monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 9 Apr, 2020 11:28 pm
CDC study finds 90% of COV-19 patients have pre-existing conditions & are older

That is what I said from the start of this manufactured nightmare.
Age also played a role in the hospitalization rates of COVID-19 patients—the study found that 74.5% of those hospitalized due to coronavirus were age 50 or older, with the highest rates among those over 65.

Thu 9 Apr, 2020 11:29 pm
Absolutely generic, could have been anywhere in the world

But it most certainly wasn't NYC, was it?

Not at all surprising some overworked harassed techy pulled the wrong clip

It's indicative of the slothful and lacksadaisical approach that the MSM has adopted in feeding BS to the people of America.

The fact that you're here attempting to justify that sloth, and unprofessional attitude, says a lot about you, personally.

you're doing what you guys usually do, trying to inflate it into some

Pot, kettle, black much?

We post from verifiable sources, and get told that statistics supplied by a government source, aren't reliable.

0 Replies
Thu 9 Apr, 2020 11:31 pm
You wanted a game show host as president.

Given the alternative (and the fact that Clinton wanted him as an opponent) the people made the only rational choice open to them.
Thu 9 Apr, 2020 11:31 pm
You wanted a game show host as president. Now you’re on survivor

Hardly. We are on the downside and will be back to work shortly. The fear is gone. I know you wish to keep it alive. Boris lives too.
0 Replies
Thu 9 Apr, 2020 11:37 pm
In your opinion. I guess that makes it pointless compiling any statistics, right? 

Not at all. It's still useful for the country itself. And then clueless armchair epidemiologists such as yourself can use them to spread bullshit on the Interwebs...
Walter Hinteler
Thu 9 Apr, 2020 11:42 pm
Hundreds of people are dying in care homes in England and Wales (NB: not the UK) from confirmed or suspected coronavirus without yet being officially counted.
Care England, the industry body, estimated that the death toll is likely to be 1,000 or even more, despite the only available official figure for care home fatalities being dramatically lower. The Office for National Statistics said this week that 20 people died in care homes across the whole of England and Wales in the week to 27 March.
Thu 9 Apr, 2020 11:54 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Same in France. The only retirement homes that have kept safe are those few where the staff decided to isolate itself inside the place. That means not seeing your family for two or months, and sleeping where you work.
Thu 9 Apr, 2020 11:57 pm
Good one.
0 Replies
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 12:17 am
@Walter Hinteler,
The Office for National Statistics said this week that 20 people died in care homes across the whole of England and Wales in the week to 27 March.

Considering the number in care across the UK, that figure seems surprisingly low, even without this COVID issue.

Here's the stats I found.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 12:37 am
Care homes across globe in spotlight over Covid-19 death rates
Care homes for older people across much of Europe and North America are struggling to cope with the global coronavirus pandemic, prompting allegations of inhumane treatment and calls for high-level inquiries.
In France almost a third of all coronavirus deaths have been of residents in care homes. According to the latest figures released on Tuesday a total of 3,237 people have died in care homes. In Paris alone there were 172 deaths and over 2,300 homes have reported at least one case of Covid-19.

At one of the worst affected care homes in Mougins, near Cannes in the Alpes-Martimes, 31 people – one third of its total number of residents – have died since 20 March. A spokesperson for the home also revealed that 14 of the 50 staff had tested positive for Covid-19. The family of one resident who died is taking legal action against persons unknown for “endangering a person’s life”.
In Germany there have been reports of deaths in homes totalling hundreds across the country. In the worst case so far, 29 out of 160 residents at a care home in the northern city of Wolfsburg died after 74 residents became infected. Prosecutors are now investigating the home on charges of death through negligence.
... ... ...
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 12:48 am
@Walter Hinteler,
How are you doing, Walt? You're isolating?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 01:13 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Barr Defends Trump’s Dismissal of Intelligence Watchdog
The president’s political enemies could face prosecution, Attorney General William P. Barr said in an interview on Fox News

WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr said on Thursday that President Trump was right to fire the inspector general who disclosed the whistle-blower complaint about Mr. Trump’s dealings with Ukraine and that the president’s political enemies could face criminal prosecution.

In coming to the president’s defense, Mr. Barr also praised Mr. Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, which has touched nearly every aspect of the economy and is projected to kill as many as 100,000 Americans.

Mr. Barr’s statements, made in an interview with the Fox News host Laura Ingraham, show that he remains one of Mr. Trump’s staunchest allies despite a feud that erupted between the two men this year over the president’s attacks on the Justice Department.
Mr. Barr said that dismissing Mr. Atkinson was the “right thing” to do, in part because he had overstepped his “fairly narrow statute” and tried to turn the whistle-blower complaint “into a commission to explore anything in the government.”

