Quote:revisit that video I posted
OK. Since you can't read: She keeps mentioning "Scientific evidence" but never refers specifically to what science, or the studies, or the scientists, or the university or research organization that produced that "science".
Show me her science.
I say science indicates you're a mouth breathing troglodyte with a second grade education from a "special" school.
Prove the science wrong.
Now Dr fauci is a world reknown scientist who worked for Reagan, Bush1, Clinton, Bush2, Obama, and Trump. If his science is good enough for them, its good enough for me. He actually is a scientist who did/does science, we know what he said, who he worked for, who he worked with and he has accolades from around the word for his scientific efforts.
That Brunet from OAN doesn't even understand the science of her permanent and dye job.
Quinine will kill you and I don't care what Dr Judy, the discredited ex-con says, the science proves quarantine blunts second wave infections, a lesson you will learn the hard way is true in the next several weeks because we didn't quarantine tightly enough nor long enough. I will have total sympathy for you grandkids(they aren't asking for Trumpvirus) and not a drop for you. I will do everything I possibly can for them.
For once I am dead serious - I will do everything I can do for them, cursing you under my breath for bringing the nation to this.
When your buddies start dying off, I'll be able to get good deals on their weapons. I'll pack them next to their yard saled piles of TP in wait for Y3K.