monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

bobsal u1553115
Sun 10 May, 2020 07:21 am
I've debunked her and the morons here will not listen to the truth.

Dr Judy is a discredited researcher writer of discredited and withdrawn papers who lies about her "accomplishments"and has been convicted and jailed over theft of software, data and property.
bobsal u1553115
Sun 10 May, 2020 07:24 am
@Walter Hinteler,
More a "shot of cynicism - leave the bottle!"
0 Replies
Sun 10 May, 2020 07:27 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Are you nuts?

I would have thought the answer were self-evident.
bobsal u1553115
Sun 10 May, 2020 07:31 am
Well, gun fever shrinks brains.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Sun 10 May, 2020 07:38 am

The President will stop at nothing to protect himself and himself only. By discounting those American seniors who have served and protected our nation countless times during moments of national crisis, the President is deeming them unworthy.
Sun 10 May, 2020 07:55 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

The President will stop at nothing to protect himself and himself only. By discounting those American seniors who have served and protected our nation countless times during moments of national crisis, the President is deeming them unworthy.

Masks do a couple things that are bad: 1) they catch your exhaled breath and recycle the humidity in the area around your mouth and nose, which basically stokes any pathogens that breed within wet membranes that are slightly cooler than body temperature because they interface with the air.

2) they promote a false sense of security because they don't really catch all the humidity coming out of your mouth/nose when you exhale. Think of second-hand smoke: if a smoker would exhale into a mask, the mask would catch some of the smoke, but the rest would escape into the surrounding environment and you would be able to smell smoke in the vicinity of the person smoking.

So social-distancing and reducing the frequency of intermingling is just slowing the spread of the virus and reducing the viral loads exchanged. Lower viral loads mean that you will get a lighter infection if/when you catch it, which means you will produce antibodies without getting as bad of symptoms.

Breathing into a mask and thus recirculating your own breath humidity to yourself when you have the virus would make you sicker and thus cause you to transmit denser viral loads to others.

I think the reason masks are being promoted is because they make people feel safer to go out more and spend more money to keep business revenues up.

I think it's better to not wear masks and instead just social-distance and reduce levels of going out and social interaction so that the virus will spread slower and give healthy people time to develop immunity and for more vulnerable people slower spread means more time to wait for a vaccine.

I could be wrong, but time will tell if people wearing masks end up with worse symptoms and/or whether the infection rates actually go down in places where everyone is wearing masks faithfully.
Sun 10 May, 2020 08:04 am
studies have been done that developed a predicted 98.5% percent level protection of OTHERS when one wears a mask and practices social distancing. I dont think anyone here (except maybe max in the first several episodes of discussing masks function) stated that a mask would protect the WEARER.
It has been shown (by several thousand repetitions of combined "breathing" of variable sized droplets (like we breathe out).
in essence its easy

"I wear a mask to protect you from me. You wear a mask to protect me from you"
Sun 10 May, 2020 08:06 am
You’re talking to the wrong person about the importance of selfless acts.

They’ll never get it.
Sun 10 May, 2020 08:09 am
This AM on PBS radio some member of the HSS senior staff was spaking about "The presidents desire to reopen the country"
"After al, this is mostly a disease of the old and infirm"

Then his conclusion implied that we should be rolling out the big bus to squash the old and infirm.
Sun 10 May, 2020 08:12 am
farmerman wrote:

studies have been done that developed a predicted 98.5% percent level protection of OTHERS when one wears a mask and practices social distancing. I dont think anyone here (except maybe max in the first several episodes of discussing masks function) stated that a mask would protect the WEARER.

Right, and at first I thought masks were good for this reason; but that was before I considered the possibility that you could be stoking your own infection by wearing one.

If you develop a denser viral load by wearing a mask, then the breath particles that you do spread, despite the mask, are going to contain more pathogens. Think in terms of second-hand smoke: if you are taking a heavier drag from a cigarette and exhaling it into a mask, there smoke that escapes the mask is going to be thicker than if you would just take a light drag and exhale without a mask.

So if you're stoking your infection by wearing a mask, you could actually be spreading denser viral loads than if you are not wearing a mask and just breathing lightly and social distancing.

It has been shown (by several thousand repetitions of combined "breathing" of variable sized droplets (like we breathe out).
in essence its easy

What research are you citing here?

