monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 20 Mar, 2020 03:16 pm
Wilson was a murderous racist pig. His "legacy" was trashed long ago for anyone who pays attention.
Fri 20 Mar, 2020 04:18 pm
Ah, life is good sometimes...

Trump Forced To Shut Down Mar-a-Lago, Due to Covid-19

And at the time of year when the guests and money start flowing in...
Fri 20 Mar, 2020 04:37 pm
Now, if he'll shut down himself and his family...
Fri 20 Mar, 2020 04:49 pm
Now, if he'll shut down himself and his family...

Your future depends on him. Try and be more positive.
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Brand X
Fri 20 Mar, 2020 05:13 pm
They were going to use it for a medical ward, but alas, Motel 6 is less sleazy.
Fri 20 Mar, 2020 05:19 pm
@Brand X,
They were going to use it for a medical ward, but alas, Motel 6 is less sleazy.

How many times did you stay at Mar-a- lago? How many times at Motel 6? Did they leave the lights on for you?
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Fri 20 Mar, 2020 06:35 pm
Back in 2015 a huge bunch of students went to the streets to try to get the Woody Wilson campus statue removed and theWW school renamed.

Love em,. They spent time reading history
Fri 20 Mar, 2020 07:42 pm
Your sources are extreme right wing garbage opinion pretending to be fact.
0 Replies
Fri 20 Mar, 2020 07:55 pm
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. was Civil Service Commissioner from 1889 to 1895. He and his life-long political ally, Henry Cabot Lodge, were radical Republicans (yes, there was once such a beast). As the party of Lincoln, both Roosevelt and Lodge considered it their duty to advance the interests of African-Americans. Although Roosevelt was largely concerned to end the political patronage aspect of civil service, he also desegregated the civil service. In 1913, shortly after he was inaugurated, Wilson received a delegation of women who worked in civil service, and complained that they were forced to work in the same offices as black women. Wilson immediately segregated the civil service once more, and returned a large measure of political patronage to civil service appointments, which meant white women were more likely to be appointed.

In 1915, Leo Frank, a Jewish factory superintendent in Atlanta was accused of the murder of an adolescent "white" girl (as though Jews are not white), convicted (modern criminologists consider the evidence to have been poor at best) and sentenced to be hanged. The sentence was commuted, but a mob broke into the jail where Frank was held, and he was lynched. Jewish community leaders appealed to Wilson for an investigation--he ignored them. As a result of the Frank incident and inspired by Griffith's The Birth of a Nation , a defrocked preacher, William Simmons, re-founded the Ku Klux Klan in a ceremony near Atlanta. Griffith's motion picture was based on the novel The Clansman by a man named Dixon. The costumes of Klan members were based on Griffith's turgid melodrama. Black community leaders and preachers appealed to Wilson, who ignored them just as he had ignored Jewish community leaders.

In 1915 the film The Birth of a Nation was released, mythologizing and glorifying the first Klan and its endeavors. The second Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1915 by William Joseph Simmons at Stone Mountain, near Atlanta, with fifteen "charter members". Its growth was based on a new anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic, Prohibitionist and anti-Semitic agenda, which reflected contemporary social tensions, particularly recent immigration. The new organization and chapters adopted regalia featured in The Birth of a Nation; membership was kept secret by wearing masks in public.

Source at Wikipedia

Things just got worse. When the United States entered the Great War, Wilson created the Committee for Pubic Information by executive order. The brainchild of Wilson's campaign manager, George Creel, the committee was basically Creel, with the Secretaries of State, War, the Army and the Navy were ex officio members, and it became the first political propaganda organ of the United States government. There was no internet, of course, but there was also no radio or television. Reporters who wanted information about government policies and programs had to play ball with Creel, or wait for other newspapers to publish. Creel used his power ruthlessly. When war was declared, the Army and the Navy used the newly created "IQ" tests, the Stanford-Binet tests (1913), to classify those enlisted and conscripted. Blacks were deemed substandard, unfit to serve as commissioned officers, and even unfit for combat. Traditional Army regiments, all-black regiments such as the 24th and 25th Infantry Regiments, were included in the new dispensation. Condemned to act as stevedores, the members, most of them life-long professionals of the Regular Army, offered to serve the French, who were glad to get them. Of course, with the CPI, this sort of thing was only reported in the African-American press. Many black American soldiers served with great distinction, such as the Harlem Hellfighters, the 369th Infantry Regiment, and many were honored with the highest decorations of the French Army.

