Had he been elected in 2016, we'd be well on our way to face this crisis--and the crisis of uninsured people unable to get medical care.
Bernie is the only candidate who champions undiluted M4A and the only one who is trusted to actually carry it out.
I don't know what Joe Biden's been doing for over a week, but I know what Bernie's doing.
His policies for anti-racism, anti-corruption, pro-education, pro-M4A, addressing gentrification, taking care of our planet which requires Green jobs, taking care of our crumbling infrastructure, free tuition, blowing a hole in the prison for profit system and plenty of more work together synergistically to create a country that can deal with this issue and issues like it.
I'll take one plan he has and follow it to the improvement that we should all ******* see.
He has a plan to eradicate the racist structures that keep black Americans out of the medical profession.
He starts with Head Start to make sure that all children get quality, safe care when they're young.
He wants this staff that these small kids see to reflect the demographics of the population, which requires free tuition and fair hiring practices to show value to the spectrum of American demographics.
Black and brown families have the most trouble affording college for their children, but the free tuition levels the playing ground for every one. This will populate the teaching profession fairly which, in turn, again -- believe it or not -- increases the odds that black and brown children are more successful in school, giving them the credentials and confidence to to take on jobsin the medical profession.
Demographics of doctors:
Imagine the students who had to give up the medical field because of poverty.
74% of nurses in the US are white.
We could have all the medical professionals we need if Bernie Sanders' policies were enacted. He constantly consults professionals in the fields of interest as he forms policy.
He's not beholden to pharmaceutical companies, the insurance industry or any other crooks in this country. His sole motivation is improving life for the regular people in this country.
He's the only one who can be trusted with the lives of regular people in this country.
$15. an hour would be a pipe dream without Bernie. M4A wouldn't have been on the front burner during the primary if it hadn't been for Bernie Sanders.
Feigning ignorance isn't a rebuttal.
We don't have beds because people would rather die than go into bankruptcy in shame because they got sick or had an accident. This time is going to end .