"I wear a mask to protect you from me. You wear a mask to protect me from you"

That sounds great at a philosophical level, but it is like the old airplane oxygen mask paradox that if you put the mask on the child before you put it on yourself, you pass out and die even if you manage to get it on your child before doing so.

If people are stoking their own infections by wearing masks, they could intensify their infection and ultimately infect others with heavier viral loads.
Sun 10 May, 2020 08:15 am
farmerman wrote:

This AM on PBS radio some member of the HSS senior staff was spaking about "The presidents desire to reopen the country"
"After al, this is mostly a disease of the old and infirm"

Then his conclusion implied that we should be rolling out the big bus to squash the old and infirm.

Or it implies that we should take personal responsibility to protect the old and infirm instead of panicking about our own vulnerability.

The question is whether to manage yourself as a victim or a vector. Most people are vectors more than they are victims, so they should care about others who are more vulnerable than themselves.

Think of yourself as a bee. If you go out buzzing around to get and give lots of pollen (money) from and to lots of different flowers, you are spreading the virus more than if you reduce your interaction.

If you social-distance and breath lightly and pass by others instead of spending a lot of time sharing breath with them (including yourself by not breathing into a mask and then rebreathing your own exhaust), then the viral loads will be lighter all around, except for people who are very prone to infection due to weak immunity and other health problems, and those people should take special care and hope for a vaccine.
Sun 10 May, 2020 08:16 am
Then his conclusion implied that we should be rolling out the big bus to squash the old and infirm.

And Trump is now losing the elderly. As noted earlier, this is a first since the Reagan period and means almost certainly that he will lose the election.
Sun 10 May, 2020 08:21 am
blatham wrote:

Then his conclusion implied that we should be rolling out the big bus to squash the old and infirm.

And Trump is now losing the elderly. As noted earlier, this is a first since the Reagan period and means almost certainly that he will lose the election.

Democrats are going to spin everything to turn every demographic possible against Trump.

If they actually succeed and win the White House, it will be a big surprise what they do with the power, because they spend all their time talking about Trump instead of talking about their plans.

Probably they don't want to talk about their plans, because they involve eliminating tariffs and other logistical barriers to the global economy managing the US according to global interests.
0 Replies
Sun 10 May, 2020 08:22 am
but that was before I considered the possibility that you could be stoking your own infection by wearing one.
seems to me that, once youve had confirmatests that show youve already got it, wearing a mask isnt your big problem is it??

You may be outfitted with a mask in the presence of your caregivers , but youll generally b isolated fully. Am I right?

MASKS are a part of social isolation to PREVENT spreading it around.
Did you make that up? Have you a link to it source?

What research are you citing here?
.We were talking about it in the pprevious thread.I think it was some German study AND the NIH.

That sounds great at a philosophical level, but it is like the old airplane oxygen mask paradox that if you put the mask on the child before you put it on yourself, you pass out and die even if you manage to get it on your child before doing so.

I havent flown in about 6 months but we sttill got instruction that, in the event of having to useO2 and you are travelling with a child. PUT THE MASK ON YOURSELF BEFORE MASKING UP THE KID.
Theyve always been pretty precise about that.
Sun 10 May, 2020 08:26 am
For the first time since the beginning of March, I went out of the house on my own and went to Walmart. There were things I needed that really I could only pick out because my family members don't get it exactly right. I put on a mask and gloves, tried to stay 6ft apart in the store and didn't dilly dally about. I admit, I had a hard time breathing through the mask and had to lift it off my nose every so often to get in some air. Later I had a lot of pressure on my chest. Doubt I do that much more often. I did notice there were more mask wearers than those without a mask.
0 Replies
Sun 10 May, 2020 08:28 am
farmerman wrote:

MASKS are a part of social isolation to PREVENT spreading it around.
Did you make that up? Have you a link to it source?

Have you worn one? Do you notice that you're breathing your own humid breath back in and thus recirculating any pathogens that you are exhaling?

I am using the term, 'stoking,' because it is like bringing the hot ions, CO, etc. of a fire back into the fire to intensify the fire. If you stoke your infection, aren't you going to be exhaling denser viral loads?

What research are you citing here?
.We were talking about it in the pprevious thread.I think it was some German study AND the NIH.

I ask because I need to know the exact details of the experimental/observational conditions to evaluate the general conclusions being extrapolated.