After the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, Wilson returned to the United States as a hero in Europe, but facing business as usual in the Congress. Theodore Roosevelt was dead by then, but Henry Cabot Lodge was still alive, and headed the Republican Senate delegation. In an ordinary political passage, he went to Wilson to talk turkey. But Wilson would not bargain with him, and began a cross-country tour to promote his 14 Points, and to force the Senate to ratify the treaties signed in Paris. It takes two-thirds of the Senate to ratify a treaty, and this was political black-mail, as though Wilson could threaten the electoral success of Republican Senators. It was a miserable failure. The United States did not ratify any of the treaties, and significantly, did not join the League of Nations.

Meanwhile, black soldiers were returning to the United States, and what became known as "the red summer of 1919," red referring to the blood shed in race riots, beatings, lynchings and burnings. Called upon to intervene, Wilson ignored community leaders, and remained fixated on his doomed attempt to secure ratification of the treaties he had signed in Paris.

The Red Summer of 1919

Many highly-decorated Africasn-American veterans of the Great War were beaten, or murdered in the Red Summer of 1919. Wilson did nothing, he didn't even comment on these events.
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Sat 21 Mar, 2020 03:36 am
RABEL222 wrote:
Pulling more shyt out of your ass?

You cannot provide any examples of anything untrue in his posts.

You cannot provide any examples of anything true in your posts.

RABEL222 wrote:
No one believes a word you post, not even the other conservatives on this site.

I believe coldjoint.

RABEL222 wrote:
They only back you because they lack the ability to recognize truth.

Actually I am very good at recognizing truth. That's why you also cannot provide any examples of anything untrue in my posts.
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Sat 21 Mar, 2020 05:05 am
North Korea has fired two projectiles into the sea, according to South Korea's military.

It said the projectiles appeared to be short-range ballistic missiles.

They were launched early on Saturday from Pyongan province towards the East Sea, also known as the Sea of Japan.

North Korea launched multiple missiles as part of firing drills earlier this month. The US and China have called on Pyongyang to return to talks on ending its nuclear and missile programmes.

On Saturday, South Korea's Joint Chief of Staff said it was monitoring the situation in case there are additional launches.

It described the actions as "extremely inappropriate" at a time when the world was dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.

The projectiles flew for 410km (255 miles) with a maximum altitude of around 50km, the South Korean military said.

Japan's coast guard confirmed a missile had landed outside the waters of its exclusive economic zone.

It comes as North Korea announced it would be holding a session of the Supreme People's Assembly, the country's parliament, on 10 April. Analysts say the meeting will involve almost 700 of the country's leaders in one spot.

Rachel Minyoung Lee, from North Korea monitoring website NK News said on Twitter that the meeting would "be the ultimate show of (North Korea's) confidence in managing the coronavirus situation".

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-51984344<br />
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Sat 21 Mar, 2020 05:27 am
Russia, Russia, Russia:

Russia deploying coronavirus disinformation to sow panic in West, EU document says

The EU document said the Russian campaign, pushing fake news online in English, Spanish, Italian, German and French, uses contradictory, confusing and malicious reports.

A specialist EU database has recorded almost 80 cases of disinformation about coronavirus since Jan. 22.

Russian media have deployed a "significant disinformation campaign" against the West to worsen the impact of the coronavirus, generate panic and sow distrust, according to a European Union document seen by Reuters.

The Kremlin denied the allegations on Wednesday, saying they were unfounded and lacked common sense.

The EU document said the Russian campaign, pushing fake news online in English, Spanish, Italian, German and French, uses contradictory, confusing and malicious reports to make it harder for the EU to communicate its response to the pandemic.

"A significant disinformation campaign by Russian state media and pro-Kremlin outlets regarding COVID-19 is ongoing," said the nine-page internal document, dated Monday.

"The overarching aim of Kremlin disinformation is to aggravate the public health crisis in Western countries ... in line with the Kremlin's broader strategy of attempting to subvert European societies," said the document produced by the EU's foreign policy arm, the European External Action Service.

A specialist EU database has recorded almost 80 cases of disinformation about coronavirus since Jan. 22, it said.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov pointed to what he said was the lack in the EU document of a specific example or link to a specific media outlet.

"We're talking again about some unfounded allegations which in the current situation are probably the result of an anti-Russian obsession," said Peskov.

The EU document cited examples from Lithuania to Ukraine. It said that on social media, Russian state-funded, Spanish-language RT Spanish was the 12th most popular news source on coronavirus between January and mid-March, based on the amount of news shared on social media.

The EEAS declined to comment directly on the report.