For weeks, Mr. Trump has been intent on rooting out administration officials he views as disloyal. And the firing, coming as Americans are focused on the outbreak that has shut down most of the country, raised fears that the White House was making a power play to oust watchdogs, whose very responsibilities are to identify waste, fraud and abuse across the government.
Meantime, on Thursday in his interview with Ms. Ingraham, Mr. Barr argued that Mr. Atkinson wrongfully notified Congress of the whistle-blower complaint “without letting the executive branch look at it and determine whether there was any problem.” The complaint suggested Mr. Trump may have violated campaign finance laws in a July phone call with the president of Ukraine, but a Justice Department review conducted before the complaint was revealed to the public found that Mr. Trump had not violated any such laws.

Mr. Barr also pushed back on the idea that Mr. Trump was trying to quash oversight. “He wants responsible watchdogs,” he said.
By law, the president can only remove the intelligence community inspector general a month after notifying the intelligence communities of his rationale for the decision.

In the interview, Mr. Barr also said that some of the people who were involved in the decision to investigate the Trump campaign in 2016 could face federal criminal prosecution.

John H. Durham, the veteran federal prosecutor assigned to look into the origins of the campaign investigation, “is looking to bring to justice people who were engaged in abuses if he can show there were criminal violations,” Mr. Barr said.

“My own view is that the evidence shows that we are not dealing with just mistakes or sloppiness,” Mr. Barr said. “There is something far more troubling here. And we’re going to get to the bottom of it. And if people broke the law and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted.”

Mr. Barr’s opinion on the Durham investigation does not fully comport with a report issued in December by Michael E. Horowitz, the inspector general for the Justice Department. Mr. Horowitz found that applications that the F.B.I. put together to wiretap a Trump campaign associate were riddled with errors, unsupported statements and omissions. He also found that the F.B.I. did not fully disclose information to the Justice Department. But Mr. Horowitz ultimately concluded that the F.B.I. was not wrong to open the investigation.

Mr. Barr did not say when he expected Mr. Durham to wrap up his investigation, or who he was targeting.
0 Replies
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 03:25 am
Pastor Landon Spradlin wasn't worried about coronavirus when he went to New Orleans to preach during Mardi Gras. A month later he was dead.

On the 13th of March Pastor Spradlin shared on Facebook a misleading post comparing swine flu and coronavirus deaths.

It suggested that Barack Obama and Donald Trump respectively had been treated very differently by the media and that it was a politically motivated ploy to harm President Trump.

Earlier the very same day, the president himself had insinuated something very similar at a news conference.

Pastor Spradlin's son, Landon Isaac, 32, told me that he and his father had talked and agreed about what they felt was an irrational frenzy and fear mongering about the virus, perhaps because it was an election year.

"I want to say outright though, dad didn't think it was a hoax, he knew it was a real virus," says Landon Isaac.

"But he did put up that post because he was frustrated that the media was propagating fear as the main mode of communication," he told me.

By mid-March though, Pastor Spradlin's health suddenly took a turn for the worse. He and his wife decided to make the long drive back from New Orleans to their home in Virginia.

"I spoke to him five minutes before he collapsed in North Carolina," says Landon Isaac.

"I could tell his breathing was getting bad. And I just said that you've got to get home. But he didn't make it."

Pastor Spradlin was taken to hospital in North Carolina where they discovered he had developed pneumonia in both lungs and he now also tested positive for the coronavirus.

After eight days in intensive care, Pastor Spradlin died.


At least he won't be able to kill any more people with lies and disinformation. There may not be any justice in the Supreme Court but there's still poetic justice.
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 03:32 am
karma's a bitch.
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 03:37 am
the people chose Hillary as the rational choice. the electoral college made the irrational choice.
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 03:39 am
It is, he won't be the first.

How many more new infections will occur at church services on Easter Sunday?

I'm guessing a huge amount.
0 Replies
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 03:41 am
Yeah, really nice of you to write off elders' deaths as no big deal.
Walter Hinteler
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 07:11 am
New Trump attack ad appears to suggest Washington state’s former Asian American governor is a Chinese official
A new attack ad by President Trump’s campaign that portrays former vice president Joe Biden as too cozy with China to confront the country over the coronavirus pandemic includes an image of Gary Locke, a former governor of Washington state, that appears to falsely suggest he is a Chinese official.

Locke, who is Chinese American and was serving as U.S. ambassador to China at the time, is briefly depicted onstage at a 2013 event in Beijing with Biden, now the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. The clip is interspersed with others of Biden toasting the country’s leader, Xi Jinping, and criticizing Trump as xenophobic for imposing a travel ban on China following the coronavirus outbreak in that country.

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Fri 10 Apr, 2020 07:44 am
MontereyJack wrote:

the people chose Hillary as the rational choice. the electoral college made the irrational choice.

It's time to get over it. The President is elected the way he or her is and that's not going to change.
bobsal u1553115
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 07:48 am
So is willful ignorance. A deadly bitch.
0 Replies

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