That sounds great at a philosophical level, but it is like the old airplane oxygen mask paradox that if you put the mask on the child before you put it on yourself, you pass out and die even if you manage to get it on your child before doing so.

I havent flown in about 6 months but we sttill got instruction that, in the event of having to useO2 and you are travelling with a child. PUT THE MASK ON YOURSELF BEFORE MASKING UP THE KID.
Theyve always been pretty precise about that.

Right, that's my point. If you think you should prioritize others by harming yourself, you are forgetting that self-harm also harms others.

In the case of masks, if you are stoking the infection within your own body to protect others, you're going to transmit heavier viral loads to others because you stoked them inside you own body by wearing a mask.
Sun 10 May, 2020 08:38 am
Dropping of Flynn Case Heightens Fears of Justice Dept. Politicization

Many current and former federal prosecutors across the country said they were shocked by the Flynn decision. But current and former department lawyers and F.B.I. officials also sent department leaders “significantly positive feedback” and “applauded the recommendation” to drop the Flynn case, said Kerri Kupec, a department spokeswoman.

The critics of Mr. Barr’s decision noted that no one who had worked on the case signed the legal paperwork effectively ending the Flynn prosecution except for Timothy J. Shea, the interim U.S. attorney in Washington. There were signs of haste. Mr. Shea mistakenly used the District of Columbia bar identification number of his predecessor.

Mr. Barr had asked an outside prosecutor from St. Louis to vet the Flynn case. The Washington office’s newly installed top deputy pushed the Flynn team to disclose more documents to the defense, which frustrated lawyers in the office and the F.B.I., according to three people familiar with their thinking.

The department justified its motion to drop the Flynn case by telling a court that his admitted lying to the F.B.I. about his conversations with the Russian ambassador was no crime because the false statements were not “material” to any legitimate counterintelligence investigation used as a basis to question him.

“People sometimes plead to things that turn out not to be crimes,” Mr. Barr said in an interview on Thursday with CBS News.

The F.B.I. had initially decided to close an investigation into Mr. Flynn, having found no evidence that he was conspiring with the Russians. But because the investigation was still open as a paperwork matter, they used it as a basis to question him.

“For the attorney general to now suggest this interview was unusual or that the F.B.I. deviated from the usual protocol is wrong,” said Gregory A. Brower, a former F.B.I. official and Republican U.S. attorney in Nevada. “F.B.I. agents try to interview people in a way that gets them to talk in an unguarded way and, hopefully, to tell the truth.”

The Justice Department memo to the court ending the prosecution will be a gift to defense lawyers in future prosecutions of false statements, two current federal prosecutors who work in different parts of the country said in interviews.

They said they worried that defense lawyers would stymie prosecutions by challenging the origins of investigations — a particular worry in counterintelligence matters where there may be no criminal allegation — and citing the memo as a precedent to argue that the Justice Department had embraced a very narrow understanding of what counted as “material.”

Several other legal specialists said Mr. Barr’s intervention could still leave Mr. Flynn with legal exposure.

That is because Mr. Flynn was not just facing jeopardy for making false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador. He was also accused of lying to the Justice Department about his paid work on behalf of the Turkish government when he submitted belated disclosures under the Foreign Agents Registration Act in March 2017.

Under the plea deal with the office of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, the Justice Department had agreed never to prosecute Mr. Flynn in connection with the Turkey-related project. Now, he could be exposed to charges about Turkey after all, legal specialists said.

In an interview with CBS News on Thursday, Mr. Barr was asked whether other charges could be brought against Mr. Flynn “for other actions he took during the presidential campaign or during the transition.” He replied only, “Well, no charges like that have been brought, and I’m not going to speculate about what charges there may be.”

We have got get these people out of government.
Sun 10 May, 2020 08:41 am
In other words only the leftists are telling the truth about anything…GTFOH
Sun 10 May, 2020 08:45 am
@bobsal u1553115,
You didn't discredit anything, all you did was provide information other people already dug up and put out there. Don't try and claim some moral victory because you can copy and paste, that's pretty pathetic.
Sun 10 May, 2020 08:50 am
@bobsal u1553115,
You guys don't care about Veterans, take your virtual signaling and go away. Once again you leftists are using old people to get your way. If you really cared about old people you would listen to their votes I'm all subjects and not just retirement and social security. But remember you belong to the party that has been using "OK Boomer" as an excuse to ignore the elderly and what they want. We are on to your game of bullshit.

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