monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 13 Apr, 2020 12:09 pm
Twitter has suspended Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic account, which promoted the popular podcast with audio and video clips from the show. The social media service did not provide an explanation for the suspension.

Someone is scared of different opinions. The worst kind of bigotry is bigotry of other ideas and opinions. It does nothing but give the people they do not censor even less credibility.
Mon 13 Apr, 2020 12:13 pm
And Josh points to the factor I mentioned re Trump needing to be seen as the Big Boss of Everything and Everyone
Josh Marshall
At the risk of stating the obvious, this is Trump's new way of making this into another Reality TV, my big decision ego-trip. The President has zero authority to re-open the economy. "Re-opening" isn't even the way to look at it. But the operative decisions are in govs hands.
Mon 13 Apr, 2020 12:17 pm
Josh Marshall

The founder of TPM has nothing to add but more hate and bias. Just like the person who posts this kind of crap.
0 Replies
Mon 13 Apr, 2020 12:33 pm
Americans Need To Start Pushing Back Against Draconian Lockdowns

Lot of people out there who are unafraid and willing to handle Covid on their own by getting back to work.
Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and anyone else advocating for a federally mandated lockdown either doesn’t understand the Constitution’s structure or doesn’t respect it.

This should not happen in America.
In Greenville, Mississippi, police issued churchgoers $500 tickets for sitting in their cars at an outdoor service. The churchgoers are suing. In Kentucky, the governor announced law enforcement will record the license plates of anyone showing up to a mass gathering and then transmit that information to health officials, who will order a 14-day quarantine of those persons.

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Mon 13 Apr, 2020 12:36 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
I think concerns regarding deaths that come about due to a long-running depression aren't empty concerns - particularly in the US where the social safety net is so porous and merciless. But America's unique situation in that respect is almost entirely a consequence of conservative ideology - 'the powerful and wealthy deserve their position and everyone else is just a loser who equally deserve their position'. Their rabid need to kill the ACA is clear evidence of that.

What these people like Navarro seem to be really concerned about is major social and economic shifts that will threaten the grip on wealth/power of those now at the top. They're fine with pitchforks coming out if it's some citizens going after other citizens (eg white supremacists versus people of color) but they sure don't want citizens coalescing and targeting the 1% or the .01%
Mon 13 Apr, 2020 12:42 pm
They're fine with pitchforks coming out if it's some citizens going after other citizens (eg white supremacists versus people of color)

Let's get race in the mix. Race has nothing to do with the virus, the reaction to the virus, or the final decisions that will be made. For Christ's sake, stop your hateful divisive bullshit.
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Mon 13 Apr, 2020 12:49 pm
We can all relax now. These are the brain trust folks named to head up the Council To Re-Open America.
Mark Meadows
Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner
Steven Mnuchin
Larry Kudlow
Robert Lighthizer
Wilbur Ross
and likely to be named soon
Diamond and Silk
Mon 13 Apr, 2020 12:54 pm
Mark Meadows
Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner
Steven Mnuchin
Larry Kudlow
Robert Lighthizer
Wilbur Ross
and likely to be named soon
Diamond and Silk

When you put them up against people like Dr Gruber who called Americans stupid and Susan Rice who lied to everyone about a video and James Comey who ruined the reputation of the FBI, likely forever, I think Trump is way ahead of the game. Next.
0 Replies
Mon 13 Apr, 2020 12:59 pm
From the Annals of Conservatives Showing Respect for the First Amendment
Trump Campaign Sues Small Wisconsin TV Station Over Critical Super PAC Ad

The owner of a northern Wisconsin television station is stumped as to why the President’s reelection campaign is suing over a critical super PAC ad it ran.

“Why they selected my little station in Northern Wisconsin, I have no idea,” Rockfleet Broadcasting President R. Joseph Fuchs told TPM on the phone Monday. Rockfleet owns three stations including WJFW-TV, the NBC affiliate in Rhinelander, Wisconsin targeted by the campaign.

Trump’s slim victory in Wisconsin in 2016 was key for his ultimate edge in the Electoral College against Hillary Clinton.

Now, his campaign is suing the TV station there over an ad that’s gone viral in recent weeks, from the Democratic-aligned super PAC Priorities USA. Last month, the campaign said it’d sent “cease-and-desist” letters to stations in several key swing states over the ad.

Dave Heller, deputy director of the Media Law Resource Center, told TPM it seemed likely that the Trump campaign was sending a “shot across the bow to other local television stations” by suing WJFW rather than the super PAC that paid to air the ad.