The European Commission said it was in contact with Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft. An EU spokesman accused Moscow of "playing with people's lives" and appealed to EU citizens to "be very careful" and only use news sources they trust.

'Human creation'

The EU and NATO have accused Russia of covert action, including disinformation, to try to destabilize the West by exploiting divisions in society.

Russia denies any such tactics, and Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused foreign foes of targeting Russia by spreading fake news about coronavirus to whip up panic.

Russian media in Europe have not been successful in reaching the broader public, but provide a platform for anti-EU populists and polarize debate, analysis by EU and nongovernmental groups has shown.

The EEAS report cited riots at the end of February in Ukraine, a former Soviet republic now seeking to join the EU and NATO, as an example of the consequences of such disinformation.

It said a fake letter purporting to be from the Ukrainian health ministry falsely stated here were five coronavirus cases in the country. Ukrainian authorities say the letter was created outside Ukraine, the EU report said.

"Pro-Kremlin disinformation messages advance a narrative that coronavirus is a human creation, weaponized by the West," said the report, first cited by the Financial Times.

It quoted fake news created by Russia in Italy, the second-most heavily affected country in the world, that health systems would be unable to cope and doctors would choose who lived or died because of a lack of beds.

The EEAS has also shared information with Slovakia over the spread of fake news accusing the country's prime minister, Peter Pellegrini, of being infected with the virus and saying he may have passed on the infection to others at recent summits.

EU leaders have been conferring by video conferences since early March.

Sat 21 Mar, 2020 05:30 am
Garrison is as big an idiot as branco, that's what hamilton would actually think.
Sat 21 Mar, 2020 05:54 am
Your scurrilous charges are as nonsensical and racist as joint's. It was not BLM bcprotestors whosaid that. The reporter who covered the march debunked that. The murderous goon was not Trayvon but george Zimmerman, who baselessly profiled, chased, attacked, and killed an innocent black kid who was just trying to get home to watch a game. And as his jurors thought, he got away with murder.You, like trump, live in a world of alternative facts, aka lies. And of course Obama didn't kill anyone. Scurrilous lies and inflammatory phony allegaions.
Sat 21 Mar, 2020 06:16 am
MontereyJack wrote:
Your scurrilous charges are as nonsensical and racist as joint's.

Progressives are really goofy when they falsely accuse everyone of racism.

MontereyJack wrote:
Your scurrilous charges are as nonsensical and racist as joint's. It was not BLM bcprotestors who said that. The reporter who covered the march debunked that.

BLM's demand is that police officers be prevented from defending themselves when black people try to murder them. Allowing black people to murder police officers with impunity is what their entire movement is all about.

MontereyJack wrote:
The murderous goon was not Trayvon but george Zimmerman,

That is incorrect. It's not murder when people shoot to protect themselves from someone who is trying to kill them.

MontereyJack wrote:
who baselessly profiled,

Hardly baseless. Trayvon was casing homes to break into later that night when he was high on PCP.

MontereyJack wrote:
chased, attacked,

That is incorrect. Defending yourself from a person who is trying to murder you does not count as an attack.

MontereyJack wrote:
and killed an innocent black kid

Hardly innocent. Trayvon was trying to murder the captain of the neighborhood watch.

MontereyJack wrote:
who was just trying to get home to watch a game.

"Trying to murder the captain of the neighborhood watch" is hardly "trying to get home to watch the game."

MontereyJack wrote:
You, like trump, live in a world of alternative facts, aka lies.

You cannot provide any examples of untrue statements in my posts.

MontereyJack wrote:
And of course Obama didn't kill anyone. Scurrilous lies and inflammatory phony allegations.

Mr. Obama did say that 35 years ago that could have been him who was trying to murder the captain of the neighborhood watch. We don't really know how many police officers Mr. Obama murdered in his youth.
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Walter Hinteler
Sat 21 Mar, 2020 06:21 am
Interestingly, these Russian significant fake disinformations are only shared by right-wing, populist websites.
And - no wonder - you find there the responses ("counterarguments") from sputnik and RT nearly verbatim as well.
0 Replies
Sat 21 Mar, 2020 06:30 am
MontereyJack wrote:
Garrison is as big an idiot as branco, that's what hamilton would actually think.
Sat 21 Mar, 2020 06:33 am
A conversation I had with a white, sixty-something Uber driver reminded me of times I’ve tried to communicate with Oralloy or Coldjoint. I had just run off a quick list of a dozen reasons why 45 is ****. His rejoinder was something like “Well, what about Obama, smoking dope in the White House all those years?”
It is an empty, useless endeavor talking to someone who has their own personal alternative facts.

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