies to specific swing-state governors in Trump’s crosshairs. He has raged that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer must “LIBERATE” Michigan, and has fumed that people in Pennsylvania “want their freedom now.”

But in Michigan, approval of the governor’s handling of the virus is 72 percent, while Trump’s is 39 percent. In Pennsylvania, those numbers are 72 percent and 45 percent, respectively.
Another finding from the poll confirms even more clearly how badly Trump has lost the argument: It finds that an astonishing 57 percent of Americans say Trump is not doing enough to ensure that people can return to work safely. By contrast, only 42 percent say he’s doing enough.

By contrast, 69 percent say their governors are doing enough to ensure that people can return to work safely. And 56 percent say their state governors are handling the pace of lifting restrictions “about right,” while only 16 percent say they’re not lifting them quickly enough...
more here
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Tue 12 May, 2020 09:29 am
Does Trump really believe (X and Y and Z)? Good question, isn't it.

He's managed to get a long way in life and politics with bullshit and viciousness and his faith that he can befuddle everyone and can crush any challenges that come his way. But his present situation is presenting incontrovertible evidence that he's really way in over his head. And he just doesn't have the tools, psychologically or conceptually, to manage the present situation.

So god knows what behaviors he will manifest over the next months. And god knows what Barr and McConnell are going to get up to themselves.

PS... great piece up at the Atlantic on Russian influence (though you've likely seen it already)
0 Replies
Tue 12 May, 2020 09:44 am
Trump had reportedly conferred with Senate leaders of his party and trid to convince them of an "Obamagate". He got overwhelming nonsupport, in pursuing such a ploy

They know better, Obama has gotten more popular the longer he has been out of office. Instead, they go around him without mentioning Obama specifically.

President Donald Trump’s aggressive campaign to encourage sweeping investigations of his predecessor Barack Obama met a unanimous response from Senate Republicans: No thanks.

Trump’s Senate allies on Monday stopped short of echoing Trump’s claim that Obama acted illegally when the Justice Department began probing incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn in late 2016. And they indicated that the Senate would pass on investigating the former president as they conduct their own investigations that could soon ensnare other senior Obama administration officials.


I suppose all this is going on why people are getting sick and some more people are dying left and right. Let them have it if what they have found to date is anything to go by, it is a lot of nothing. I doubt even the voting republicans are going to get carried away by it. (the normal ones)

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