“It’s really a very risky area to go into, to be asking courts to subject every statement back-and-forth between candidates to the standards of a defamation suit,” Heller said.

The ad, “Exponential Threat,” shows clips of Trump downplaying the threat posed by the novel coronavirus, contrasted with a graphic showing the increase in Americans infected with the virus...
Mon 13 Apr, 2020 01:04 pm
The ad, “Exponential Threat,” shows clips of Trump downplaying the threat posed by the novel coronavirus, contrasted with a graphic showing the increase in Americans infected with the virus...

Of course the ad does not mention the MSM, an arm of the Democratic party, downplaying the virus at the same time. They repeatably claimed the flu was much more dangerous. Those are the facts and they will come out through campaign ads and the real truth long before November.

In the meantime, Biden will be campaigning barefoot in case he has to count to twenty.
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Walter Hinteler
Mon 13 Apr, 2020 01:28 pm
Six U.S. states to coordinate gradual reopening after coronavirus shutdow
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Six states in the U.S. Northeast took the first tentative step on Monday toward reopening their economies by forming a regional panel to develop a strategy for the gradual lifting of restrictions aimed at stanching the coronavirus pandemic.

The announcement of the panel, to include economic and health officials from each state as well as the chief of staff of all six governors, came after President Donald Trump insisted that any decision on restarting the economy was his to make.

The states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, with a total population of 32 million, will join with neighboring Delaware, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island in coordinating their efforts to reopen the economy as more signs the outbreak has stabilized emerged over the weekend.
bobsal u1553115
Mon 13 Apr, 2020 01:34 pm

Someone is scared of different opinions. The worst kind of bigotry is bigotry of other ideas and opinions. It does nothing but give the people they do not censor even less credibility.

Especially if those differing ideas get people ******* killed. Trump and his puppet Mobly got people killed on the Roosevelt. Your laughable attitude that this is all the flu and press foofra, while people are dying by the hundreds in New York EVERY SINGLE DAY is kinda pushing buttons for me. This is why I will not respond to you, particularly when you "cite" : https://pandemic.warroom.org/2020/04/13/twitter-suspends-war-room-pandemic-account-without-reason/

That was not censorship. That was the result of continuing to violate terms of service. Don't tell me: you don't read/ignore the ToS you signed?

I digress. I refuse to respond to any more of your posts that are purely an argumentative "is not". Without the whiny adolescent crap link or with.

I challenge to you pull your belt up over your belly and do the same with me. I'm done with your trolling.
0 Replies
Mon 13 Apr, 2020 01:37 pm
White House denies plan to fire health adviser after Trump retweets #FireFauci

"He won't fire Fauci today," tweeted Joe Lockhart, press secretary to former President Bill Clinton, a Democrat. "That's not his style. He needs to humiliate him a while first."

If the past is any indication, I'll take the WH denial of Fauci firing with a big heap of salt.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Mon 13 Apr, 2020 01:46 pm
@Walter Hinteler,

The governors of California, Oregon and Washington will work together on a joint approach to reopen their economies. The move came after a similar announcement by the governors of six East Coast states, including New York and Pennsylvania.
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Mon 13 Apr, 2020 02:46 pm
“Trump was the moral test, and the Republican Party failed,” Stevens said. “It’s an utter disaster for the long-term fate of the Party. The Party has become an obsession with power without purpose.”

...John David Dyche, a lawyer in Louisville and until recently a conservative columnist, enjoyed unmatched access to McConnell and his papers, and published an admiring biography of him in 2009. In March, though, Dyche posted a Twitter thread that caused a lot of talk in the state’s political circles. He wrote that McConnell “of course realizes that Trump is a hideous human being & utterly unfit to be president,” and that, in standing by Trump anyway, he has shown that he has “no ideology except his own political power.” Dyche declined to comment for this article, but, after the coronavirus shut down most of America, he announced that he was contributing to McConnell’s opponent, Amy McGrath, and tweeted, “Those who stick with the hideous, incompetent demagogue endanger the country & will be remembered in history as shameful cowards.”
Definitely, definitely read Jane Mayer's piece on Mitch McConnell HERE
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Mon 13 Apr, 2020 03:56 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
That's why people trust governors more than trump to deal with the pandemic.
0 Replies
Mon 13 Apr, 2020 06:50 pm
Two steaming-hot truth-filled things to read
Sean Hannity blames Dr. Tony Fauci for Donald Trump’s coronavirus failures

Rush Limbaugh on coronavirus shutdowns: “This a political hit job taking place right before our very eyes”

Both here at Media Matters
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 13 Apr, 2020 07:20 pm

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